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    吴奎 童金南 李红军 田力 邹亚锐 梁蕾 赵璧

    吴奎, 童金南, 李红军, 田力, 邹亚锐, 梁蕾, 赵璧, 2022. 全球古-中生代之交牙形石研究进展. 地球科学, 47(3): 1012-1037. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.196
    引用本文: 吴奎, 童金南, 李红军, 田力, 邹亚锐, 梁蕾, 赵璧, 2022. 全球古-中生代之交牙形石研究进展. 地球科学, 47(3): 1012-1037. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.196
    Wu Kui, Tong Jinnan, Li Hongjun, Tian Li, Zou Yarui, Liang Lei, Zhao Bi, 2022. Advance in the Study of Global Conodont during the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Upheavals. Earth Science, 47(3): 1012-1037. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.196
    Citation: Wu Kui, Tong Jinnan, Li Hongjun, Tian Li, Zou Yarui, Liang Lei, Zhao Bi, 2022. Advance in the Study of Global Conodont during the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Upheavals. Earth Science, 47(3): 1012-1037. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.196


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.196

    国家自然科学基金项目 42030513

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      吴奎(1992-),男,工程师,博士,主要从事二叠纪-三叠纪之交牙形石研究. ORICD: 0000-0001-9996-8318. E-mail: kuiwu@cug.edu.cn


      童金南,E-mail: jntong@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P52

    Advance in the Study of Global Conodont during the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Upheavals

    • 摘要:



    • 图  1  二叠纪-早三叠世最早期牙形石带,包括40个可全球对比的牙形石带及35个地方性牙形石带(修改自Henderson, 2016)

      Fig.  1.  Permian-Earliest Triassic conodont zonation, including 40 global-correlative conodont zones and 35 regional conodont zones (modified from Henderson, 2016)

      图  2  早三叠世国际不同地区牙形石带

      Fig.  2.  Early Triassic global conodont zonation

      图  3  国际二叠纪-三叠纪年代地层划分及界线层型“金钉子”化石研究现状

      1.菊石“金钉子”; 2.有望以牙形石作为“金钉子”; 3.已确认的金钉子; 4.牙形石“金钉子”; 界线年龄引自2021年5月国际年代地层表

      Fig.  3.  Division of Permian-Triassic international chronostratigraphic units and locations of the GSSPs

      图  4  物种x在时间和空间上的分布

      修改自Guex et al. (1991); J(x)表示该物种x在地层中出现的集合,G表示物种x的生存范围,T表示物种在地质历史中存在的时间范围

      Fig.  4.  Tempo and space distributions of species x

      图  5  二叠纪牙形石氧同位素变化曲线(修改自Chen et al., 2013a)

      Fig.  5.  Permian conodont oxygen isotopes curves (modified from Chen et al., 2013a)

      图  6  蓬莱滩、铁桥剖面牙形石氧同位素变化曲线及海平面变化(修改自Chen et al., 2011)

      Fig.  6.  Conodont oxygen isotopes curves and sea level changes of the Penglaitan and Tieqiao sections (modified from Chen et al., 2011)

      图  7  早三叠世牙形石锶同位素、海水温度、氧化还原状态及海平面变化曲线(修改自Song et al., 2015)

      Fig.  7.  Sr isotpes, temperature, redox conditions of the sea water and sea level change during the Early Triassic (modified from Song et al., 2015)

      图  8  早三叠牙形石演化过程中“返祖现象”(修改自Guex, 2016)

      Fig.  8.  "Retrograde" evolution of the conodont during the Early Triassic (modified from Guex, 2016)

      a. "Neospathodus" arcucristatus; b. Protoclarkina crofri; c. Clarkina bitteri; d. C. meishanensis; e. C. krystyni; a'. Kashmirella timorensis; b'. Paragondolella regale; c'. P. excels

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