Main Controlling Factors and Genetic Mechanism of High-Quality Volcanic Reservoirs in Huoshiling Formation of Longfengshan Area
摘要: 长岭断陷龙凤山地区火石岭组火山岩储层成因复杂,对该地区优质储层主控因素及成因机制的研究有助于提高油气勘探成效.通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、孔渗分析和测井解释等手段,从储层特征的研究入手,分析了优质储层发育的主控因素及成因机制.结果表明:火石岭组火山岩主要的岩石类型为爆发相的安山质凝灰岩、安山质角砾岩以及喷溢相的安山岩.火山岩属于中孔‒中渗储层,储集空间以粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔、基质溶孔和微裂缝为主.岩性岩相和喷发旋回期次控制了优质储层的形成和分布,风化淋滤作用、酸性流体溶蚀和构造作用决定了火山岩能否成为优质储层.优质储层成因包括内幕型、风化壳型和断裂‒溶蚀型3种类型,断裂和生烃凹陷附近的构造高部位、熔岩流上部以及旋回期次界面处为优质储层分布区.Abstract: The genesis of volcanic reservoir of the Huoshiling Formation in the Longfengshan area of the Changling fault depression is complex. The study on the main controlling factors and genetic mechanism of high-quality reservoirs in this area can improve the effectiveness of oil and gas exploration. By means of core observation, thin section identification, porosity and permeability analysis and logging interpretation, starting from the study of reservoir characteristics, the main controlling factors and genetic mechanism of high-quality reservoirs development are analyzed. The results show that the main rock types of volcanic rocks in Huoshiling Formation are andesitic tuff and andesitic breccia of explosive facies and andesite of effusive facies. Volcanic rocks belong to medium porosity and medium permeability reservoir, and the reservoir space is dominated by intergranular dissolved pores, ingranular dissolved pores, matrix dissolved pores and microfractures. Lithology, lithofacies and apparatus-cycle control the formation and distribution of high-quality reservoirs, and weathering and leaching, acid fluid dissolution and tectonism determine whether volcanic rocks can become high-quality reservoirs. The genesis of high-quality reservoirs includes three types: primary reservoir, weathering crust reservoir, and fault-corrosion reservoir. High-quality reservoirs are distributed in the high part of the structure, the upper part of the lava flow and the boundary of the cycle periods near the faults and hydrocarbon generation depressions.
表 1 龙凤山地区火石岭组火山岩岩性类型
Table 1. Types of volcanic lithofacies in the Huoshiling Formation of the Longfengshan area
岩石大类 岩石类型 结构及矿物成分 代表井 火山熔岩类 安山岩 斑状结构、交织结构. 斑晶:斜长石、角闪石,少见辉石;基质:斜长石,少量碱性长石和石英 B204、B215、B213、B5 火山碎屑熔岩类 安山质凝灰/角砾熔岩 熔结结构,中性斜长石、角闪石、黑云母、辉石 B204、B215、B213、B5 火山碎屑岩类 安山质凝灰/角砾岩 凝灰结构、火山角砾结构,中性斜长石、角闪石、黑云母、辉石 B203、B213、B216、B217、B218 沉火山碎屑岩类 沉凝灰/火山角砾岩 沉火山碎屑结构,火山灰(岩屑、晶屑、玻屑、火山尘),外碎屑(石英、长石) B213、B213-1、B2、B212、B5 -
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