Seismic Dynamic Response and Failure Mode of Anti-Dip Rock Slope with Weak Rock Stratum
Abstract:Taking the Hongshiyan collapse and landslide induced by Ludian earthquake as the research object, the dynamic response and failure instability mode of anti-dip rock slope with weak rock stratum are studied through large-scale shaking table model test and 3DEC numerical simulation. The results show that under horizontal loading, the PGA amplification coefficient first decreases and then increases with the increase of frequency, and the dynamic response of the slope is the most intense under the waveform loading close to the natural frequency of 8 Hz. The weak rock stratum can amplify and absorb transverse wave of different frequencies. It has obvious amplification effect on 5—10 Hz waves, obvious absorption on 15—20 Hz waves, and absorption on 25—30 Hz waves, but not obvious in 15—20 Hz frequency. Under vertical loading, with the increase of loading sine wave frequency, the PGA amplification factor first increases, decreases at 25 Hz, and then continues to increase. When the frequency is 30 Hz, the PGA amplification factor reaches the maximum. In the range of 5—30 Hz, the weak rock stratum has a certain amplification effect on the longitudinal wave. Under two direction loadings, the horizontal and vertical PGA amplification factor distributions of the slope are consistent with that under single direction loading. However, two direction loadings, the dynamic response at some positions of the slope is intensified, while the dynamic response at some positions is restrained. The failure process of anti-dip rock slope with weak rock stratum can be divided into six stages: slight damage inside the slope body-weak rock stratum extrusion and hard rock cracking above the boundary of soft and hard rock-hard rock crack extends upward-squeezing sliding of weak rock stratum-sliding surface formed by bedding plane and vertical joints-slope failure. In the anti-dip rock slope with weak rock stratum, the weak rock stratum has the amplification and absorption of seismic waves and the refraction and reflection effect, which affects the dynamic response characteristics of the slope. The extrusion failure of weak rock stratum leads to the disintegration and rupture of the structural plane of the upper rock mass, which is the main reason for the failure and development of the rock slope. For this kind of slope, attention should be paid to strengthening the weak rock stratum to reduce the dynamic damage of the slope.
Key words:
- weak rock stratum /
- anti-dip rock slope /
- structural plane /
- dynamic response /
- failure mode /
- geotechnical engineering
表 1 模型试验主要相似常数
Table 1. Main similarity constants of model test
物理量 相似关系 相似常数 备注 长度 CL 350 控制量 加速度a Ca 1 控制量 密度 Cρ 1 控制量 弹性模量 CE=CρCL 350 黏聚力 CC =CE 350 内摩擦角 Cψ 1 泊松比 Cμ 1 时间 Ct= Cρ1/2CE-1/2CL 18 速度 Cv=CE1/2Cρ-1/2 18 表 2 材料物理力学参数
Table 2. Physical and mechanical parameters of materials
岩性类型 参数(g/cm3) 密度 抗拉强度(MPa) 弹性模量(MPa) 泊松比 黏聚力(kPa) 内摩擦角(°) 硬岩 原型 2.65 4.20 34 700 0.22 8 200 37.7 模型 2.00 0.35 240 0.21 711 49.0 软岩 原型 2.35 1.60 18 600 0.17 3 600 25.3 模型 1.89 0.08 74 0.19 158 28.0 结构面(砌缝) 原型 - - - - - - 模型 - - - - 100 25.0 表 3 振动台技术参数
Table 3. Technical parameters of shaking table
技术参数 参数值 技术参数 参数值 激振器重量 10 ton 水平台面尺寸 3 000 mm×3 000 mm 振动方向 三向 工作频率 0.1~50.0 Hz 水平最大加速度 1.0 g 额定正弦激振力 试验最大加速度(满载) 1.0 g 最大位移 ±150 mm 振动台波形 正弦波、地震波、自定义波形 表 4 加载方案
Table 4. Loading scheme
工况 序号 波形 振幅(g) 频率(Hz) 加载方向 加载时间 1 1 正弦波 0.06 5~30 垂直 10 s 2 正弦波 0.10 水平 3 正弦波 水平0.10/垂直0.06 垂直+水平 2 1 鲁甸UD 0.06 压缩15~3倍 垂直 4~20 s 2 鲁甸NS 0.10 水平 3 鲁甸UD+NS 水平0.10/垂直0.06 垂直+水平 3 1 鲁甸UD 0.13 压缩15~3倍 垂直 4~20 s 2 鲁甸NS 0.20 水平 3 鲁甸UD+NS 水平0.20/垂直0.13 垂直+水平 4 1 正弦波 0.10 5~30 垂直 10 s 2 正弦波 0.15 水平 3 正弦波 水平0.15/垂直0.10 垂直+水平 5 1 鲁甸UD 0.20 压缩15~3倍 垂直 4~20 s 2 鲁甸NS 0.30 水平 3 鲁甸UD+NS 水平0.30/垂直0.20 垂直+水平 6 1 正弦波 0.13 5~30 垂直 10 s 2 正弦波 0.20 水平 3 正弦波 水平0.20/垂直0.13 垂直+水平 7 1 鲁甸UD 0.27 压缩6倍 垂直 10 s 2 鲁甸NS 0.40 水平 3 鲁甸UD+NS 水平0.40/垂直0.27 垂直+水平 8 1 正弦波 0.17 5 垂直 10 s 2 正弦波 0.25 水平 10 s 3 正弦波 水平0.25/垂直0.17 垂直+水平 10 s 9 1 鲁甸UD 原始波 压缩6倍 垂直 10 s 2 鲁甸NS 原始波 水平 3 鲁甸UD+NS 原始波 垂直+水平 10 1 正弦波 0.20 5 垂直 10 s 2 正弦波 0.30 水平 10 s 3 正弦波 水平0.30/垂直0.20 垂直+水平 10 s 表 5 数值计算模型节理参数
Table 5. Numerical calculation model joint parameters
参数 节理法向刚度(Pa) 节理剪切刚度(Pa) 节理黏聚力(Pa) 节理摩擦(°) 节理抗拉强度(Pa) 软岩节理 5.00E+07 1.00E+07 3.00E+05 20 6.00E+04 硬岩节理 1.00E+08 2.00E+07 5.00E+05 25 1.00E+05 -
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