CIHA Method for Rapid and Accurate Vulnerability Analysis of Embankment Dams under Strong Earthquakes
强震作用下土石坝极易出现失稳破坏,从而造成人员伤亡和较大的社会经济损失.由于地震的不确定性,强震作用下土石坝失稳分析通常采用失稳概率表示,目前常用方法是地震易损性分析方法,主要有云图法和增量动力分析(incremental dynamic analysis,IDA)两种方法.IDA方法计算结果准确,但计算效率低,云图法计算效率虽高,但计算精度无法得到有效保证.基于上述问题,提出了一种基于云图法和IDA方法的地震易损性快速精准分析方法(CIHA,cloud-IDA hybrid approach).CIHA方法可兼顾计算效率和计算精度,该方法基于云图法的对数线性回归假设,通过非线性时程分析,并对地震波进行一次放缩来计算相应损伤指标下的地震动强度值,利用地震动强度值得到的均值和方差生成土石坝在各个损伤等级下的易损性曲线.通过对Lower San Fernando土石坝的地震易损性分析,将所提CIHA方法与IDA方法的计算结果进行了对比.结果表明,在计算精度方面,CIHA方法可以获得与IDA方法相近的结果,在计算效率方面,CIHA方法相比IDA方法计算效率有显著提高.
Abstract:Earth dams are prone to be instability and failure, resulting in casualties and great social and economic impact under strong earthquakes. Due to the uncertainty of earthquake, the instability analysis of earth dams under strong earthquake is usually expressed by the instability probability. At present, the commonly used method is the seismic vulnerability analysis method, mainly including cloud chart method and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). The incremental dynamic analysis leads to accurate results but has low computational efficiency, while cloud analysis has high computational efficiency but cannot guarantee the computational accuracy effectively. Therefore, CIHA, a fast and accurate seismic vulnerability analysis method based on cloud analysis and IDA is proposed in this paper. CIHA can give consideration to both calculation efficiency and accuracy. This method is based on the logarithmic linear regression hypothesis of cloud analysis and adopts nonlinear time history analysis. The seismic intensity value under the corresponding damage index is calculated by scaling the seismic wave once, and the fragility curves of earth dam under each damage level is generated based on the mean and variance of these seismic intensity values. The calculation results of the method proposed in this paper are compared with those of IDA through the seismic fragility analysis of Lower San Fernando earth dam. The results show that the practical seismic fragility analysis method can obtain similar results with IDA in terms of accuracy, and the calculation efficiency is significantly improved compared with IDA in terms of calculation efficiency.
表 1 土石坝非线性弹塑性模型中的材料参数取值
Table 1. Values of material parameters in nonlinear elastoplastic model of earth rock dam
材料 土体参数 密度ρ (g/cm3) 黏聚力c (kPa) 内摩擦角φ (°) 泊松比v 碾压填料 1.8 5.0 34 0.35 水力填料 1.9 5.0 34 0.38 冲积层地基 2.0 5.0 36 0.48 表 2 边坡失稳损伤等级以及损伤指标值
Table 2. Damage grade and damage index value of slope instability
损伤等级 安全等级 LS值 轻微 高 1.25 中等 中 1.15 严重 低 1.00 表 3 不同方法所需要的计算时间
Table 3. Calculation time required by different methods
计算方法 计算时间(h) 百分比(%) IDA方法 80×8=640 100 云图法 80 12.5 CIHA方法 80+56=126 19.7 -
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