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    柳保军 庞雄 谢世文 梅廉夫 郑金云 孙辉 颜晖 吴宇翔 向绪洪 冯轩

    柳保军, 庞雄, 谢世文, 梅廉夫, 郑金云, 孙辉, 颜晖, 吴宇翔, 向绪洪, 冯轩, 2022. 珠江口盆地白云凹陷壳幔拆离断裂活动对深层大型三角洲沉积体系的控制作用. 地球科学, 47(7): 2354-2373. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.035
    引用本文: 柳保军, 庞雄, 谢世文, 梅廉夫, 郑金云, 孙辉, 颜晖, 吴宇翔, 向绪洪, 冯轩, 2022. 珠江口盆地白云凹陷壳幔拆离断裂活动对深层大型三角洲沉积体系的控制作用. 地球科学, 47(7): 2354-2373. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.035
    Liu Baojun, Pang Xiong, Xie Shiwen, Mei Lianfu, Zhen Jinyun, Sun Hui, Yan Hui, Wu Yuxiang, Xiang Xuhong, Feng Xuan, 2022. Control Effect of Crust-Mantle Detachment Fault Activity on Deep Large Delta Sedimentary System in Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 47(7): 2354-2373. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.035
    Citation: Liu Baojun, Pang Xiong, Xie Shiwen, Mei Lianfu, Zhen Jinyun, Sun Hui, Yan Hui, Wu Yuxiang, Xiang Xuhong, Feng Xuan, 2022. Control Effect of Crust-Mantle Detachment Fault Activity on Deep Large Delta Sedimentary System in Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 47(7): 2354-2373. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.035


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.035

    国家重大科技专项 2016ZX05026-003-003

    中海石油深海开发有限公司科技项目 CNOOC-KJ135ZDXM37SZ01SHENHAI


      柳保军(1978-), 男, 高级工程师, 硕士, 主要从事油气储层预测及深水油气成藏综合研究.ORCID: 0000-0001-6222-2205.E-mail: liubj2@cnooc.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Control Effect of Crust-Mantle Detachment Fault Activity on Deep Large Delta Sedimentary System in Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin

    • 摘要: 壳幔拆离断裂活动与沉积体系响应为世界陆缘演变研究的热点,选取珠江口盆地白云凹陷壳幔拆离体系及其沉积响应开展系统性解剖.结合陆缘演变认识新进展、长电缆三维地震和钻井综合解释等揭示白云凹陷南部主控断裂带主要由4排NEE-NE向断至莫霍面的高角度铲式壳幔拆离断裂组成,裂陷期幕式活动使得白云凹陷经历了均一裂陷、拆离裂陷和断拗转换三阶段演化;均一裂陷期(下文昌组),控洼断裂未延伸至莫霍面,主要发育断裂转换带控制下的轴向陡坡辫状河三角洲/湖相沉积体系,缓坡物源体系不甚发育;拆离裂陷期(上文昌组),壳幔拆离断裂断至莫霍面,呈现强烈水平伸展和垂向落差,导致上盘远离断层一侧强烈旋转翘倾、抬升剥蚀成为最主要缓坡物源体系,靠近断层北侧沉降深陷成为深湖盆,上盘中段发育大型三角洲沉积;断拗转换期(恩平组),拆离作用减弱而沉降作用显著增强,控制了北部缓坡挠曲坡折和NW-SE向推进的大型三角洲/湖相沉积体系的发育.由此,主控断裂由均一伸展到壳幔拆离伸展的构造演变导致白云凹陷上文昌组至恩平组缓坡大型三角洲、下文昌组东西轴向转换带辫状河三角洲和洼陷周边陡坡带扇三角洲砂岩三类规模储集体与湖相泥岩满盆叠置的分布格局,使其成为深水勘探向中深层拓展的主要对象.


    • 图  1  白云深水区构造单元、控凹断裂与裂陷期文昌组‒恩平组地层厚度叠合图

      Fig.  1.  The geological framework of Baiyun deep water area composed of tectonic units and depression controlling faults superimposed on stratigraphic thickness of Wenchang and Enping formations

      图  2  陆缘深水区构造‒沉积充填综合柱状图(据庞雄等(2018)修改)

      Fig.  2.  Comprehensive histogram of structure sedimentation filling in deep water area of continental margin (modified from Pang et al., 2018)

      图  3  白云深水区构造‒沉积充填解释大剖面

      剖面位置见图 1;图a和图b据庞雄等(2018)修改

      Fig.  3.  Large section of structural sedimentary filling interpretation in Baiyun deepwater area

      图  4  珠江口盆地深水区Tg构造地貌与壳幔拆离控凹断裂体系叠合图

      Fig.  4.  Superimposed map of Tg structure geomorphology and crust-mantle detachment controlled sag fault system in deepwater area of Pearl River Mouth Basin

      图  5  珠江口盆地白云凹陷莫霍面、壳幔拆离控凹断裂带长电缆二维地震解释剖面特征(剖面位置见图 1

      Fig.  5.  2D seismic interpretation profile characteristics of long cable in Moho and crust-mantle detachment controlled depression fault zone of Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin (see Fig. 1 for profile location)

      图  6  白云凹陷深地震反射剖面与OBS联合解释的莫霍面深度图

      图中红线为图 5剖面位置,OBS测线结果来源于Yan et al.(2001)

      Fig.  6.  Moho depth map based on deep seismic reflection profile and OBS joint interpretation in Baiyun Sag

      图  7  白云主洼南部壳幔拆离断裂体系特征与关键界面三维地震解释特征(位置见图 1)

      Fig.  7.  Characteristics of crust-mantle detachment fault system and 3D seismic interpretation characteristics of key interfaces in the southern Baiyun main depression (see Fig. 1 for location)

      图  8  初始裂陷到断拗转换期地层厚度、沉积体系与断裂体系叠合图

      Fig.  8.  Superimposed graph of stratigraphic thickness, sedimentary facies and fault system in different periods of rifting stage

      图  9  不同层系拆离断陷作用与白云凹陷拆离断裂活动性特征

      Fig.  9.  Characteristics of activity of detachment faults in Baiyun Sag and detachment faulting in different strata

      图  10  白云主洼裂陷期壳幔拆离断裂控制下的沉积体系响应(位置见图 1)

      Fig.  10.  Response of sedimentary system controlled by crust-mantle detachment fault in Baiyun main depression during rifting period (see Fig. 1 for location)

      图  11  三幕裂陷构造演化控制下的沉积体系、古湖盆格局响应模式

      Fig.  11.  Response model of sedimentary system and paleolake basin pattern controlled by structural evolution of rifting in three episodes

      图  12  壳幔伸展拆离体系控制下的规模储集体发育模式

      Fig.  12.  Development model of large-scale reservoir controlled by crust-mantle extensional detachment system and reservoir characteristics of typical deep gas reservoir

      图  13  白云凹陷三角洲砂体、湖相泥岩叠合与典型中深层气藏储层发育特征(BY1井位置见图 1

      Fig.  13.  Superposition of delta sand body、lacustrine mudstone and reservoir development characteristics of typical deep gas reservoir in Baiyun Sag (see Fig. 1 for Well BY1 location)

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    • 收稿日期:  2021-07-30
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