Dynamic Mechanism of Rain Infiltration in Deep-Seated Landslide Reactivate Deformation
摘要: 强降雨易引发大型深层老滑坡的复活变形,研究其作用机制对建立滑坡变形破坏的降雨阈值,实现滑坡灾害的预警预报具有重要意义.以三峡库区秭归县谭家湾大型深层老滑坡为例,在地表宏观裂缝时空分布规律的精细描述基础上,结合15年的人工监测和2年的实时监测数据,分析了老滑坡的复活变形特征和发展过程.通过滑坡阶跃阶段的位移与降雨(当前降雨和前期降雨)的相关性分析,提出了降雨对深层滑坡复活变形演化过程的动态作用机制.谭家湾滑坡的7次“阶跃”变形与强降雨相关,但累积位移增量与累积降雨量无明显正相关关系,水平位移增量基本相同时,累积降雨量明显不同.引起第一次阶跃变形的累积降雨量和最大日降雨量均明显大于后续阶段,可能受控于强降雨的作用机制由“孔隙渗流”为主,逐渐转变为“渗透性增加的孔隙渗流+裂隙优势流”的综合渗流模式.这对进一步深入研究强降雨诱发深层老滑坡阶跃变形的内在机理与灾害预警具有一定的理论意义和参考价值.Abstract: Heavy rainfall is a main factor for reactivating the deformation of large deep-seated landslides. Understanding the infiltration mechanism is of great significance to obtaining the rainfall thresholds for landslide reactivation and hence facilitating early warning. Tanjiawan landslide is a well-studied large-scale and deep-seated reactivated landslide in Zigui County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. It is therefore considered as a typical example in this study, and the spatiotemporal distribution of surface cracks with time series were described and analyzed herein. 15 years of manual monitoring data and 2 years of real-time monitoring data were employed to analyze the deformation process of the landslide. By exploring the correlation between the displacement and the cumulative as well as antecedent rainfall in the stepping stage, a dynamic mechanism of infiltration was proposed for the reactivated deformation evolution in the deep-seated landslide. It is demonstrated that the 7 stages of step-like deformation were related to the heavy rainfall of the Tanjiawan landslides, but the cumulative horizontal displacement increment had no obvious positive correlation with the cumulative rainfall. Moreover, even when the increment of horizontal displacement is similar, the accumulate rainfall can still be quite different. The cumulative rainfall and maximum daily rainfall that caused the first step deformation were much greater than those in the subsequent stages, and the analysis indicated that it may be controlled by the dynamic mechanism of infiltration. Furthermore, the infiltration has transformed from pore seepage to coupled pore seepage with larger permeability and crack preferential flow. It has a theoretical significance and reference value for further study of the mechanism and early warning of deep-stead landslide reactivation induced by heavy rainfall.
表 1 滑坡地表裂缝统计
Table 1. Statistical data of cracks of Tanjiawan landslide
裂缝编号 走向(°) 裂缝特征及发展过程 L1、L2 60~80 2020年6月L1、L2已产生,L1裂缝长1.0~1.5 m,护栏微向外倾斜;L2长10~15 m,公路下沉0.5~1.0 m L3~L6 290~330 2020年6月已有部分土体开裂(L3、L4),2021年9月产生新的裂缝(L5、L6),长度1~8 m不等,宽4~10 cm L7、L9 320~350 2020年6月公路开裂、下沉10~20 cm,2021年9月公路下沉损毁50~120 cm,护栏向前滑移约50~100 cm L8 10~40 2020年6月已有裂缝长10~15 m,水泥路面下错50~70 cm;2021年9月裂缝扩展,长15~20 m,下错约1 m L10 10~50 2021年9月已有裂缝长5~10 m,下错约2 m,局部土体垮塌 L11 0~30 2020年6月已有裂缝,长5~10 m、宽约4~6 cm、未见明显下错;2021年9月长度延伸至10~15 m,下错70~90 cm L12、L13 10~70 2020年6月已有L12,长5~8 m、张开宽度0.8~1.0 m;2021年9月已有L13,为次级滑坡后缘侧壁,长约150 m、张开宽度在0.5~1.5 m、滑坡壁高0.5~4.0 m L15 300~340 2020年6月公路鼓起破裂,破裂段长3~5 m;2021年9月公路破裂加剧,长8~10 m、下沉70~100 cm L14 2021年9月新生土体鼓胀地面裂缝,长10~15 m,宽10~15 cm L16 2020年~2021年公路破裂段长由约30 m增至约60 m,公路持续下沉0.5~1.0 m L17、L18 330~360 2020年6月公路面出现长3~6 m裂缝,宽3~7 cm;2021年9月公路出现5~15 m段的破坏区域,下沉40~70 cm 表 2 滑坡阶跃变形阶段的降雨指标统计
Table 2. Statistics of rainfall characters in the landslide step deformation stage
不同“阶跃段” 前期累积降雨量(mm) 编号 起始时间 结束时间 水平位移增量(mm) 累积降雨a*(mm) 最大降雨b*(mm) 1 d 3 d 5 d 10 d 15 d 最大降雨c* ① 2020/06/22 2020/07/10 932.73 163.2 42.0 6.0 32.4 44.2 85.0 111.8 28.8 ② 2020/07/22 2020/08/04 515.62 46.8 24.8 5.4 5.4 37.4 48.6 55.6 16.0 ③ 2020/08/27 2020/09/06 108.74 3.6 2.4 0.0 28.4 28.8 72.8 73.6 28.4 ④ 2020/10/03 2020/10/09 961.72 49.2 24.0 63.2 63.2 63.2 74.2 92.4 63.2 ⑤ 2020/11/26 2020/12/05 65.71 1.6 1.0 1.6 13.6 22.0 62.4 62.4 32.2 ⑥ 2021/07/15 2021/07/28 161.02 9.6 3.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 ⑦ 2021/08/25 2021/08/31 948.57 66.8 48.6 0.0 17.8 43.0 46.6 94.0 28.2 注:累积降雨a*、最大降雨b*分别是指不同“阶跃段”时间范围内的累积降雨量和最大日降雨量;最大降雨c*是指前期15 d时间范围内的最大日降雨量. -
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