Alteration-Mineralization Style and Prospecting Potential of Cimabanshuo Porphyry Copper Deposit in Tibet
摘要: 次玛班硕矿床是近年来在冈底斯西段新发现的斑岩型铜矿,距朱诺超大型斑岩铜矿床西南约10 km,周围分布着北姆朗、落布岗木、懂师布等矿床,为朱诺铜多金属矿集区的重要组成部分.为了进一步明确次玛班硕找矿潜力及勘查方向,本次对该矿床开展了系统的锆石U-Pb年代学和锆石微量元素分析、精细的岩芯蚀变-矿化编录以及详细的岩相学观察.研究发现次玛班硕铜矿主成矿期中新世岩体为一套复式杂岩体,分别由细粒二长花岗斑岩(F斑岩:16±0.30 Ma)、粗粒二长花岗斑岩(C斑岩:15.89±0.06 Ma)、含角闪石二长花岗斑岩(H斑岩:15.81±0.06 Ma)、闪长玢岩和二长花岗岩(15.51±0.07 Ma)组成,且不同期次岩浆沉淀Cu金属量差异较大.锆石Ce4+/Ce3+(平均值190)和10 000×(Eu/Eu*)/Y(平均值13)比值指示次玛班硕中新世各岩体,氧逸度和含水性均高于朱诺矿床.次玛班硕热液演化可划分为4个阶段和14种脉体,根据次玛班硕矿床蚀变-矿化对应关系,铜主要沉淀于钾硅酸盐化阶段,特别是与黑云母化密切相关,青磐岩化阶段亦沉淀部分的铜,绢英岩化阶段沉淀最少.与经典的斑岩铜矿蚀变-矿化分带模式不同,次玛班硕铜矿表现出深部钾硅酸盐化被青磐岩化强烈叠加和部分高温脉体穿插低温蚀变的反常特征,证明存在多期次岩浆-热液过程,为成矿提供了源源不断的热动力、成矿物质和成矿流体,形成了各种蚀变相互叠加的复杂热液系统.分布于次玛班硕矿区北部的F斑岩为主要致矿岩体.矿区北部蚀变-矿化作用强而南部较弱,且深部发育强烈的青磐岩化蚀变.综合分析认为,次玛班硕矿床还具有较大的找矿潜力,下一步勘查方向应以矿区深部和北部为主,重点关注F斑岩和C斑岩且发育钾硅酸盐化的部位.Abstract: The Cimabanshuo is a newly discovered porphyry copper deposit in the western part of the Gangdese belt in Tibet. It is located about 10 km southwest of the super-large Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit, which is surrounded by the Beimulang, Luobugangmu, and Dongshibu deposits. These deposits are an important part of the Zhunuo copper ore-concentrated district. To further clarify the prospecting potential and exploration direction of the Cimarbanshuo, a systematic zircon U-Pb geochronology analysis and zircon trace element analysis, elaborate alteration-mineralization cataloging of the drilling, and detailed petrographic observations were carried out for the deposit. The study shows that the Miocene intrusions of the main ore-forming period of the Cimabanshuo copper deposit were a composite pluton, consisting of fine-grained monzonite granite porphyry (F porphyry: 16±0.30 Ma), coarse-grained monzonite porphyry (C porphyry: 15.89±0.06 Ma), hornblende monzonite granite porphyry (H porphyry: 15.81±0.06 Ma), diorite porphyry, and monzonitic granite (15.51±0.07 Ma). Different magmas contribute variously to mineralization. The ratios of zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ (average 190) and 10 000×(Eu/Eu*)/Y (average 13) indicate that the oxygen fugacity and water content of the Miocene rocks in the Cimabanshuo are higher than those in the Zhunuo deposit. The hydrothermal evolution of the Cimabanshuo can be divided into 4 stages and 14 types of veins. According to the correspondence between alteration and mineralization at Cimabanshuo, it concludes that copper mainly precipitates in the K-silicate alteration stage, especially closely related to biotite alteration. Propylitic alteration also contributes to part of the copper and phyllic alteration stage contains the least amount of Cu. Compared with the classic alteration-mineralization zoning model of porphyry copper systems, the Cimabanshuo exhibits some abnormal characteristics, such as a strong superposition of deep K-silicate alteration by propylitic alteration and the low-temperature alteration was cutting by high-temperature veins, indicating that there are multiple stages of magma-hydrothermal processes, which provide a steady stream of thermodynamics, ore-forming materials, and ore-forming fluids for mineralization. The F porphyry is the main mineralizing intrusion, which is distributed in the northern part of the Cimabanshuo deposit.The alteration-mineralization in the north of the mining area is stronger than that in the south, and the deep development of strong propylitization alteration. In conclusion, it believes that the Cimabanshuo deposit also has great prospecting potential. The next step of the exploration should be the deeper levels and northeast direction of the mining area, focusing on the F porphyry, C porphyry, and the zones of K-silicate alteration.
Key words:
- alteration-mineralization style /
- miocene composite pluton /
- porphyry copper deposit /
- Cimabanshuo /
- Tibet /
- petrology
图 1 冈底斯主要斑岩铜矿床分布
Fig. 1. Distribution of the main porphyry copper deposits in Gangdise belt
图 4 次玛班硕铜矿成岩-成矿演化序列
Fig. 4. Magma evolution sequence at Cimabanshuo
图 6 次玛班硕中新世复式杂岩体地质体特征
Fig. 6. Characteristics of the Miocene composite pluton at Cimabanshuo
图 7 次玛班硕脉体特征
a.F斑岩中1c Qtz+Kfs±py脉切断1b无矿石英脉;b.F斑岩中1a Mt±cpy被1c Q+kfs切断;c.F斑岩中1a Bt±cpy脉;d.F斑岩中1f Qtz+kfs+mol±cpy±py脉;e.F斑岩中1e Qtz+kfs+anh±py±cpy脉;f.二长花岗岩中1d Qtz+kfs+bt+py±cpy两侧发育钾化晕;g.二长花岗岩中1f Qtz+kfs+mol+cpy被3a Qtz+mol+py±cpy切穿;h.F斑岩中3b Qtz+mol脉;i.C斑岩中3c Cpy±py脉;j.二长花岗岩中2a Chl脉;k.F斑岩中4a Anh+py+cpy脉;l.F斑岩中4a Anh切穿2c Qtz+chl+py±cpy脉,两侧发育绢云母晕;m.二长花岗岩中2a Chl脉被2b Epi脉切穿;n.F斑岩中2d Qtz+anh+chl±cpy±py脉;o.英安斑岩中4b Cal脉切穿4a Anh脉;Anh.硬石膏;Bt.黑云母;Cal.方解石;Chl.绿泥石;Cpy.黄铜矿;Kfs.钾长石;Mol.辉钼矿;Py.黄铁矿;Qtz.石英;Ser.绢云母
Fig. 7. The vein characteristics of the Cimabanshuo deposit
图 10 次玛班硕矿区黑云母化蚀变
Fig. 10. Photographs and photomicrographs of samples of biotite alteration at Cimabanshuo
图 17 次玛班硕矿床中新世岩体锆石微量元素图解
次玛班硕各岩体锆石数据为本次研究,朱诺二长花岗斑岩体锆石数据Sun et al.(2021);a.Ce4+/Ce3+-Eu/Eu*;b.10 000×(Eu/Eu*)/Y-(Ce/Nd)/Y
Fig. 17. Pattern of zircon trace elements from Miocene pluton at Cimabanshuo
表 1 次玛班硕矿床岩性单元特征总结
Table 1. Summary of the lithological unit characteristics at Cimabanshuo
类型 斑晶 基质含量/组分 蚀变 矿化(%) 大小(mm) 含量(%) 花岗闪长斑岩 2~4 斜长石-钾长石-角闪石-黑云母(30%) 70%,石英-斜长石;副矿物磁铁矿-榍石 中-弱青磐岩化和绢英岩化 0.1~0.3 石英斑岩 2~3 石英-斜长石(15%) 85%,石英-斜长石-钾长石;矿物磁铁矿-锆石 中-弱绢英岩化 0.005~0.100 F斑岩 1~3 斜长石(20%),钾长石(10%),黑云母(5%),石英(3%),角闪石(1%) 61%,石英-钾长石-斜长石;副矿物磁铁矿-榍石-锆石-金红石-磷灰石 强-中的钾长石化和黑云母化,中-弱绢英岩化,弱青磐岩化 0.1~0.4 C斑岩 2~5 斜长石(10%),钾长石(15%),黑云母(10%),石英(8%),角闪石(3%) 54%,石英-钾长石-斜长石;副矿物磁铁矿-榍石-锆石-金红石 中-弱钾长石化和黑云母化,弱绢英岩化,弱青磐岩化 0.01~0.20 H斑岩 2~3 斜长石(20%),黑云母(10%),角闪石(15%),石英(8%) 47%,斜长石-石英;副矿物磁铁矿-榍石-锆石 强-中青磐岩化 0.01~0.10 二长花岗岩 3~6 钾长石(30%),斜长石(35%),黑云母(5%),石英(30%) 强钾长石化和黑云母化、中青磐岩化、弱绢英岩化 < 0.01 闪长玢岩 1~5 斜长石-石英-角闪石-黑云母(15%) 85%,斜长石-黑云母;副矿物磁铁矿-锆石 中-弱绢英岩化和青磐岩化 0.01~0.20 英安斑岩 0.5~2.0 斜长石-石英(15%) 75%,钾长石-斜长石-石英;副矿物磁铁矿-锆石 中-弱绢英岩化 0.01~0.10 表 2 次玛班硕矿区LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素分析结果
Table 2. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb data of zircon from the Cimabanshuo
分析点号 Pb (10-6) Th(10-6) U (10-6) Th/U 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) 207Pb/206Pb±1σ 207Pb/235U±1σ 206Pb/238U±1σ 206Pb/238U±1σ ZK0101-416 1 2.6 709 748.8 0.95 0.046 2±0.006 8 0.015 6±0.001 9 0.002 6±0.000 08 16.55±0.49 2 2.5 694.7 713.7 0.97 0.048 9±0.005 5 0.016 7±0.002 0 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.03±0.34 3 2.4 483 738.3 0.65 0.050 4±0.005 9 0.016 8±0.002 0 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.68±0.29 4 2.3 546.6 642.5 0.85 0.041 2±0.006 1 0.014 5±0.002 1 0.002 5±0.000 06 16.21±0.39 5 3.1 915.9 915.5 1.00 0.048 1±0.004 3 0.015 0±0.001 3 0.002 3±0.000 05 14.99±0.30 6 2.7 616 813.5 0.76 0.051 4±0.004 1 0.017 4±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 15.98±0.35 7 3.6 586.6 1 087.4 0.54 0.051 4±0.004 9 0.018 0±0.001 6 0.002 6±0.000 04 16.54±0.29 8 2.3 555.6 624.5 0.89 0.044 0±0.005 1 0.015 3±0.001 7 0.002 5±0.000 06 16.13±0.37 9 2.1 542.6 595 0.91 0.047 5±0.007 8 0.016 6±0.002 9 0.002 5±0.000 06 15.97±0.40 10 1.9 511.5 555.5 0.92 0.048 8±0.006 2 0.015 6±0.002 0 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.24±0.37 11 5.4 1883.9 1 461.7 1.29 0.043 2±0.002 9 0.014 7±0.001 0 0.002 5±0.000 05 15.98±0.31 12 2.1 547.1 648.5 0.84 0.049 7±0.006 0 0.016 6±0.002 0 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.57±0.32 13 3.1 704 972.8 0.72 0.048 1±0.004 5 0.016 6±0.001 6 0.002 5±0.000 04 16.09±0.25 14 2.1 568.5 624.3 0.91 0.050 2±0.005 2 0.016 1±0.001 7 0.002 3±0.000 05 15.07±0.33 15 2.9 737.5 897.1 0.82 0.050 0±0.004 6 0.016 5±0.001 5 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.62±0.36 16 2.3 688.4 647.1 1.06 0.046 4±0.004 9 0.016 2±0.001 8 0.002 5±0.000 06 16.30±0.37 17 2.1 518.7 600.1 0.86 0.044 4±0.009 8 0.014 3±0.003 2 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.75±0.39 18 4.0 903.3 1 231.2 0.73 0.046 2±0.003 5 0.015 7±0.001 2 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.06±0.33 19 2.1 474.4 605.2 0.78 0.050 2±0.004 4 0.017 8±0.001 7 0.002 6±0.000 06 16.57±0.40 20 2.4 625 697.2 0.90 0.049 9±0.004 9 0.016 5±0.001 6 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.53±0.38 21 2.5 691.4 760.8 0.91 0.048 8±0.004 1 0.015 7±0.001 2 0.002 4±0.000 04 15.25±0.29 22 2.8 723.7 810.7 0.89 0.052 8±0.006 2 0.016 9±0.001 6 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.66±0.40 23 2.0 481.1 625.5 0.77 0.052 3±0.005 7 0.016 7±0.001 8 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.28±0.32 24 2.3 672.7 691.8 0.97 0.042 5±0.004 4 0.013 9±0.001 4 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.49±0.41 25 2.1 573 631.1 0.91 0.050 2±0.005 5 0.016 6±0.001 8 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.59±0.31 26 2.6 565.5 798.5 0.71 0.049 6±0.004 8 0.016 3±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 06 15.83±0.37 27 2.8 541.2 873.5 0.62 0.047 9±0.004 0 0.016 7±0.001 5 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.20±0.33 28 2.3 629.6 675.1 0.93 0.050 7±0.005 7 0.016 1±0.001 8 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.38±0.38 29 2.3 430 685.8 0.63 0.048 5±0.005 3 0.016 8±0.001 8 0.002 5±0.000 06 16.38±0.36 30 4.5 1 161.8 1 373.7 0.85 0.042 9±0.003 6 0.014 5±0.001 2 0.002 5±0.000 04 15.99±0.27 ZK0101-194.81 1 4.6 1 364.8 1 290.2 1.06 0.049 3±0.005 0 0.017 7±0.001 8 0.002 6±0.000 06 17.04±0.39 2 3.3 709.2 1 004.4 0.71 0.050 3±0.004 8 0.016 3±0.001 4 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.51±0.29 3 2.4 494.5 708.4 0.70 0.050 1±0.004 0 0.0178±0.001 4 0.002 6±0.000 06 16.67±0.40 4 2.4 520.1 759.8 0.68 0.044 5±0.003 9 0.015 2±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.13±0.35 5 2.9 560.7 866.4 0.65 0.051 1±0.004 2 0.017 2±0.001 3 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.00±0.31 6 3.4 686.2 1 046.4 0.66 0.048 3±0.003 9 0.016 2±0.001 3 0.002 5±0.000 05 15.87±0.32 7 2.5 577 798.6 0.72 0.051 9±0.005 0 0.016 6±0.001 6 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.29±0.35 8 3.0 634.2 977.2 0.65 0.050 8±0.004 5 0.016 9±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 15.81±0.30 9 2.0 372.4 653.2 0.57 0.048 9±0.005 1 0.015 5±0.001 5 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.66±0.33 10 3.4 717.1 1 115.6 0.64 0.051 0±0.003 3 0.016 9±0.001 1 0.002 4±0.000 04 15.59±0.25 11 2.8 479.2 901.6 0.53 0.051 8±0.004 4 0.017 3±0.001 5 0.002 5±0.000 04 15.95±0.28 12 3.0 703.9 945.1 0.74 0.052 0±0.004 2 0.017 0±0.001 3 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.63±0.31 13 3.8 975.8 1 138.1 0.86 0.043 2±0.003 6 0.014 9±0.001 3 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.22±0.29 14 2.6 598.6 845.8 0.71 0.042 6±0.004 2 0.014 3±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 15.93±0.31 16 2.4 502.8 792.6 0.63 0.047 5±0.004 5 0.015 9±0.001 5 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.68±0.31 18 2.4 386.7 723.1 0.53 0.049 5±0.003 4 0.017 6±0.001 2 0.002 6±0.000 05 16.73±0.34 19 3.1 624.5 1 002.7 0.62 0.049 1±0.005 9 0.016 2±0.001 9 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.69±0.39 20 3.0 740.1 916.4 0.81 0.046 4±0.004 5 0.015 4±0.001 5 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.69±0.34 21 2.5 687.7 794.5 0.87 0.054 0±0.005 6 0.016 3±0.001 4 0.002 3±0.000 06 15.07±0.37 22 2.8 597.4 916.2 0.65 0.050 3±0.004 4 0.016 1±0.001 4 0.002 3±0.000 04 15.07±0.27 23 3.2 836.2 965.2 0.87 0.042 3±0.002 9 0.014 2±0.000 9 0.002 5±0.000 04 16.09±0.26 24 4.2 1084 1 116.6 0.97 0.045 0±0.003 7 0.015 6±0.001 2 0.002 6±0.000 05 16.65±0.34 25 2.9 651.1 855.3 0.76 0.049 8±0.004 2 0.017 3±0.001 5 0.002 5±0.000 04 16.19±0.29 26 5.9 943.9 1 712.1 0.55 0.047 3±0.003 1 0.018 1±0.001 2 0.002 8±0.000 04 17.85±0.28 27 2.3 472.4 706.6 0.67 0.046 1±0.004 4 0.015 8±0.001 5 0.002 6±0.000 06 16.44±0.37 28 3 692.6 886.4 0.78 0.046 4±0.006 5 0.015 5±0.001 9 0.002 5±0.000 06 16.30±0.39 29 3 752.2 892.6 0.84 0.050 4±0.004 5 0.017 0±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.08±0.31 31 2.3 369.8 736.8 0.50 0.047 2±0.004 5 0.016 0±0.001 5 0.002 5±0.000 04 15.91±0.29 ZK0003-185.3 1 1.6 348 493.6 0.70 0.044 7±0.006 7 0.014 9±0.002 0 0.002 5±0.000 07 16.38±0.44 2 2.1 423.6 647.7 0.65 0.050 5±0.005 1 0.016 2±0.001 5 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.73±0.38 3 54.8 103.3 620.0 0.17 0.0586±0.001 6 0.633 1±0.017 1 0.0784±0.000 72 486.4±4.28 4 8.1 415.4 748.4 0.56 0.045 7±0.004 3 0.015 3±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 06 15.79±0.38 5 3.1 1018 900.7 1.13 0.052 1±0.005 0 0.017 2±0.001 6 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.59±0.30 6 2.4 657.1 656.2 1.00 0.042 2±0.005 7 0.014 8±0.002 0 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.07±0.34 7 1.9 433.1 595.1 0.73 0.049 8±0.005 2 0.016 7±0.0017 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.64±0.41 8 1.9 453.8 535.6 0.85 0.045 9±0.005 9 0.016 0±0.002 2 0.002 5±0.000 06 15.94±0.40 9 1.8 369.7 523.4 0.71 0.057 0±0.006 9 0.020 2±0.002 4 0.002 6±0.000 07 16.69±0.45 10 1.6 378.3 498.4 0.76 0.045 1±0.009 2 0.015 5±0.003 2 0.002 5±0.000 08 15.90±0.50 12 2.6 735.6 818.0 0.90 0.047 4±0.004 5 0.015 1±0.001 4 0.002 3±0.000 05 15.09±0.31 13 5.1 1626.8 858.6 1.89 0.049 3±0.005 0 0.024 2±0.002 4 0.0036±0.000 06 23.19±0.36 14 2.9 828.4 782.2 1.06 0.049 3±0.004 7 0.015 7±0.001 3 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.38±0.30 16 3.2 937.9 873.9 1.07 0.044 7±0.004 8 0.015 2±0.001 7 0.002 5±0.000 06 16.23±0.37 17 2.6 684.7 796.3 0.86 0.051 3±0.004 4 0.017 2±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.13±0.34 18 2.3 583.3 622.1 0.94 0.051 0±0.005 2 0.017 8±0.001 7 0.002 6±0.000 06 16.77±0.40 19 2.8 943.3 807.4 1.17 0.045 0±0.004 1 0.015 0±0.001 5 0.002 4±0.000 04 15.34±0.29 20 1.6 388.5 506.2 0.77 0.050 2±0.006 4 0.016 3±0.002 0 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.44±0.39 21 2.6 649.9 726.3 0.89 0.050 4±0.004 4 0.017 0±0.001 4 0.002 5±0.000 05 16.14±0.33 22 3.1 854.2 899.2 0.95 0.050 9±0.004 8 0.016 2±0.001 3 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.47±0.34 23 2.0 537.7 624.5 0.86 0.050 3±0.007 0 0.016 2±0.002 1 0.002 4±0.000 06 15.50±0.36 24 2.1 598.4 657.2 0.91 0.049 3±0.005 7 0.015 4±0.001 8 0.002 3±0.000 06 14.84±0.41 25 2.6 707 802.4 0.88 0.050 6±0.004 4 0.016 5±0.001 4 0.002 4±0.000 05 15.42±0.30 27 2.8 485.3 938.9 0.52 0.050 0±0.004 1 0.016 0±0.001 3 0.002 4±0.000 04 15.14±0.26 28 11.5 2 772.4 3 190.8 0.87 0.047 9±0.002 1 0.017 4±0.000 8 0.002 6±0.000 03 17.01±0.21 29 2.3 760.7 770.3 0.99 0.049 2±0.005 4 0.015 1±0.001 6 0.002 3±0.000 05 14.61±0.34 30 2.0 524.3 619.6 0.85 0.046 6±0.005 1 0.014 2±0.001 4 0.002 3±0.000 05 14.65±0.34 表 3 锆石微量元素分析结果
Table 3. Trace element analyses of zircon
样号 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Zk0003-185.3 1 0.113 27.7 0.057 0.77 1.56 0.50 7.3 2.6 31 12 60 14 155 36 2 1.489 26.0 0.277 1.57 1.19 0.40 5.2 1.7 19 8 37 9 97 24 3 0.000 3.3 0.030 0.70 3.44 0.27 32.6 15.8 249 108 534 121 1120 217 4 0.004 27.5 0.037 0.61 1.94 1.11 5.4 1.6 18 7 37 9 97 23 5 6.466 58.7 1.273 6.18 3.42 1.21 12.7 3.4 37 13 60 13 133 29 6 25.721 97.8 5.565 22.37 6.43 0.96 14.6 4.5 46 18 76 16 161 34 7 0.001 28.2 0.035 0.88 1.82 0.69 6.7 2.6 29 12 58 14 151 35 8 14.129 60.1 3.088 12.07 3.88 0.75 9.6 3.0 34 13 61 14 141 31 9 4.723 34.0 0.920 4.26 1.94 0.38 6.3 1.9 22 9 41 10 99 23 10 0.200 25.2 0.072 0.63 0.93 0.51 6.4 1.7 21 8 38 10 96 23 12 0.007 43.2 0.082 0.92 2.45 0.70 10.7 3.2 39 15 71 16 170 38 13 0.209 91.9 0.380 5.21 9.35 2.80 36.1 9.4 90 29 114 22 197 39 14 32.858 116.4 8.504 34.15 9.31 1.83 19.4 4.7 49 18 78 17 160 33 15 79.248 177.8 14.732 55.98 9.49 1.60 11.9 2.7 26 10 46 11 111 26 16 1.688 49.5 0.486 1.91 3.70 1.19 13.8 4.5 47 17 80 17 173 37 17 0.019 32.0 0.061 0.98 2.07 0.66 9.3 2.7 32 13 61 14 148 34 18 2.422 42.2 0.589 3.34 2.91 0.69 9.3 3.0 34 12 57 13 129 27 19 0.696 39.9 0.151 1.83 2.73 0.81 10.3 3.2 32 12 56 13 125 28 20 0.105 28.0 0.049 0.54 1.85 0.48 6.7 2.1 23 9 43 10 108 25 21 0.048 30.2 0.197 1.13 2.14 0.81 9.1 2.3 27 9 45 10 103 23 22 0.043 32.8 0.059 0.74 1.37 0.63 6.2 1.9 22 9 44 11 116 27 23 8.569 47.1 1.904 8.53 2.83 0.80 7.5 2.2 25 10 47 11 112 26 24 0.266 35.5 0.076 1.37 2.14 0.59 8.7 2.5 29 11 55 12 131 29 25 0.035 47.7 0.072 1.32 2.80 0.89 13.4 4.0 48 18 85 20 199 43 27 0.016 27.8 0.038 0.68 1.42 0.52 6.2 1.8 22 9 49 12 144 36 28 0.507 71.3 0.331 3.95 6.87 1.94 22.8 5.8 62 23 108 26 282 65 29 0.133 36.8 0.068 1.15 2.06 0.67 9.3 2.7 31 12 56 13 133 28 30 0.047 31.1 0.032 1.04 1.64 0.52 7.4 2.2 26 10 47 11 112 25 ZK0101-416 1 0.370 34.7 0.121 1.09 2.25 0.75 8.3 2.4 28 11 50 11 115 27 2 1.432 42.0 0.441 2.56 2.91 0.83 11.6 3.4 40 15 66 15 145 31 3 0.000 26.8 0.036 0.73 1.30 0.51 6.2 2.1 25 10 51 13 138 34 4 47.410 121.5 9.853 40.36 7.18 1.12 10.8 2.5 25 10 46 11 110 26 5 0.030 42.2 0.068 1.32 2.29 0.95 11.8 3.8 39 16 73 17 172 39 6 1.668 33.0 0.404 2.25 1.58 0.56 7.3 1.9 22 9 43 10 105 25 7 0.077 27.0 0.086 1.40 2.18 0.67 10.6 3.3 37 15 78 19 210 53 8 13.846 50.2 2.090 8.71 2.48 0.67 8.3 2.1 24 9 42 10 106 25 9 32.798 99.3 7.395 31.60 6.39 1.20 12.1 3.1 33 12 57 13 130 27 10 1.265 43.1 0.331 2.36 2.77 0.90 13.6 4.2 46 17 80 18 175 37 11 0.361 80.9 0.512 7.80 12.39 3.86 45.8 12.5 126 44 205 44 423 90 12 0.004 30.0 0.024 0.80 1.57 0.49 7.4 2.2 25 10 48 11 115 28 13 0.003 27.9 0.043 1.03 1.52 0.55 6.9 2.0 22 9 42 10 105 26 14 0.164 38.7 0.140 1.63 2.86 0.84 10.7 3.2 35 14 64 14 136 30 15 0.061 38.3 0.053 1.11 1.98 0.77 10.0 3.0 37 15 73 17 177 41 16 0.017 41.5 0.090 1.61 3.05 0.86 12.8 3.7 42 15 65 14 140 30 17 12.814 57.3 2.644 11.32 3.51 0.91 10.8 2.8 31 12 57 13 129 29 18 0.000 41.0 0.158 2.35 4.02 1.39 16.3 4.6 51 20 99 24 251 61 19 0.048 27.6 0.041 0.66 1.35 0.41 6.4 1.8 20 8 41 9 99 23 20 0.000 35.9 0.059 0.87 2.11 0.65 9.3 2.9 32 12 56 13 129 29 21 4.266 45.0 1.218 5.52 2.85 0.83 10.8 3.0 34 12 58 13 134 29 22 14.462 75.5 3.617 16.56 5.55 1.16 13.7 3.9 46 17 80 18 184 40 23 0.087 33.9 0.054 0.96 2.30 0.79 10.5 3.4 37 15 75 17 186 42 24 0.178 39.4 0.081 1.39 2.46 0.71 11.0 3.4 36 14 63 14 140 30 25 0.880 35.1 0.274 2.14 1.82 0.61 7.9 2.6 29 11 52 12 121 27 26 0.734 39.2 0.254 2.24 2.65 0.85 10.8 3.4 38 14 70 16 171 40 27 0.012 27.8 0.042 0.58 1.38 0.51 6.2 2.1 24 10 46 11 126 30 28 0.000 41.2 0.075 1.33 2.98 1.00 13.1 3.8 45 17 79 18 177 38 29 0.054 28.2 0.059 1.19 2.01 0.78 9.3 2.8 33 13 63 15 161 39 30 0.014 44.4 0.076 1.05 2.32 0.83 10.1 3.2 34 14 67 16 171 40 ZK0101-194.8 1 0.040 65.3 0.228 3.70 6.19 2.03 24.9 7.3 79 29 135 31 304 68 2 0.023 30.6 0.065 0.70 1.40 0.65 5.7 2.0 25 9 46 11 120 29 3 4.584 46.3 1.097 5.07 2.83 0.92 12.8 3.7 42 17 80 18 189 43 4 0.000 30.4 0.040 0.69 1.35 0.38 6.1 1.9 21 8 40 10 106 25 5 0.025 28.1 0.015 0.57 1.37 0.52 6.2 1.9 22 9 42 10 112 26 6 0.050 38.9 0.076 1.11 1.93 0.81 9.1 3.0 36 14 75 19 201 48 7 1.647 33.3 0.321 1.84 1.62 0.56 7.9 2.0 24 9 47 11 117 27 8 0.004 36.1 0.047 0.71 1.56 0.65 7.8 2.6 32 12 64 16 169 40 9 0.117 25.3 0.037 0.71 1.62 0.56 6.6 2.0 25 10 54 13 144 34 10 0.056 36.8 0.062 0.94 1.82 0.67 8.6 2.7 34 14 74 18 202 50 11 0.015 24.5 0.024 0.69 1.01 0.42 4.7 1.5 17 7 35 9 102 25 12 0.314 39.7 0.135 1.53 2.72 0.92 10.9 3.3 34 12 57 13 130 30 13 0.009 41.5 0.081 1.06 2.47 0.84 10.5 3.0 35 12 62 14 147 34 14 0.005 34.2 0.039 0.87 1.61 0.52 6.3 1.9 23 9 42 10 106 25 16 0.048 29.5 0.044 0.74 1.77 0.69 8.0 2.2 26 10 48 11 122 28 18 0.009 26.4 0.045 0.85 1.21 0.66 6.6 2.0 25 10 48 12 130 32 19 0.104 27.8 0.117 1.10 1.46 0.70 6.0 1.9 20 8 37 9 99 24 20 0.005 46.1 0.087 1.38 2.19 0.91 11.5 3.8 41 15 74 17 174 40 21 0.028 36.3 0.100 1.10 2.28 0.77 7.4 2.1 24 9 41 9 101 24 22 0.006 31.7 0.050 0.85 1.51 0.55 7.2 1.9 22 9 41 10 109 26 23 0.369 39.2 0.102 1.45 2.18 0.67 9.3 2.6 28 10 47 11 115 27 24 3.475 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