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    贾悦锐 刘强虎 朱红涛 秦兰芝 徐东浩 李志垚 孙中恒

    贾悦锐, 刘强虎, 朱红涛, 秦兰芝, 徐东浩, 李志垚, 孙中恒, 2022. 陆相浅水湖盆米氏沉积速率制约下的高频层序‒时间单元定量拾取:以西湖凹陷黄岩区花港组为例. 地球科学, 47(11): 4020-4032. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.273
    引用本文: 贾悦锐, 刘强虎, 朱红涛, 秦兰芝, 徐东浩, 李志垚, 孙中恒, 2022. 陆相浅水湖盆米氏沉积速率制约下的高频层序‒时间单元定量拾取:以西湖凹陷黄岩区花港组为例. 地球科学, 47(11): 4020-4032. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.273
    Jia Yuerui, Liu Qianghu, Zhu Hongtao, Qin Lanzhi, Xu Donghao, Li Zhiyao, Sun Zhongheng, 2022. Quantitative Pickup of High Frequency Sequence-Time Units under Restriction of Milankovitch Sedimentary Rate in Continental Shallow Lake Basin: A Case Study of Huagang Formation in Huangyan Area, Xihu Sag. Earth Science, 47(11): 4020-4032. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.273
    Citation: Jia Yuerui, Liu Qianghu, Zhu Hongtao, Qin Lanzhi, Xu Donghao, Li Zhiyao, Sun Zhongheng, 2022. Quantitative Pickup of High Frequency Sequence-Time Units under Restriction of Milankovitch Sedimentary Rate in Continental Shallow Lake Basin: A Case Study of Huagang Formation in Huangyan Area, Xihu Sag. Earth Science, 47(11): 4020-4032. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.273


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.273

    国家自然科学基金项目 41902112

    中海油科技专项 CCLS2020SHPS025RSI


      贾悦锐(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事层序地层学及旋回地层学方面的研究. ORCID:0000-0002-4617-9582. E-mail:651687382@qq.com


      刘强虎, ORCID: 0000-0001-8505-1779. E-mail: liuqh@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P539.4

    Quantitative Pickup of High Frequency Sequence-Time Units under Restriction of Milankovitch Sedimentary Rate in Continental Shallow Lake Basin: A Case Study of Huagang Formation in Huangyan Area, Xihu Sag

    • 摘要: 旋回地层学的研究对象由海相地层逐渐转移到陆相深水地层.为了探究通过旋回地层学研究方法在陆相浅水湖盆建立高频层序格架的可能,采用频谱分析、天文调谐、“米氏”沉积速率拾取等手段对东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷黄岩区渐新统坳陷湖盆的岩相敏感曲线-GR数据开展研究.频谱分析结果显示黄岩区花港组受405 ka长偏心率周期(E)、121 ka和97 ka短偏心率周期(e)、28 ka斜率周期(O)以及约22 ka岁差周期(P)的调控.在浅水湖泊环境的富泥区,以La2004天文解决方案给出的65°N平均日照序列为参照进行天文调谐,建立了浮动天文年代标尺;在浅水三角洲环境的富砂区,通过滑动窗口频谱分析得到“米氏”沉积速率曲线,结合锆石铀铅测年资料的校验和岩石组合类型联合约束,完成高频层序格架划分.研究表明:黄岩区花港组持续时间约为10.9 Ma,可识别出27个405 ka长偏心率周期,根据偏心率滤波曲线和日照量各级次包络面的对应关系共划分11个四级层序,27个五级层序,分别对应着0.8~1.6 Ma和0.4 Ma的基准面旋回,每个旋回在沉积速率曲线上表现为高‒低‒高的特征.本次研究提供了一种利用“米氏”沉积速率进行高频层序格架搭建及层序‒时间单元拾取的新方法,拓宽了旋回地层学的应用范围.


    • 图  1  西湖凹陷研究区黄岩区位置(a)和黄岩区沉积环境展布(b)


      Fig.  1.  Location map of Huangyan area (a) and distribution map of sedimentary environment in Huangyan area (b)

      图  2  西湖凹陷层序地层综合柱状图(据Zhang et al., 2018

      Fig.  2.  Comprehensive histogram of sequence stratigraphy in Xihu sag (modified from Zhang et al., 2018)

      图  3  西湖凹陷H1井MTM频谱分析及演化能谱分析

      Fig.  3.  MTM spectrum analysis and evolutionary spectral analysis of Well H1 in Xihu sag

      图  4  西湖凹陷H2井MTM频谱分析及演化能谱分析

      Fig.  4.  MTM spectrum analysis and evolutionary spectral analysis of Well H2 in Xihu sag

      图  5  渐新统65°N平均日照量曲线及不同级次包络面(年龄据国际地质年代表2022)

      Fig.  5.  Average sunshine amount curves and envelope surfaces of different orders in Oligocene at 65°N (according to GTS 2022)

      图  6  西湖凹陷H1井天文调谐结果及高频层序划分图版

      Fig.  6.  Astronomical tuning results and high frequency sequence division plate of Well H1 in Xihu sag

      图  7  西湖凹陷H2井天文调谐结果及在“米氏”沉积速率制约下的高频层序划分图版

      Fig.  7.  Astronomical tuning results and high frequency sequence division plate constrained by Milankovitch deposition rate of Well H2 in Xihu sag

      图  8  西湖凹陷H5井凝灰岩样品典型锆石颗粒CL图像及测点位置(上)及锆石U-Pb定年谐和图(下)(数据来源于中海油上海分公司)

      Fig.  8.  CL images of typical zircon grains and their measurement points (top) and uranium-lead dating concordant diagram (bottom) of tuff samples from Well H5 in Xihu sag (data from CNOOC Shanghai Branch)

      图  9  西湖凹陷黄岩区花港组在“米氏”沉积速率制约下的高频层序划分连井对比

      Fig.  9.  High frequency sequence division and Interwell contrast diagram of Huagang Formation in Huangyan area of Xihu sag under the restriction of Milankovitch sedimentation rate

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