Key Technology of Shale Oil Sweet Spot Evaluation and Sweet Spot Type Division in Fengcheng Formation of Mahu Sag
摘要: 玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油是准噶尔盆地油气勘探的新领域,明确其优质“甜点”发育段,对试油层位选择及水平井的部署具有重要意义.从页岩油评价中的2个关键地质工程参数——游离油、脆性指数入手,以系统实验为基础,开展了玛湖风城组页岩油游离油、脆性指数的测井评价方法研究,并分析了2个参数对产量的影响,建立了产量潜力指数计算模型,形成了“甜点”分类方法.结果表明:(1)二维核磁共振谱(T2,T1)可以有效区分可动水、游离油、吸附油(T1/T2:可动水 < 游离油 < 吸附油),风城组页岩油层游离油孔隙度低,主要为0.5%~3.0%;(2)页岩油层脆性好,脆性指数在70%以上,但杨氏模量大,水力压裂起裂难度较大;(3)根据产能潜力指数分为三类甜点,纵向上三类甜点交互叠合发育,可以优选出2套优质甜点集中发育段.建立的页岩油甜点评价关键技术为风城组页岩油试油选层及水平井目标层选择提供了重要依据,可为国内其他陆相盆地页岩油甜点评价提供借鉴.Abstract: Mahu Fengcheng Formation shale oil is a new field of oil and gas exploration in Junggar Basin. Clarifying its high-quality "sweet spot" development section is of great significance to the oil test horizon and the deployment of horizontal wells. Starting with two key geological engineering parameters in shale oil evaluation: free oil and brittleness index, and based on the systematic experimental site, in this paper it studies the logging evaluation method of free oil and brittleness index of shale oil in Mahu Fengcheng Formation, analyzes the influence of the two parameters on production, establishes the calculation model of production potential index, and forms the "sweet spot" classification method. The research shows that: (1) (T2, T1) 2D NMR method can effectively distinguish movable water, free oil and adsorbed oil (T1/T2: movable water < free oil < adsorbed oil). The porosity of free oil in shale reservoir of Fengcheng Formation is low, mainly 0.5%-3.0%. (2) Shale oil layer has good brittleness, and the brittleness index is more than 70%, but the Young's modulus is large, so it is difficult to start fracturing by hydraulic fracturing. (3) According to the productivity potential index, it is divided into three types of sweet spots. Vertically, the three types of sweet spots are overlapped and developed, and three sets of high-quality sweet spots can be selected. The key technology of shale oil sweet spot evaluation proposed in the research provides an important basis for shale oil testing and layer selection of Fengcheng Formation and target layer selection of horizontal wells. This technical method can provide a reference for shale oil sweet spot evaluation in other continental basins in China.
Key words:
- Fengcheng Formation /
- shale oil /
- free oil /
- brittleness index /
- sweet spot evaluation /
- geophysics
表 1 实验样品的规格
Table 1. Specifications of experimental samples
编号 重量
(g)平均长度(cm) 平均直径(cm) 体积
(cm3)井名 1-1 56.46 4.57 2.51 22.67 MY1 1-2 76.63 5.69 2.50 28.10 MY1 1-3 72.21 5.60 2.51 27.71 MY1 1-4 51.66 4.31 2.51 21.39 MY1 1-5 57.40 4.59 2.51 22.76 MY1 表 2 三轴抗压实验力学参数
Table 2. Mechanical parameters of triaxial compression test
井号 深度
(10‒3 m)塑性形变
(10‒3 m)脆性指数
(%)方解石+白云石(%) MY1 4 715.07 55.0 530.3 60.0 0.22 13.20 5.13 72.0 2.8 20.9 MY1 4 717.40 55.0 450.8 56.4 0.40 11.85 4.38 73.0 2.5 64.6 MY1 4 731.65 55.0 610.8 72.0 0.29 12.92 0.82 94.0 5.5 34.2 MY1 4 733.79 55.0 465.1 64.0 0.37 10.41 0.32 97.0 3.7 59.3 MY1 4 747.42 56.0 403.7 53.5 0.38 11.35 4.87 70.0 1.8 60.9 MY1 4 755.60 56.0 410.0 50.0 0.39 12.25 4.31 74.0 5.3 54.1 MY1 4 758.23 56.0 723.8 67.4 0.36 16.49 1.63 91.0 1.6 47.0 MY1 4 780.23 57.0 768.0 70.5 0.35 16.52 0.17 99.0 2.9 18.8 MY1 4 792.17 57.0 662.1 73.1 0.30 13.70 1.69 89.0 6.0 26.4 MY1 4 810.43 57.0 734.1 70.5 0.20 15.80 1.19 93.0 3.6 52.8 表 3 MY1井试油层段相关参数
Table 3. Statistics of relevant parameters of Well MY1 test interval
级数 射孔簇 游离油孔隙度
(%)六次平均产量(t) 7 7-2 3.4 77.6 1.36 7 7-1 0.3 83.5 0.24 6 6-3 1.3 88.1 0.64 6 6-2 0.1 86.8 0.35 6 6-1 0.3 88.2 0.36 4 4-2 1.9 95.7 0.14 4 4-1 4.1 94.0 1.66 3 3-2 0.7 95.9 0.50 3 3-1 2.3 98.9 0.77 2 2-2 1.7 99.1 0.98 2 2-1 1.3 99.0 0.27 1 1-2 0.2 73.8 0.43 1 1-1 1.1 76.8 0.48 -
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