Paleozoic Gas Accumulation System and Stereoscopic Exploration in Southeastern Chongqing
摘要: 渝东南地区处于四川盆地东南缘盆缘转换带,古生代地层发育齐全,但构造期次多、强度大,导致气藏类型多、成藏条件复杂.为明确气藏主要类型、成藏特征和立体勘探开发潜力,降低勘探风险和成本、提高勘探成功率,以成藏体系和立体勘探思路为指导,通过沉积相、地化指标、储集类型、成藏条件、源储匹配关系和成藏模式等研究,结合勘探开发实践,识别出源内和源外两类成藏体系,前者包括二叠系龙潭组泥页岩‒煤层气藏和茅口组泥灰岩气藏、奥陶系五峰组‒志留系龙马溪组页岩气藏和寒武系水井沱组页岩气藏,后者包括志留系小河坝组砂岩气藏、寒武系洗象池群和石龙洞组碳酸盐岩气藏.建议以源内成藏体系的下部五峰组‒龙马溪组页岩气为主、上部龙潭组和茅口组页岩气为辅开展立体勘探,同时探索源外砂岩和碳酸盐岩气藏,尽可能地发现多套商业含气层系,这对持续勘探突破具有重要的现实指导意义.综合研究源内、源外天然气成藏条件和富集规律,优选出盆缘南川地区为二叠系‒志留系‒寒武系立体勘探有利区带,盆外彭水地区为志留系‒寒武系立体勘探有利区带.Abstract: The southeastern Chongqing is located in the basin-margin transition zone on the southeast edge of Sichuan Basin. The Paleozoic strata are well-developed, but experienced multiple tectonic periods and great strength, leading to many types of natural gas and complex accumulation conditions. In order to clarify the main types of natural gas reservoirs, the characteristics of accumulation system and the stereoscopic exploration and development potential, reduce exploration risk and cost, and improve the success rate of exploration, guided by the theory of reservoir-forming system and the thought of stereoscopic exploration, this paper studies sedimentary facies, geochemical index, reservoir type, accumulation conditions, source-reservoir matching relationship and accumulation mode, and combining the exploration and development practices, two types of intra and external source accumulation systems have been identified. The intra-source accumulation system includes shale-coal bed gas reservoirs of Longtan Formation and lime-mudstone gas reservoirs of Maokou Formation of Permian, Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Silurian Longmaxi Formation and Cambrian Shuijingtuo Formation shale gas reservoirs. The external-source accumulation system includes the sandstone gas reservoirs of Xiaoheba Formation of Silurian, the carbonate gas reservoirs of Xixiangchi Group and Shilongdong Formation of Cambrian. The suggestion of stereoscopic exploration is mainly lower shale gas of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, and the upper shale gas of Longtan Formation and Maokou Formation is subsidiary, and at the same time to explore the external-source of sandstone and carbonate gas reservoirs. The discovery of multiple commercial gas-bearing strata as many as possible is of great practical significance for sustainable exploration. Comprehensive study of the reservoir forming conditions and enrichment regularity of natural gas in intra-source accumulation system and external-source accumulation system, it is regarded that Nanchuan area is a favorable stereoscopic exploration area for Permian, Silurian and Cambrian strata, and Pengshui area is a favorable stereoscopic exploration area for Silurian and Cambrian strata.
Key words:
- shale gas /
- stereoscopic exploration /
- accumulation system /
- Paleozoic /
- southeastern Chongqing /
- petroleum geology
表 1 渝东南地区古生界4套泥页岩地层地质评价指标对比
Table 1. Comparison of geological evaluation indexes of four shale formations in southeastern Chongqing
地层 龙潭组 茅口组一段 五峰组‒龙马溪组 水井沱组 沉积相 潮坪泻湖湘、碳酸盐岩台地相 碳酸盐岩台地外缓坡相 深水陆棚相 深水陆棚相 岩性组合 泥页岩、煤、泥质灰岩 泥质灰岩、灰质泥岩 硅质页岩 硅质页岩 优质页岩厚度(m) 40~60 40~55 24~38 0~60 TOC(%) 1.5~4.0 0.5~2.7 2.0~5.0 2.0~8.0 Ro(%) 1.8~2.6 2.0~2.3 2.3~2.8 3.0~4.0 有机质类型 Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型,以Ⅲ为主 Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型 Ⅰ型 Ⅰ型 孔隙度(%) 2.0~8.0 2.3~3.2 3.0~6.0 1.4~2.8 石英含量(%) 15~31 5~10 50~60 40~55 黏土含量(%) 29~85 10~15 20~35 30~35 方解石含量(%) 15~25 68~83 5~10 5~10 含气量(m3/t) 1.5~2.5 1.0~2.0 2.0~6.0 / -
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