Paleomagnetism: From the Earth to Mars
摘要: 古地磁学是一门典型的交叉学科,通过综合地质学、地球物理学、环境科学等学科相关方法,分析天然样品中记录的磁学信息,深入研究地磁场演化、地球动力学过程、古环境与古气候演化等.自20世纪中叶以来,古地磁学在各研究领域得到快速发展,通过进一步与其他学科交叉,衍生出诸多新兴方向.首先回顾了古地磁学的发展历史与基础研究领域.在此基础上,重点介绍了高精度卫星磁测与相关研究新领域、月球与火星磁学研究的新进展.同时,对古地磁学与高精度磁测等方法集成在地磁场演化、板块构造、深部结构、月球磁场演化、火星磁场及环境演化等方面的综合应用进行了讨论.最后,对古地磁学未来的潜在研究方向进行了展望.Abstract: Paleomagnetism involves in interdisciplinary studies including geology, geophysics, and environmental science, etc..It focuses on geomagnetic field evolution, geodynamic process, paleoenvironment and paleoclimate evolution by analyzing magnetic information in natural samples.Since the mid-20th century, paleomagnetism has developed rapidly in various research fields, and many new research branches have been derived by integrating with other disciplines.In this paper, it firstly reviews the history and basic research fields of paleomagnetism.Then, it introduces the high-precision satellite magnetic survey and its related research fields, as well as new progress in the moon and mars magnetism.It further discusses the integrated applications of paleomagnetism, high-precision magnetic survey, and other methods in geomagnetic field evolution, plate tectonics, deep earth structure, Lunar and Martian magnetic field and environmental evolution.Finally, it proposes some potential research directions of paleomagnetism.
Key words:
- paleomagnetism /
- satellite magnetic survey /
- moon magnetism /
- mars magnetism /
- geomagnetism
图 1 2020年全球地磁场强度分布图(数据来源于IGRF-13)
Fig. 1. Global geomagnetic intensity map (data from IGRF-13)
图 2 全球岩石圈1 050阶球谐模型平均地球半径位置径向分量
Fig. 2. Radial component of global lithosphere spherical harmonic model up to degree 1 050 at Earth's mean radius
图 3 大洋磁异常(a~c)与沉积物相对古强度模拟得到的海洋磁异常(d)结果对比
Fig. 3. The oceanic magnetic anomalies (a-c) and the oceanic magnetic anomalies obtained from the simulation of the relative paleointensity of sediments (d)
图 6 火星表面磁场径向分量
a.北极点俯视图;c.南极点仰视图. 据Langlais et al.(2019)
Fig. 6. Radial component of the magnetic field on the surface of Mars
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