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    周剑 张路青

    周剑, 张路青, 2022. 基于间接边界元方法的SH波倾斜入射下边坡动力响应特征. 地球科学, 47(12): 4350-4361. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.363
    引用本文: 周剑, 张路青, 2022. 基于间接边界元方法的SH波倾斜入射下边坡动力响应特征. 地球科学, 47(12): 4350-4361. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.363
    Zhou Jian, Zhang Luqing, 2022. Dynamic Response Analysis of Slope Rock Mass with Complex Shape Based on Indirect Boundary Element Method. Earth Science, 47(12): 4350-4361. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.363
    Citation: Zhou Jian, Zhang Luqing, 2022. Dynamic Response Analysis of Slope Rock Mass with Complex Shape Based on Indirect Boundary Element Method. Earth Science, 47(12): 4350-4361. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.363


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.363

    国家重点研发计划项目 2019YFC1509703

    国家自然科学基金资助项目 41972287


      周剑(1985-), 男, 研究员, 从事工程地质与岩体力学方面的研究工作.ORCID: 0000-0003-4093-250X.E-mail: zhoujian@bjut.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P64

    Dynamic Response Analysis of Slope Rock Mass with Complex Shape Based on Indirect Boundary Element Method

    • 摘要:



    • 图  1  应力波以三个角度分别入射结构面的模型

      Fig.  1.  Model of the stress wave with three incident angles

      图  2  平直裂隙位移差计算结果与解析值比较图

      a.0°入射; b.30°入射; c.60°入射

      Fig.  2.  Comparison of calculation results of straight fracture displacement difference and analytic solution

      图  3  半圆形凹陷和凸起模型(单位m)

      a.凹陷地形; b.凸起地形

      Fig.  3.  Semicircular concave and convex models

      图  4  半圆形模型表面的波动曲线及相应点振幅

      a.凹陷地形; b.凸出地形

      Fig.  4.  Wave curves and amplitudes of corresponding points on the surface of the model

      图  5  不同坡角的单面坡模型

      Fig.  5.  Single slope model with different slope angles

      图  6  单面坡模型在SH波作用下地震动放大系数

      a.0°入射; b.30°入射; c.60°入射

      Fig.  6.  Ground motion amplification factor of single slope model under SH wave action

      图  7  楔形凹陷河谷模型

      Fig.  7.  Model of wedge-shaped concave valleys

      图  8  楔形凹陷河谷模型在SH波作用下地震动放大系数

      a.0°入射; b.15°入射; c.30°入射

      Fig.  8.  Ground motion amplification factor for model of wedge-shaped concave valleys under SH wave action

      图  9  楔形山脊地貌模型

      Fig.  9.  Model of wedge-shaped convex valleys

      图  10  楔形山脊地貌模型在SH波作用下地震动放大系数

      a.0°入射; b.15°入射; c.30°入射

      Fig.  10.  Ground motion amplification factor for model of wedge-shaped convex valleys under SH wave action

      图  11  樟木镇某斜坡剖面模型

      Fig.  11.  Profile model of a slope in Zhangmu Town

      图  12  樟木斜某坡体剖面地震动响应曲线及对应位置的振幅

      a.0°入射; b.30°入射; c.60°入射

      Fig.  12.  Ground motion response curves and amplitudes of the corresponding position for the profile model of a slope in Zhangmu Town

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