Distribution of Radionuclides in Sediments of Bohai Sea and Their Response to Changes in Sedimentary Environment
摘要: 为了探讨近百年来,人类活动背景下近海沉积物中放射性核素的沉积记录及其对物质输入与埋藏等沉积环境变化的响应,利用γ能谱法对渤海表层和柱状沉积物中的放射性核素238U、226Ra、232Th、210Pb、40K和137Cs进行分析.结果显示,渤海沉积物中放射性核素水平和垂直分布特征明显,铀衰变系核素238U、226Ra和210Pb不平衡,232Th和210Pb受沉积物粒度和有机碳影响显著,238U与226Ra、232Th、40K存在显著相关性.226Ra/238U、232Th/238U和40K/238U比值时空差异显著,渤海沉积物陆源输入影响由西南向东北方向延伸,受河流影响,渤海北部和南部的沉积物输入不稳定,近几十年波动显著.利用210Pbex和137Cs法的测年结果计算获得的渤海近百年来沉积速率在中国近海沉积速率研究背景值范围内;空间上,渤海北部、中部和南部沉积速率处于同一水平,其中北部偏高;时间上,近百年来渤海沉积速率随时间波动,整体上呈现增加趋势,尤其是1980年之后,人类活动影响下渤海沉积速率增加幅度显著,与沉积物输入的波动变化相对应.Abstract: In order to investigate the temporal and spatial changes of the offshore sedimentary processes such as terrestrial material input and sedimentation rate in the context of human activities during the past 100 years, the radionuclides 238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 210Pb, 40K and 137Cs in surface and column sediments in the Bohai Sea region were analyzed using γ energy spectrometry. The horizontal and vertical distribution characteristics of radionuclides in the sediments of the Bohai Sea were obvious, and the radionuclides 238U, 226Ra and 210Pb in the uranium decay series were unbalanced. 232Th and 210Pb were significantly affected by sediment grain size and organic carbon. The correlation between 238U and 226Ra, 232Th, 40K was obvious. There were significant temporal and spatial differences in the ratios of 226Ra/238U, 232Th/238U and 40K/238U. The influence of terrestrial input of Bohai Sea sediments extends from southwest to northeast. Affected by rivers, the sediments in the northern and southern Bohai Sea material input were unstable and fluctuated significantly in recent decades. The sedimentation rate calculated by the 210Pbex and 137Cs dating methods in the Bohai Sea in the past 100 years was within the background value of the sedimentation rate research in the offshore China. Spatially, the sedimentation rate was at the same level in the northern part, central part and southern part, among which it was relatively high in the northern part. Temporally speaking, the sedimentation rate of the Bohai Sea fluctuated with time in the past 100 years and showed an overall increasing trend, especially since 1980, under the influence of human activities, the increase was significant, corresponding to the changes in sediment input.
Key words:
- radionuclide /
- sedimentation rate /
- Bohai Sea /
- sedimentary environment /
- evolution /
- geochemistry
表 1 渤海沉积物中放射性核素含量(Bq·kg-1)
Table 1. Contents of radionuclides in the sediments of the Bohai Sea(Bq·kg-1)
类型 238U 226Ra 232Th 210Pb 40K 137Cs 表层样 范围 23.77~59.39 17.56~35.98 30.38~59.18 41.34~116.46 571~839 0.69~4.50 平均值 37.64 25.06 42.22 71.89 690 1.84 变异系数 25.29% 19.27% 19.83% 31.58% 10.49% 47.83% 柱状样 范围 22.33~38.16 22.23~35.85 26.75~49.51 38.70~111.51 612~784 0.97~4.05 平均值 27.93 28.18 37.79 79.40 678 1.76 变异系数 16.08% 11.82% 18.63% 21.00% 7.16% 39.78% 表 2 中国近海沉积物中放射性核素含量(Bq·kg-1)
Table 2. Contents of radionuclides in coastal sediments of China(Bq·kg-1)
研究区域 238U 226Ra 232Tha 210Pb 40K 137Cs 参考文献 田湾海域 40.0 25.2 46.7 50.9 899 2.0 左书华等,2019 大亚湾海域 60.3 38.2 52.1 - 619 0.9 梁贵渊等,2019 阳江海域 82.4 35.5 57.1 121.7 621 2.2 吴梅桂等,2018 胶州湾海域 39.0 26.5 40.3 61.0 688 3.3 刘广山等,2008 厦门海域 51.9 26.5 75.0 72.0 658 3.2 李冬梅等,2009 大连海域 34.9 19.3 - 72.4 746 2.4 杜金秋等,2017 深圳近海 - 26.5 - 43.2 364 1.8 丁敏霞等,2017 北部湾 24.7 22.2 34.4 - 253 - 林武辉等,2020 黄茅海/广海湾 77.4 36.6 58.1 123.8 571 1.5 赵峰等,2015 长江口 32.8 26.5 40.9 - 628 - Wang et al., 2017 中国土壤 39.5 36.5 54.6 - 580 - 曹龙生等,2012 渤海 20.8~59.4 17.6~36.0 26.8~59.2 38.7~116.5 571~839 0.7~4.5 本研究 注:部分报道中的232Th数据由其子体228Ra获得. 表 3 渤海沉积物中放射性核素、TOC、GS之间的Pearson相关系数
Table 3. Pearson correlation among radionuclides, TOC and GS in the sediments of the Bohai Sea
类型 226Ra 232Th 210Pb 40K 137Cs TOC GS 表层样 238U 0.930** 0.690** 0.412* 0.495* 0.637** 0.055 -0.261 226Ra 0.681** 0.368 0.369 0.522** 0.015 -0.173 232Th 0.506** 0.369 0.414* 0.542** -0.549** 210Pb 0.462* 0.515** 0.657** -0.670** 40K 0.682** 0.185 -0.231 137Cs 0.135 -0.197 TOC -0.916** 柱状样 238U -0.680* -0.302* -0.237* -0.223 -0.054 -0.551** -0.726** 226Ra 0.695** 0.325** 0.436** 0.412** 0.706** 0.886** 232Th 0.399** 0.568** 0.331** 0.346** 0.588** 210Pb 0.300* 0.012 0.112 0.321** 40K 0.511** -0.007 0.547** 137Cs 0.030 0.331** TOC 0.535** 注:**在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关;*在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关. 表 4 中国近海沉积速率
Table 4. Sedimentation rate in coastal seas of China
研究海域 研究方法 沉积速率(cm·a-1) 资料来源 渤海 210Pbex 0.15~0.41 李凤业和史玉兰,1995 北黄海 210Pbex 0.07~0.45 齐君等,2004 南黄海 210Pbex 0.40~1.00 李凤业等,2002 东海 210Pbex; 137Cs 0.57~5.70 夏小明等,1999 渤海湾 210Pbex; 137Cs 0.30~3.17 王福和王宏,2011 胶州湾 210Pbex; 137Cs 0.64~1.74 刘广山等,2008 大亚湾 210Pbex 0.44 曲宝晓等,2018 北部湾 210Pbex 0.20~1.00 许冬等,2012 厦门近海 210Pbex 0.07~13.20 李冬梅等,2009 大连近海 210Pbex; 137Cs 0.43~0.48 杜金秋等,2017 长江口 210Pbex 1.36~4.11 张瑞等,2009 表 5 研究区域近百年来沉积速率
Table 5. Sedimentation rates of study areas in last 100 years
研究区域 210Pbex⁃SR范围(cm·a-1) 210Pbex⁃SR平均值(cm·a-1) 137Cs⁃SR (cm·a-1) 210Pbex⁃MAR范围(kg·m-2·a-1) 210Pbex⁃MAR平均值(kg·m-2·a-1) 渤海北部 0.08~0.73 0.35 0.38 1.46~13.16 6.34 渤海中部 0.12~0.58 0.31 0.38 1.84~10.04 5.53 渤海南部 0.16~0.46 0.30 0.32 2.83~6.94 4.82 中国近海a 0.07~7.25 - - - 注:a.数据来自文献(见表 2). -
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