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    疑源类Ammonidium Lister 1970与相关种的厘定及其生物地层和古地理意义

    申震 龚一鸣 班凤梅 ThomasServais

    申震, 龚一鸣, 班凤梅, ThomasServais, 2022. 疑源类Ammonidium Lister 1970与相关种的厘定及其生物地层和古地理意义. 地球科学, 47(8): 2985-3004. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.092
    引用本文: 申震, 龚一鸣, 班凤梅, ThomasServais, 2022. 疑源类Ammonidium Lister 1970与相关种的厘定及其生物地层和古地理意义. 地球科学, 47(8): 2985-3004. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.092
    Shen Zhen, Gong Yiming, Ban Fengmei, Thomas Servais, 2022. Taxonomic Reconsideration of Ammonidium Lister 1970 and Related Species and Its Biostratigraphical and Palaeogeographical Implication. Earth Science, 47(8): 2985-3004. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.092
    Citation: Shen Zhen, Gong Yiming, Ban Fengmei, Thomas Servais, 2022. Taxonomic Reconsideration of Ammonidium Lister 1970 and Related Species and Its Biostratigraphical and Palaeogeographical Implication. Earth Science, 47(8): 2985-3004. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.092

    疑源类Ammonidium Lister 1970与相关种的厘定及其生物地层和古地理意义

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.092

    国家自然科学基金项目 42102016

    国家自然科学基金项目 41872034

    国家自然科学基金项目 41972191


      申震(1989-),男,博士,主要从事孢子、疑源类地层及古地理研究.ORCID: 0000-0003-2684-4837. E-mail: zshen@sxufe.edu.cn


      龚一鸣,ORCID: 0000-0002-26859-4244.E-mail: ymgong@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P52

    Taxonomic Reconsideration of Ammonidium Lister 1970 and Related Species and Its Biostratigraphical and Palaeogeographical Implication

    • 摘要: 许多可归为疑源类Ammonidium Lister 1970的种被前人划为Multiplicisphaeridium Staplin,1961Baltisphaeridium Eisenack 1958 ex Eisenack 1959及其他相似属,在某种程度上缩小了其原有定义范围. 报道了采自新疆西准噶尔洪古勒楞组下段保存良好的AmmonidiumloriferumA. sprucegrovense,通过相关文献引证对比,并结合剖面部分该属标本化石,对Ammonidium属征作了修订.根据新属征特点,将Caiacorymbifer Tappan and Loeblich, 1971Gracilisphaeridium Eisenack and Cramer, 1973Naevisphaeridium Wicander, 1974, Puteoscortum Wicander and Loeblich, 1977Craterisphaeridium Deunff, 1981, Pertusisphaeridium Turner,1986Martinsphaeridium Sarjeant and Vavrdová,1997等相似属纳入Ammonidium属的晚出异名.Ammonidium sprucegrovense var. polyankistrum Wicander and Loeblich, 1977由种级降为了变种级.建立1个新种:Ammonidium levigatum n. sp.,前人报道的部分标本被误归为A.loriferumA. sprucegrovense.新种Ammonidium levigatum n. sp.在全球晚泥盆世古大陆边缘具有全球分布特征,是识别晚泥盆世疑源类的标准化石之一.


    • 图  1  (a) 晚泥盆世古地理图(修改自Boucot et al., 2013),显示孢粉样品采集地哈萨克斯坦板块的位置;(b)研究剖面在新疆的位置; (c)根那仁剖面所在详细位置及西准噶尔上泥盆统出露情况

      Fig.  1.  (a) Late Devonian palaeogeographic map(modified from Boucot et al., 2013), showing the location of the Kazakhstan plate where palynological samples have been collected; (b) the geographical location in Xinjiang; (c) Detailed location of the studied section and Upper Devonian outcrops of Western Junggar

      图  2  根那仁剖面洪古勒楞组岩性与Ammonidium属的分布

      Fig.  2.  Lithostratigraphy and Ammonidium distribution of the Hongguleleng Formation in the Gennaren section

      图  3  Ammonidium属部分重要种素描图

      Fig.  3.  Idealized line drawings of selected Ammonidium species described from literature

      1. Ammonidium grosjeani(Stockmans and Williere, 1962a) Martin(1981); 2. A. alloiteaui(Deunff, 1955) Martin, (1981);3. A. waldronense(Tappan and Loeblich, 1971) Dorning(1981); 4. A. multipugiunculatum(Cramer and Díez, 1977)Rubinstein(in Rubinstein et al., 1999); 5. A. lewisii Lister(1970); 6. A. aduncum Playford and Martin(1984); 7. A. loriferum(Deunff) Hashemi and Playford(1998); 8. A. maravillosum(Cramer, 1969) Thusu; 9. A. furtivum Playford and Martin(1984); 10. A. microcladum(Downie, 1963) Lister(1970); 11. A. iowaensis Wicander and Wood(1997); 12. A. uncinum Loeblich and Wicander(1976); 13. A. conicum Pöthe de Baldis(1998); 14. A. sprucegrovense Martin(1981); 15. A. cornuatum Loeblich and Wicander(1976); 16. A.levigatum n. sp.

      图版1  所有标本均采自新疆西准噶尔根那仁剖面洪古勒楞组下段上部

      1~12. Ammonidium levigatumsp. nov.1. GNR62⁃92, 237.7 m; 2. GNR58⁃2, 224.7 m; 3. GNR58⁃33, 224.7 m; 4. GNR50⁃98, 224.7 m; 5. GNR55⁃3, 216.1 m; 6. GNR58⁃1, 224.7 m; 7. GNR58⁃25, 224.7 m; 8. GNR62⁃4, 237.7 m; 9. GNR62⁃5, 237.7 m; 10. GNR62⁃2, 237.7 m; 11. GNR62⁃91, 237.7 m; 12. GNR58⁃5, 224.7 m; 13~18. Ammonidium loriferum(Deunff) Hashemi and Playford(1998). 13. GNR50⁃5, 200 m; 14. GNR50⁃4, 200 m; 15. GNR55⁃1, 216.1 m; 16. GNR50⁃1, 200 m; 17. GNR61⁃1, 234.2 m; 18. GNR61⁃1, 234.2 m; 19. Ammonidium sprucegrovense, GNR55⁃4, 216.1 m; 20. Ammonidium sp., GNR50⁃96, 200 m (图中比例尺=20 μm)

      图版1.  All the samples were collected at the upper part of the lower member of the Hongguleleng Fm. from the Gennaren section

      图  4  文献中Ammonidium已知相关种的时代分布

      Fig.  4.  Stratigraphical ranges of all known acritarchs of Ammonidium from the literature

      图  5  A.loriferumA. sprucegrovenseA. levigatum n. sp. 3个种在4个主要古地理单元的时代分布


      Fig.  5.  Stratigraphical distribution of A.loriferum, A. sprucegrovense, and A. levigatum n. sp. discussed here in the four main palaeogeographical domains

      图  6  Ammonidium在中奥陶世(a)、志留纪(b)和晚泥盆世(c)古地理复原图中的分布

      古地理图修改自Boucot et al.(2013)

      Fig.  6.  Palaeobiogeographical distribution of the Ammonidium⁃bearing assemblages on palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Middle Ordovician (a), the Silurian (b) and Late Devonian (c)

      表  1  Ammonidium属已有种列表

      Table  1.   List of Ammonidium acritarch species described in the literature

      种名 原属名 作者和年份
      A. alloiteaui Micrhystridium; Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Deunff(1955); Martin(1981)
      A. belmonte Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Cramer(1970); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. belmontiforme Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Tynni(1975); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. carrascum Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Cramer(1966); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. crinitum Micrhystridium; Multiplicisphaeridium?; Ammonidium Grishina and Klenina(1981); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. cornuatum Ammonidium Loeblich and Wicander(1976)
      A. conicum Ammonidium Pöthe de Baldis(1998)
      A. exoticum Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Deunff(1965a); Lister(1970)
      A. furtivum Ammonidium Playford and Martin(1984)
      A. grosjeani Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Stockmans and Willière(1962a); Martin(1981)
      A. hamatum Ammonidium Wicander(1974)
      A. inornatum Ammonidium Colbath(1990)
      A. iowaensis Ammonidium Wicander and Wood(1997)
      A. lewisii Hystrichosphaeridium; Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Deunff(1954); Lister(1970)
      A. loriferum Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Deunff (1965b); Hashemi and Playford(1998)
      A. ludloviense Ammonidium Lister(1970); Dorning(1981)
      A. microcladum Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Downie(1963); Lister(1970)
      A. maravillosum Multiplicisphaeridium; Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Cramer(1969); Thusu(1973); Díez and Cramer(1977)
      A. maritimum Ammonidium Martin(1984)
      A. macilentum Ammonidium Playford and Martin(1984)
      A. multipugiunculatum Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Cramer and Díez(1977); Rubinstein et al.(1999)
      A. olsztynense Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Górka(1979); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. palmitella Baltisphaeridium; Ammonidium Cramer and Díez(1972); Dorning(1981)
      A.? pequenhum Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Cramer and Díez(1972); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. sprucegrovense Multiplicisphaeridium; Puteoscortum; Ammonidium Staplin(1961); Lister(1970)
      A. truncatum Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Staplin(1961); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. uncinum Ammonidium Loeblich and Wicander(1976)
      A.? variabile Multiplicisphaeridium; Ammonidium Lister(1970); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. waldronense Caiacorymbifer; Ammonidium Tappan and Loeblich(1971); Dorning(1981)
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      表  2  Ammonidium属新纳入的种

      Table  2.   Species newly included of Ammonidium in this study

      种名 原属名 作者和年份
      A. acaciaense Multiplicisphaeridium Playford and Martin(1984)
      A. bifurcatum Multiplicisphaeridium Staplin et al.(1965)
      A. bonitum Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium; Thysanoprobolus Jardiné and Yapaudjian(1968); Cramer(1970); Loeblich and Tappan(1970); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. brevifurcatum Hystrichosphaeridium; Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Eisenack(1954); Downie and Sarjeant(1963); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. canadense Multiplicisphaeridium Staplin et al.(1965); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. dispar Pertusisphaeridium Turner(1986)
      A. estrellaferum Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Cramer(1966); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. furcatum Priscogalea; Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Deunff, 1961, 1964; Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. encantador Baltisphaeridium; Gracilisphaeridium Cramer(1970); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. jardineae Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Jardiné and Yapaudjian(1968); Cramer(1970); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. kahleri Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Bachmann and Schmid(1964); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. lichenoides Multiplicisphaeridium; Martinsphaeridium Uutela and Tynni(1991); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. micropilaris Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Cramer(1970); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. oligofurcatum Hystrichosphaeridium; Baltisphaeridium; Visbysphaera; Multiplicisphaeridium Eisenack(1954); Downie(1963); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. parvipinnatum Multiplicisphaeridium; Martinsphaeridium Uutela and Tynni(1991); Sarjeant and Vavrdová1997
      A. parvispinosum Multiplicisphaeridium; Martinsphaeridium Uutela and Tynni, 1991; Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. piriferumgotlandicum Multiplicisphaeridium; Baltisphaeridium Cramer(1970); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. piriferumpiriferum Hystrichosphaeridium; Baltisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Eisenack(1954); Downie and Sarjeant(1963); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. sprucegrovense var.polyankistrum var. nov. Puteoscortum Staplin(1961); Wicander and Loeblich(1977); Wicander and Playford(2013)
      A. plenilunium Naevisphaeridium Wicander(1974)
      A. pustulatum Baltisphaeridium; ?Multiplicisphaeridium Schultz(1967); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. raplaense Multiplicisphaeridium; Martinsphaeridium Uutela and Tynni(1991); Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      A. winslowii Gorgonisphaeridium; Multiplicisphaeridium Staplin et al.(1965); Eisenack et al.(1973)
      A. williereae Puteoscortum Martin(1981)
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      表  3  部分Ammonidium种的新分类

      Table  3.   New classification of selected species of Ammonidium

      新种名 原种名 V* PN* PL* PB* PD* 作者和年份
      Ammonidiumaduncum A. listeri 19~34 > 50 3~5 0.6 < 1 Smelror(1987)
      A. aduncum 33~75 > 50 2~4 0.5~2.0 ca. 1 Playford and Martin(1984)
      A. ballistum 38~59 > 50 3~10 1.0~1.5 < 1 Ottone et al.(1992)
      Ammonidiumgrosjeani A. grosjeani 24~34 35~45 10~15 1~2 0.5~3 Stockmans and Willière(1962a); Eisenack et al.(1973); Martin(1981)
      A. hydraferum ca. 25 30~40 8~13 2~3 3~5 Stockmans and Willière(1962a); Lister(1970)
      Ammonidiumlodloviense A. ludloviense 21~35 35~45 ca. 4 2~3 ca. 1 Lister(1970); Dorning(1981)
      M. saharicum 21~34 ca. 30 4~6 2~3 < 1 Lister(1970)
      Ammonidiumloriferum A. loriferum 30~40 ca. 9 15~20 3~4 4~5 Hashemi and Playford(1998)
      A. garrasinoi 29~40 8~10 10~20 2~3 5~6 Ottone(1996)
      Ammonidiumpiriferumgotlandicum M. erraticum ca. 45 ca. 25 20~30 2~3 < 1 Eisenack et al.(1973)
      M. piriferumgotlandicum ca. 60 ca. 22 10~18 3~5 2~10 Eisenack et al.(1973)
      M. gotlandicum ca. 50 > 25 ca. 6 2~3 < 1 Eisenack et al.(1973)
      M. piriferumhispanicum ca. 60 ca. 24 10~20 2~5 1~5 Eisenack et al.(1973)
      Ammonidiumpiriferumpiriferum M. piriferumpiriferum 60~90 ca. 18 15~20 5~8 1~5 Eisenack et al.(1973)
      Ammonidiumsprucegrovense ?A. paleozoicum ca. 30 ca. 11 ca. 10 3~5 3~5 Sarjeant and Vavrdová(1997)
      ?A. sprucegrovense 30~43 12~18 17~25 2~3 3~5 Martin(1981)
      B. microfurcatum ca. 22 15~20 12~15 3~6 ca. 6 Deunff(1957); Fensome et al.(1990)
      Ammonidiumsprucegrovense var. polyankistrum Puteoscortumpolyankistrum 38~58 15~18 13~24 2.5~5.0 3~8 Wicander and Loeblich(1977)
      注:V. 膜壳直径(diameter of the vesicle);PN. 突起的数量(number of processes);PL. 突起的长度(length of the processes);PB. 突起基部的直径(diameter of the bases of the processes);PD. 突起末端的直径(diameter of the distal end of the processes)
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