Microbial Community Structure and Its Response to Environment in Mangrove Sediments of Dongzhai Port
在红树林覆盖区域和光滩沉积物中存在着丰富的微生物群落,这些微生物在驱动红树林湿地的生物地球化学过程中起着至关重要的作用.深入了解东寨港红树林湿地沉积物中微生物的多样性分布特征,对探究东寨港红树林湿地中的生物地球化学过程和湿地的生态保护具有重要意义.本研究采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术,在东寨港的演丰西河和三江河采集108个沉积物样品,分析其地球化学和微生物群落特征,探讨不同环境因子对两岸红树林覆盖区域和光滩微生物群落的影响.结果显示:Proteobacteria是东寨港红树林沉积物中的优势种群,沉积物中微生物丰度和多样性随深度整体上呈减小趋势;演丰西河和三江河沉积物中微生物群落结构存在显著差异;pH是控制光滩区域沉积物中微生物群落结构的主要环境因子,而盐度是控制红树林表层沉积物中微生物群落结构的环境因子.上述研究结果表明:东寨港红树林沉积物中微生物分布特征和群落结构受到了人类活动的影响,微生物丰度和多样性随深度整体呈减小的变化趋势,不同采样区域沉积物中微生物群落结构存在明显差异,该差异是自然因素(盐度和pH)和人为因素(水产养殖)双重作用的结果.
Abstract:There are abundant microbial communities in mangrove cover and plain sediments. These microorganisms play a vital role in driving the biogeochemical process of mangrove wetlands. It is of great significance to understand the diversity and distribution characteristics of microorganisms in the Dongzhai port mangrove wetland sediments for exploring the biogeochemical process and ecological protection of the wetland. In this study, we collected 108 sediment samples from Yanfengxi River and Sanjiang River in Dongzhai port, and Illumina Miseq high-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze their geochemical and microbial community characteristics, and the effects of different environmental factors on microbial communities were also discussed. The results show that Proteobacteria is the dominant bacteria species in the mangrove sediments of Dongzhai port, and the microbial abundance and diversity in the sediments generally decrease with depth. There are significant differences in microbial community structure between Yanfengxi River and Sanjiang River. pH is the main environmental factor controlling the microbial community structure in the sediments of plain area, while salinity is controlling the microbial community structure in the surface sediments of mangroves. The above research results show that microorganism distribution and community structure inDongzhai port mangrove sediments are influenced by human activities, and microbial abundance and diversity of the change trend of decrease with depth as a whole. There exist obvious differences in microbial community structure from different sediment sampling areas, as a result of the dual function of natural factors (such as salinity, pH) and human factors (aquaculture).
Key words:
- Dongzhai port /
- microorganism /
- community structure /
- environmental factor /
- environmental geology
表 1 演丰西河和三江河红树林不同深度沉积物样品的理化性质
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of sediment samples from the mangroves of Yanfengxi River and Sanjiang River at different depths
深度(cm) 理化性质 YS1 YS2 YS3 YS4 YS5 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 10 pH 5.99 6.03 6.63 4.03 4.11 5.63 5.61 5.47 5.58 20 5.97 5.84 6.73 3.39 3.54 5.19 5.73 5.69 5.9 40 5.66 4.61 6.55 3.67 3.83 5.4 5.65 6.09 5.63 60 5.52 4.15 6.81 5.46 5.89 5.66 5.07 5.89 5.97 10 盐度(mS/cm) 6.54 6.34 8.15 8.00 6.62 5.32 5.35 5.07 4.52 20 6.25 6.83 7.00 7.27 7.38 4.70 5.60 3.72 5.62 40 6.65 7.71 5.70 6.42 6.41 3.66 5.49 3.13 5.19 60 6.50 6.86 6.55 6.05 4.52 3.60 5.40 2.56 5.69 10 TOC(%) 1.583 1.192 0.772 1.681 0.825 1.303 1.777 1.211 0.765 20 1.544 1.530 0.847 1.130 1.469 1.500 1.591 0.841 1.014 40 1.336 0.916 0.855 0.388 0.849 1.190 1.287 0.762 1.085 60 1.185 0.978 1.201 0.493 0.205 1.053 1.332 0.431 1.055 10 SO42-(mg/kg) 392.5 400.6 333.9 964.1 930.5 594.6 364.4 481.5 370.9 20 361.1 372.1 327.8 886.5 1089 483.8 368.1 394.0 316.1 40 479.4 578.0 432.0 502.6 824.9 345.1 322.5 278.1 548.7 60 555.1 850.0 487.2 718.2 402.1 357.6 568.7 246.4 623.2 -
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