Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility Based on Layer Adaptive Weighted Convolutional Neural Network Model along Sichuan-Tibet Traffic Corridor
摘要: 开展铁路沿线滑坡易发性评价对川藏交通廊道工程建设及运维过程中的风险管理具有重要意义.提出一种层数自适应、通道加权的卷积神经网络(layer adaptive weighted convolutional neural network,LAW-CNN),对川藏交通廊道沿线滑坡易发性进行评价.依据野外调查和影响因素分析筛选出影响滑坡发生的影响因子,绘制滑坡编目,构造用于易发性评价的实验数据集;针对卷积神经网络的权重初值、网络层数等超参数难以优化设置的问题,提出基于影响因子信息熵的通道加权方法和网络层数优选策略,通过多通道加权和层数自适应分类卷积的方式提出滑坡易发性制图的LAW-CNN架构;搜索最优LAW-CNN网络结构并训练网络参数,获取研究区滑坡发生概率并进行易发性分级评价.所提的LAW-CNN模型可以不同权重和不同深度挖掘影响因子的深层特征,实验结果表明,模型曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)值为0.852 8,极高易发区滑坡点密度为1.251 9,均优于SVM(support vector machine)和CNN模型;川藏交通廊道沿线滑坡极高和高易发区主要集中在大江大河两侧以及横断山区.LAW-CNN模型可较好评价川藏交通廊道滑坡易发性,能够为川藏交通廊道的建设和灾害防治提供科学的依据.Abstract: It is of great significance for disaster risk management in the process of railway engineering construction, operation and maintenance to carry out precise landslide susceptibility assessment along the Sichuan-Tibet traffic corridor. In this paper, a layer adaptive weighted convolutional neural network (LAW-CNN) is proposed to evaluate the landslide susceptibility along the Sichuan-Tibet traffic corridor. According to the field investigation and influencing factor analysis, the influencing factors are selected, the landslide catalogue and the spatial database is constructed.To optimize the initial weight and the layer number of the CNN network, the channel weighted method and the network layer optimization strategy based on the influence factor information entropy are proposed, and the LAW-CNN architecture is constructed by multi-channel weighted convolution and multi-layer classification convolution. The optimal LAW-CNN structure is searched and the network parameters are trained to obtain the landslide occurrence probability in the study area, followed by a susceptibility classification evaluation.The proposed LAW-CNN model can fully represent the deep characteristics of the factor layers with different weights and depths.The experimental results show that the area under curve value of the proposed model is 0.852 8 and the landslide density in the very high susceptibility area is 1.251 9, which are better than the SVM and CNN models.The very high and high susceptibility areas are mainly concentrated on both sides of large rivers and the Hengduan Mountain Range.The LAW-CNN model can precisely assess landslide susceptibility, and then provide a scientific basis for the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet traffic corridor and disaster prevention.
表 1 数据来源
Table 1. Data source
数据 来源 数据 来源 Landsat8 OLI影像 http://www.gscloud.cn 坡度 30 m SRTM DEM 30m SRTM DEM http://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/ 坡向 30 m SRTM DEM 岩性 http://geocloud.cgs.gov.cn 曲率 30 m SRTM DEM 道路 https://www.webmap.cn 平面曲率 30 m SRTM DEM 断层 http://geocloud.cgs.gov.cn 剖面曲率 30 m SRTM DEM 河流 https://www.webmap.cn 地表粗糙度 30 m SRTM DEM 降雨量 https://gpm.nasa.gov/ 地面起伏度 30 m SRTM DEM NDVI Landsat8 OLI影像 TWI 30 m SRTM DEM 表 2 皮尔逊相关系数
Table 2. Pearson correlation coefficient
影响因子 高程 坡度 坡向 曲率 平面曲率 剖面曲率 距断层的距离 距河流的距离 距道路的距离 岩性 地表粗糙度 地面起伏度 NDVI TWI 降雨量 高程 1 0.109 8 0.013 3 0.015 1 -0.101 7 0.080 9 -0.105 1 0.186 2 0.297 3 0.193 5 0.020 5 0.066 6 -0.354 2 -0.118 6 -0.624 3 坡度 1 0.002 9 0.011 5 -0.481 5 0.167 6 -0.070 5 -0.109 8 0.062 6 0.116 9 0.788 2 0.903 4 0.026 3 -0.391 2 -0.140 9 坡向 1 0.004 2 0.005 8 -0.014 8 0.002 9 0.011 6 -0.002 1 -0.040 3 -0.000 5 -0.001 9 -0.110 6 -0.011 6 0.021 0 曲率 1 -0.003 5 -0.029 3 -0.004 1 0.009 2 -0.001 7 -0.001 5 0.063 4 0.044 0 -0.001 6 -0.333 7 0.002 9 平面曲率 1 0.073 3 0.073 9 0.084 5 -0.031 7 -0.057 3 -0.296 3 -0.391 0 -0.081 5 0.247 0 0.125 9 剖面曲率 1 -0.010 1 -0.000 8 0.070 0 0.069 8 0.103 3 0.185 7 0.007 5 -0.058 8 -0.069 9 距断层的距离 1 -0.060 8 -0.028 5 0.184 9 -0.037 2 -0.056 9 0.069 3 0.041 0 0.222 1 距河流的距离 1 0.166 0 0.028 4 -0.054 2 -0.082 2 -0.048 9 -0.008 8 0.027 5 距道路的距离 1 0.039 6 0.040 0 0.056 9 -0.142 5 -0.043 4 -0.049 7 岩性 1 0.073 4 0.103 0 -0.017 1 -0.036 6 -0.117 5 地表粗糙度 1 0.927 1 0.015 5 -0.275 9 -0.043 8 地面起伏度 1 0.024 4 -0.342 8 -0.092 7 NDVI 1 0.000 8 0.117 8 TWI 1 0.050 8 降雨量 1 表 3 影响因子的IGR值及权值
Table 3. Information gain ratios and weights
影响因子 信息熵 IGR W 高程 / 0.014 4 / 坡度 12.619 0 0.009 1 0.021 6 坡向 14.229 6 0.021 0 0.049 8 曲率 8.353 9 0.001 5 0.003 6 平面曲率 17.000 8 0.058 6 0.138 9 剖面曲率 17.002 0 0.058 7 0.139 2 距断层的距离 3.983 6 0.024 5 0.058 1 距河流的距离 7.129 6 0.032 6 0.077 3 距道路的距离 5.670 1 0.017 5 0.041 5 岩性 2.882 3 0.007 5 0.017 8 地表粗糙度 / 0.009 1 / 地面起伏度 / 0.005 4 / NDVI 16.735 4 0.058 7 0.139 2 TWI 15.233 9 0.033 6 0.079 7 降雨量 10.110 1 0.098 5 0.233 5 表 4 不同聚类个数下的AIC值
Table 4. AIC values under different cluster numbers
聚类个数 2 3 4 AIC值 21.794 6 14.538 8 16.859 1 表 5 统计分析
Table 5. Statistical analysis
易发性等级 SVM CNN LAW-CNN 分级栅格数(个) 分级占比(%) 分级栅格数(个) 分级占比(%) 分级栅格数(个) 分级占比(%) 极低易发区 47 987 600 17.40 76 258 529 27.66 93 129 820 33.78 低易发区 59 369 589 21.53 56 739 083 20.58 52 724 600 19.12 中等易发区 63 155 306 22.90 51 278 826 18.60 47 748 787 17.32 高易发区 59 097 511 21.43 49 266 609 17.87 46 530 453 16.88 极高易发区 46 123 198 16.73 42 190 157 15.30 35 589 544 12.91 -
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