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    新生逆冲断裂地表垂直位错分布与断层活动性关系: 以河西走廊临泽断裂为例

    李占飞 徐锡伟 任俊杰 李康 康文君

    李占飞, 徐锡伟, 任俊杰, 李康, 康文君, 2022. 新生逆冲断裂地表垂直位错分布与断层活动性关系: 以河西走廊临泽断裂为例. 地球科学, 47(3): 831-843. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.238
    引用本文: 李占飞, 徐锡伟, 任俊杰, 李康, 康文君, 2022. 新生逆冲断裂地表垂直位错分布与断层活动性关系: 以河西走廊临泽断裂为例. 地球科学, 47(3): 831-843. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.238
    Li Zhanfei, Xu Xiwei, Ren Junjie, Li Kang, Kang Wenjun, 2022. Vertical Slip Distribution along Immature Active Thrust and Its Implications for Fault Evolution: A Case Study from Linze Thrust, Hexi Corridor. Earth Science, 47(3): 831-843. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.238
    Citation: Li Zhanfei, Xu Xiwei, Ren Junjie, Li Kang, Kang Wenjun, 2022. Vertical Slip Distribution along Immature Active Thrust and Its Implications for Fault Evolution: A Case Study from Linze Thrust, Hexi Corridor. Earth Science, 47(3): 831-843. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.238

    新生逆冲断裂地表垂直位错分布与断层活动性关系: 以河西走廊临泽断裂为例

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.238

    国家自然科学基金项目 41941016

    国家自然科学基金项目 U1839204

    国家自然科学重点基金项目 KFZD⁃SW⁃422

    应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院基础科研经费项目 ZDJ2019⁃19


      李占飞(1989-),男,博士研究生,主要从事活断层探测研究. ORCID:0000-0003-4044-1348. E-mail:876657683@qq.com


      徐锡伟,ORCID: 0000-0002-8301-7347. E-mail: xiweixu@vip.sina.com

    • 中图分类号: P65

    Vertical Slip Distribution along Immature Active Thrust and Its Implications for Fault Evolution: A Case Study from Linze Thrust, Hexi Corridor

    • 摘要:

      活动断裂地表位错定量研究对理解断裂活动习性和构建多周期地震复发模型有重要意义. 前人基于高精度地形数据对断裂地表位错分布开展了大量定量研究,但是关于累积位错变形沿新生逆冲断层的走向分布特征依然不清楚. 本文选择河西走廊内部新生临泽逆冲断裂(< 20 ka)为例,利用UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle)航测方法采集了断裂沿线约8 km长、2.5 km宽的高精度(0.5 m)地形数据,开展了精细地貌填图(1∶500)、断层垂直位错测量(73个)、断层活动定量参数分析以及野外地质调查等工作. 研究揭示,新生临泽逆冲断裂主要由2条左阶展布分支逆冲断层组成(L1和L2),阶区宽度约260 m. 位错测量揭示,断层最大和最小累积位错分别为4.5 m和0.2 m,累积垂直位错呈明显不对称三角形分布,断层上位移亏损点与断层几何形态变化区域明显对应. 断裂位错定量参数分析显示,临泽断裂结构不成熟,两个分支断裂后期会在破裂长度和位错增加下逐渐贯通. 因此,可能需要注意后期强震活动造成新生逆冲断层向盆地内部拓展,及其对邻近城镇带来的直接和衍生灾害效应.


    • 图  1  临泽断裂及其周缘活动构造图

      白色线段为断层,断层数据源自Xu et al.(2010). 黑色箭头代表GPS速度场,数据源自Liang et al.(2013). 红色线段为地表破裂带,数据源自Xu et al.(2010). 蓝色线段为本文研究对象临泽断裂,黑框为UAV数据扫描区

      Fig.  1.  Active tectonic map around Linze thrust

      图  2  临泽断裂区域获得的高精度(0.5 m)地形数据

      白色方框为图 3位置;a. DEM图;b. 山影图;c. 坡度图

      Fig.  2.  High-resolution topographic (0.5 m) data along Linze thrust

      图  3  典型地貌点(P-34)的3D fault offset测量示例与野外验证

      a. 垂直位错测量中断层走向与测量矩形选择;b. 垂直位错自动恢复;c. 基于9种地貌参数的垂直位错拟合;d. 垂直位错测量的野外验证

      Fig.  3.  An example (P-34) of throw measurement and its filed verification

      图  4  基于高精度地形数据的精细(1∶500)断错地貌填图


      Fig.  4.  Detailed geomorphic mapping based on high-resolution DEM data

      图  5  临泽断裂累积垂直位错分布及其与几何结构之间关系

      a. 断裂几何结构;b. 断裂垂直位错分布;c. 断裂走向分布

      Fig.  5.  Throw distributions and its relationship with fault geometry

      图  6  临泽断裂定量参数分析与断层发育演化模式

      a. 断裂结构成熟度分析(修改自Manighetti et al., 2007);b. 分支断裂贯通发育模式;c. 破裂长度与最大位错演化模式,修改自Kim et al.(2000)

      Fig.  6.  The analysis of surface rupture parameters and evolution model for the Linze thrust

      图  7  临泽断裂的拓展与周缘城镇分布

      Fig.  7.  The propagation of Linze thrust and its surrounding counties

      表  1  临泽断裂垂直位错测量结果

      Table  1.   Vertical offset measurements results along Linze thrust

      编号 纬度N 经度E 距离
      0 39° 5' 30.733' 100° 4' 10.503' 0 169 50 10 0.6 0.1 F2
      1 39° 5' 26.137' 100° 4' 12.071' 142 174 50 10 1 0.1 F2
      2 39° 5' 21.200' 100° 4' 11.674' 309 190 50 10 1.7 0.2 F2
      3 39° 5' 15.774' 100° 4' 10.302' 476 189 50 10 0.2 0.2 F2
      4 39° 5' 11.685' 100° 4' 10.193' 607 159 50 10 0.9 0.2 F2
      5 39° 5' 6.949' 100° 4' 11.854' 743 141 50 10 2.3 0.1 F2
      6 39° 5' 4.707' 100° 4' 15.390' 846 153 50 10 2.7 0.1 F2
      7 39° 5' 1.149' 100° 4' 16.562' 975 158 50 10 2.4 0.1 F2
      8 39° 4' 58.190' 100° 4' 17.899' 1 050 157 50 10 3.8 0.2 F2
      9 39° 4' 54.723' 100° 4' 19.618' 1 167 160 50 10 1.7 0.1 F2
      10 39° 4' 51.609' 100° 4' 21.583' 1 279 159 50 10 1.2 0.2 F2
      11 39° 4' 48.927' 100° 4' 22.820' 1 374 158 50 10 1.2 0.2 F2
      12 39° 4' 46.364' 100° 4' 23.339' 1 460 150 50 10 2.1 0.2 F2
      13 39° 4' 42.359' 100° 4' 26.337' 1 607 150 50 10 2.8 0.1 F2
      14 39° 4' 39.744' 100° 4' 28.014' 1 707 145 50 10 3 0.1 F2
      15 39° 4' 37.681' 100° 4' 28.862' 1 773 166 50 10 2.3 0.1 F2
      16 39° 4' 34.802' 100° 4' 29.411' 1 865 165 50 10 2.3 0.2 F2
      17 39° 4' 32.413' 100° 4' 30.280' 1 950 156 50 10 3.8 0.1 F2
      18 39° 4' 30.269' 100° 4' 31.172' 2 028 164 50 10 2.7 0.1 F2
      19 39° 4' 27.502' 100° 4' 31.344' 2 112 161 50 10 2.1 0.2 F2
      20 39° 4' 24.157' 100° 4' 32.466' 2 239 161 50 10 1.7 0.1 F2
      21 39° 4' 20.572' 100° 4' 32.348' 2 356 185 50 10 2.9 0.2 F2
      22 39° 4' 16.836' 100° 4' 31.192' 2 491 191 50 10 2.9 0.1 F2
      23 39° 4' 13.686' 100° 4' 30.199' 2 584 175 50 10 4 0.2 F2
      24 39° 4' 10.610' 100° 4' 32.145' 2 679 178 50 10 3.2 0.2 F2
      25 39° 4' 0.537' 100° 4' 31.277' 2 998 175 50 10 3 0.2 F2
      26 39° 3' 57.045' 100° 4' 33.341' 3 106 178 50 10 4.4 0.4 F2
      27 39° 3' 53.598' 100° 4' 33.113' 3 219 170 50 10 4.5 0.3 F2
      28 39° 3' 49.077' 100° 4' 33.475' 3 359 165 50 10 2.1 0.1 F2
      29 39° 3' 41.619' 100° 4' 35.108' 3 595 161 50 10 0.7 0.1 F2
      30 39° 3' 38.216' 100° 4' 36.808' 3 704 152 50 10 1 0.1 F2
      31 39° 3' 35.084' 100° 4' 37.448' 3 825 154 50 10 1.6 0.2 F2
      32 39° 3' 34.382' 100° 4' 47.025' 3 912 151 50 10 0.8 0.1 F2
      33 39° 3' 30.379' 100° 4' 50.060' 4 051 151 50 10 3.3 0.1 F2
      34 39° 3' 28.199' 100° 4' 51.188' 4 127 149 50 10 2.5 0.2 F2
      35 39° 3' 24.443' 100° 4' 53.794' 4 263 157 50 10 2.7 0.1 F2
      36 39° 3' 21.040' 100° 4' 54.314' 4 367 172 50 10 2.8 0.1 F2
      37 39° 3' 18.204' 100° 4' 54.598' 4 462 176 50 10 2.8 0.1 F2
      38 39° 3' 10.995' 100° 4' 54.467' 4 695 166 50 10 3.9 0.2 F2
      39 39° 3' 8.746' 100° 4' 55.506' 4 769 168 50 10 4 0.1 F2
      40 39° 3' 5.682' 100° 4' 55.674' 4 869 168 50 10 3.5 0.2 F2
      41 39° 3' 1.787' 100° 4' 56.538' 4 995 161 50 10 2.8 0.2 F2
      42 39° 3' 0.022' 100° 5' 0.533' 5 077 164 50 10 2.6 0.2 F2
      43 39° 2' 57.647' 100° 5' 2.312' 5 159 168 50 10 2.5 0.1 F2
      44 39° 2' 54.040' 100° 5' 2.725' 5 274 168 50 10 3.5 0.2 F2
      45 39° 2' 51.184' 100° 5' 3.121' 5 382 174 50 10 4.4 0.2 F2
      46 39° 2' 43.744' 100° 5' 5.075' 5 619 148 50 10 2.2 0.2 F2
      47 39° 2' 42.836' 100° 5' 7.833' 5 674 151 50 10 3 0.1 F2
      48 39° 2' 39.958' 100° 5' 9.362' 5 776 133 50 10 4.3 0.1 F2
      49 39° 2' 37.789' 100° 5' 9.871' 5 854 145 50 10 3.8 0.1 F2
      50 39° 2' 35.932' 100° 5' 12.211' 5 934 147 50 10 3.1 0.1 F2
      51 39° 2' 34.096' 100° 5' 13.585' 6 014 156 50 10 3.1 0.1 F2
      52 39° 2' 31.842' 100° 5' 14.657' 6 102 162 50 10 2.8 0.1 F2
      53 39° 2' 30.281' 100° 5' 15.090' 6 156 165 50 10 2.6 0.1 F2
      54 39° 2' 27.567' 100° 5' 17.019' 6 235 167 50 10 2.6 0.1 F2
      55 39° 2' 25.833' 100° 5' 20.420' 6 311 167 50 10 2.1 0.1 F2
      56 39° 2' 24.125' 100° 5' 20.820' 6 371 173 50 10 0.7 0.1 F2
      57 39° 2' 21.663' 100° 5' 20.890' 6 458 170 50 10 0.2 0.3 F2
      58 39° 2' 19.349' 100° 5' 20.424' 6 528 167 50 10 1.5 0.1 F2
      59 39° 2' 17.051' 100° 5' 17.861' 6 613 176 50 10 1.5 0.1 F2
      60 39° 2' 12.581' 100° 5' 17.449' 6 755 174 50 10 0.1 0.2 F2
      61 39° 2' 10.317' 100° 5' 20.121' 6 847 177 50 10 1.8 0.2 F2
      62 39° 2' 7.953' 100° 5' 21.145' 6 931 184 50 10 2.4 0.3 F2
      63 39° 2' 4.702' 100° 5' 20.878' 7 037 188 50 10 0.4 0.1 F2
      64 39° 2' 1.498' 100° 5' 20.033' 7 142 185 50 10 0.3 0.3 F2
      65 39° 5' 25.261' 100° 3' 42.254' 91 158 60 10 3.2 0.3 F2
      66 39° 5' 21.777' 100° 3' 42.968' 205 157 60 10 4.3 0.3 F2
      67 39° 5' 18.679' 100° 3' 43.910' 292 155 60 10 3.7 0.2 F2
      69 39° 5' 12.253' 100° 3' 47.177' 508 148 60 10 4.5 0.1 F2
      74 39° 4' 56.518' 100° 3' 57.976' 978 145 60 10 1 0.1 F2
      76 39° 3' 52.685' 100° 4' 6.297' 2 998 139 60 10 1.8 0.1 F2
      77 39° 3' 50.608' 100° 4' 8.444' 3 106 143 60 10 1.6 0.1 F2
      78 39° 3' 48.414' 100° 4' 9.956' 3 219 135 60 10 1.3 0.1 F2
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