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    赵俊杰 黄云飞 吉霞 楚道亮 童金南

    赵俊杰, 黄云飞, 吉霞, 楚道亮, 童金南, 2022. 贵州水城仲河剖面二叠纪-三叠纪之交底栖群落的物种多样性与功能多样性转变. 地球科学, 47(11): 4210-4221. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.262
    引用本文: 赵俊杰, 黄云飞, 吉霞, 楚道亮, 童金南, 2022. 贵州水城仲河剖面二叠纪-三叠纪之交底栖群落的物种多样性与功能多样性转变. 地球科学, 47(11): 4210-4221. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.262
    Zhao Junjie, Huang Yunfei, Ji Xia, Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan, 2022. Taxonomic Diversity and Functional Diversity of Benthic Communities during Permian-Triassic Crisis at Zhonghe Section, Shuicheng, Guizhou Province. Earth Science, 47(11): 4210-4221. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.262
    Citation: Zhao Junjie, Huang Yunfei, Ji Xia, Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan, 2022. Taxonomic Diversity and Functional Diversity of Benthic Communities during Permian-Triassic Crisis at Zhonghe Section, Shuicheng, Guizhou Province. Earth Science, 47(11): 4210-4221. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.262


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.262

    国家自然科学基金项目 42030513


      赵俊杰(2000-),男,硕士研究生,地质学专业. E-mail:2021710330@yangtzeu.edu.cn


      黄云飞, ORCID: 0000-0002-9205-6516. E-mail: yfhuang@yangtzeu.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P52

    Taxonomic Diversity and Functional Diversity of Benthic Communities during Permian-Triassic Crisis at Zhonghe Section, Shuicheng, Guizhou Province

    • 摘要: 为了定量化恢复晚二叠世末期生物大灭绝对底栖群落的物种多样性和功能多样性的影响,对浅海碎屑岩台地相区的贵州水城仲河剖面开展宏体化石采集和分析,识别和划分古群落,选择优势度、香农指数、均匀度等代表物种多样性指数,生态功能群数量和功能均匀度代表功能多样性指数. 共采集1 340枚化石标本,经鉴定得到30属33种,其中双壳类可归纳为两个生物带:晚二叠世长兴期的Hunanopecten exilis顶峰带和早三叠世Griesbachian早期的Pteria ussurica variabilis顶峰带. 根据化石属种的地层分布、保存状况,结合聚类分析方法识别出3个古群落:Astartella obliqua-Tethyochonetes quadrata群落、Pteria ussurica variabilis-Claraia wangi群落和Pteria ussurica variabilis-Unionites canalensis群落. 自晚二叠世长兴期末期至早三叠世Griesbachian早期,古群落的优势度上升、香农指数降低、均匀度下降,功能群丰富度降低,功能均匀度上升,这指示晚二叠世末生物大灭绝对浅海碎屑岩相区的底栖群落的组成和功能均有显著的破坏. 此外,结合华南浅海和深海相区的古群落数据,发现底栖群落的物种多样性指数和功能多样性指数在晚二叠世末生物大灭绝中均遭受损失,但是浅海底栖群落受影响较高.


    • 图  1  仲河剖面交通位置、古地理位置与野外照片

      a. 仲河剖面交通位置图;b. 华南二叠纪‒三叠纪之交古地理图(据Yin et al., 2014修改);c. 龙潭组与飞仙关组界线

      Fig.  1.  Location and field photo of Zhonghe Section, Shuicheng, Guizhou Province

      图  2  仲河剖面综合地层柱状图


      Fig.  2.  Stratigraphy of the Zhonghe Section

      图  3  仲河剖面龙潭组双壳类化石

      a. Astartella oblique Dickins,右壳,编号ZH0104;b. Astartella ambiensis(Waagen),右壳,编号ZH0108;c. Atomodesma sp.,左壳,编号ZH0121;d. Etheripecten fasciculicostatus Liu,右壳,编号ZH0172;e. Edmondia nystroemi Chao,左壳,编号ZH0125;f.Euchondria cancellata Gu and Liu,左壳,编号ZH0142;g. Hunanopecten exilis Zhang,左壳,编号ZH0119;h,i. Liebea Squamosa(Sowerby),右壳,编号ZH0126;j. Modiolus sp.,右壳,编号ZH0123;k. Nuculopsis darlingensis Dickens,左壳,编号ZH0141;l. Parallelodom sp.,右壳,编号ZH0146;m. Pernopecten sichuanensis Chen et al., 右壳,编号ZH0129;n. Pernopecten huayingshanensis Chen et al., 左壳,编号ZH0109;o. Promyalina schamarae Bittner,左壳,编号ZH0133;p. Ptychopteria peoblematica Chen,左壳,编号ZH0128;q. Taimyria ledaeformis Chen and Lan,左壳,编号ZH0137;r. Towapteria intermedia Wu,左壳,编号ZH0156;s. Wilkingia subsplendens Liu,右壳,编号ZH0103

      Fig.  3.  Bivalve fossils from the Longtan Formation at the Zhonghe Section

      图  4  仲河剖面龙潭组腕足类、腹足类等化石

      a. NeochonetesNeochonetesliaoi He and Shi,腹壳,编号ZH0181;b. Tethyochonetes longaneusis Liao,腹壳,编号ZH01101;c. Tethyochonetes sp.,腹壳,编号ZH0193;d. Kotlaia sp.,腹壳,编号ZH01103;e. Tethyochonetes quadrata Zhan,腹壳,编号ZH0182;f. Spinomarginifera semicircridge He et al., 背壳,编号ZH0178;g. Tainoceras hunanense Zhao,编号ZH01116;h. Orbicoelia flabelliformis Liao,腹壳,编号ZH0195;i. Araeonema panthalassica Nützel and Nakazawa,编号ZH01113;j. Euphemites wynnensis Dickins,编号ZH01112;k. 海百合茎,编号ZH01108;l. 海百合茎,编号ZH01109;m. 苔藓虫碎片,编号ZH01106;n. 苔藓虫碎片,编号ZH01107

      Fig.  4.  Brachiopod, gastropod and other fossils from the Longtan Formation at the Zhonghe Section

      图  5  仲河剖面底栖生物群落的群落组成与生物多样性指数

      Par-Uni. Pteria ussurica variabilis-Uniones canalensis群落;Par-Cla. Pteria ussurica variabilis-Claraia wangi群落;Ast-Tet. Astarella obliqua-Tethyochonetes quadrata群落;a. 稀疏化曲线

      Fig.  5.  Composition and biodiversity indexes of different benthic communities at Zhonghe Section

      图  6  华南晚二叠世末生物大灭绝前后的底栖群落的物种多样性指标和功能多样性指标对比

      a.香农指数;b.优势度;c. 功能群丰富度;d. 功能均匀度;e. 各剖面水深简略示意图. 据Chen et al., 2010修改

      Fig.  6.  Comparison of taxonomic diversity and functional diversity of benthic communities in South China prior to and after the End-Permian mass extinction

      表  1  贵州水城仲河剖面底栖生物生态功能群类型

      Table  1.   Various functional groups identified among benthic fossils from Zhonghe Section

      序号 生态功能群 典型化石结构与构造 代表性属
      1 表栖固着食悬浮物型 足丝凹口或茎孔, 纹饰多样 Hunanopecten, Leptochondria, Towapteria, Tethyochonetes, Neochonetes, Spinomarginifera
      2 表栖间歇移动食悬浮物型 壳两侧较对称 Pernopecten, Liebea, Promyalina
      3 内栖浅掘穴食悬浮物型 无固着构造, 纹饰简单 Edmondia
      4 内栖深掘穴食悬浮物型 无固着构造, 壳横向伸长, 纹饰弱 Wilkingia
      5 半内栖食悬浮物型 壳体延长, 后部扩大 Modiolus
      6 内栖间歇移动兼食型 无固着构造, 纹饰简单 Nuculopsis
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