Dynamic Response Analysis of Slope Rock Mass with Complex Shape Based on Indirect Boundary Element Method
Abstract:The dynamic response of slope under earthquake is significantly related to the incident angle of seismic waves. Based on the indirect boundary element method (BEM), the dynamic response characteristics of slopes with oblique incident SH waves are studied in this paper. First of all, based on indirect boundary element theory, a BEM program for dynamic response analysis of rock slope has been developed and validated by calculating the elastic reflection and scattered wave at an opened flat fracture. Then, the boundary element numerical simulation is used to analyze the response characteristics of different slopes under stress wave loading with various incident angles in detail. If the SH waves incident straightly, the seismic amplitude at the shoulder of the semi-circular depression terrain was the smallest, while the seismic amplitude at the highest point of the semi-circular convex terrain was the largest. The immense vibration appears at the shoulder of the single-slope, and the vibration at the top of the wedge convex terrain was the strongest. With the incidence angle of SH wave increasing, the positions with the maximum seismic dynamic response of all kinds of slopes also shift, and the seismic amplification coefficient changes accordingly. In addition, a slope in Zhangmu Town is taken as an example to reveal the amplification effect of local bulges on ground motion in rock slops with complex shapes. The main conclusions can be summarized. The slope microtopography greatly influences the seismic dynamic response, and the dynamic amplification effect is the most significant at the top of the raised mountain slope. The dynamic amplification coefficient and location of the same slope under the action of seismic waves at different incidence angles are different. The results of this research have important directive significance for evaluating slope stability and seismic design.
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