Neogene Tectonic-Stratigraphic Realms and Sedimentary Sequence in China
摘要: 新近纪是中国地貌地形和气候环境格局最终奠定的关键时期,如青藏高原强烈抬升和现代高原地貌最终成型、中国南海海盆扩张结束、东亚现今大型水系格局最终建立、中国西高东低的地势最终确立以及东亚季风系统开始形成并逐渐增强.通过对中国新近纪大地构造、沉积盆地(群)、火山岩、隆起带和大型变形构造等的综合研究,共厘定一级构造-地层单元(大区)10个,二级构造-地层单元27个(区),包含各类沉积盆地94个.通过综合各个地层分区内盆地的盆地类型、沉积序列、沉积时代及地层接触关系的研究,重新厘定了中国新近纪岩石地层对比格架,并对中国新近纪时期沉积-构造-气候耦合历史进行了系统总结.Abstract: Neogene is the key period for the establishment of geomorphology and pattern of climate changes in China, involving the significant uplift of Tibetan Plateau and final formation of modern plateau landform, the termination of seafloor spreading for the South China Sea, the final establishment of the present large river system in East Asia, the final establishment of the west-tilting topography of China, the formation and enhancement of East Asian monsoon system. Through the comprehensive study of Neogene tectonics, sedimentary basins (groups), volcanic rocks, uplifting belts and large deformation structures in China, 10 first-order tectonic-stratigraphic units (super-realms) and 27 second-order tectonic-stratigraphic units (realms) have been subdivided, including 94 basins. Through the research of the types of basins in each unit, sedimentary sequence, sedimentary age and stratigraphic contact, the Neogene lithostratigraphic correlation framework in China was established and the sedimentary-tectonic-climate history was summarized.
Key words:
- Neogene /
- tectonic-stratigraphic division /
- stratigraphic correlation /
- sedimentary basin /
- stratigraphy
图 1 中国新近纪年代-磁性-生物-化学-气候等综合地层格架与全球地质事件序列
磁性地层据Gradstein et al.(2012);主要生物带据Wade et al.(2011)、Deng et al.(2019);化学地层据Zachos et al.(2001)、McArthur et al.(2012);全球海平面变化据Miller et al.(2005);全球底层海水温度变化据Lear et al.(2000);重大生物、气候和地质事件据Briais et al.(1993)、Zachos et al.(2001,2008)、Li et al.(2015)、黄奇瑜(2017)和Wang and Jian(2019)
Fig. 1. Neogene multidisciplinary stratigraphic correlation in China and global geological events
图 2 中国新近纪构造-地层分区及盆地分布
地理底图据, 审图号为GS(2016)2923号;1.布尔津断陷盆地;2.塔城压陷盆地;3.伊宁压陷盆地;4.准噶尔压陷盆地;5.吐哈压陷盆地;6.北山压陷盆地;7.塔里木压陷盆地;8.黑石北湖含火山压陷盆地;9.西可可西里含火山压陷盆地;10.松西压陷盆地;11. 鲁玛江东措压陷盆地;12.拜惹布措含火山压陷盆地;13.温泉湖含火山压陷盆地;14.查多岗日含火山压陷盆地;15.强措含火山压陷盆地;16.石坪顶含火山压陷盆地;17.玛尔果茶卡压陷盆地;18.鲸鱼湖含火山压陷盆地;19.多格措仁含火山压陷盆地;20.可可西里压陷盆地;21.唐古拉压陷盆地;22.米提将占木错压陷盆地;23.沱沱河压陷盆地;24.洞措压陷盆地;25.尼玛断陷盆地;26.南双湖断陷盆地;27.伦坡拉断坳盆地;28.芒康走滑拉分盆地;29.兰坪-剑川走滑拉分盆地;30.丽江断陷盆地;31.盐源走滑拉分盆地;32.西昌-攀枝花走滑拉分盆地;33.楚雄断陷盆地;34.昌宁走滑拉分盆地;35.保山断陷盆地;36.腾冲断陷盆地;37.耿马断陷盆地;38.景谷断陷盆地;39.思茅走滑拉分盆地;40.元江走滑拉分盆地;41.昆明断坳盆地;42.昭通断陷盆地;43.马关走滑拉分盆地;44.百色断陷盆地;45.大竹卡断陷盆地;46.乌郁断陷盆地;47.札达断陷盆地;48.普兰断陷盆地;49.吉隆断陷盆地;50.索尔库里走滑拉分盆地;51.柴达木压陷盆地;52.疏勒南山压陷盆地;53.酒泉压陷盆地;54.金塔-花海压陷盆地;55.贵德压陷盆地;56.循化压陷盆地;57.临夏压陷盆地;58.西宁-兰州压陷盆地;59.陇西-天水断陷盆地;60.宁南断陷盆地;61.阿亚克库木湖压陷盆地;62.秀河压陷盆地;63.玛多压陷盆地;64.成县压陷盆地;65.汉诺坝陆内裂谷;66.贺兰山-河套断陷盆地;67.银川断陷盆地;68.渭河断陷盆地;69.宝鸡-南洛断陷盆地;70.山西断陷盆地;71.渤海湾坳陷盆地;72.南华北坳陷盆地;73.二连坳陷盆地;74.海拉尔坳陷盆地;75.松辽坳陷盆地;76.成都压陷盆地;77.南襄坳陷盆地;78.江汉坳陷盆地;79.依兰-伊通走滑-拉分盆地;80.三江走滑-拉分盆地;81.辽源东走滑拉分盆地;82.虎林断陷-坳陷盆地;83.苏北坳陷盆地;84.芜湖坳陷盆地;85.北黄海坳陷盆地;86.南黄海坳陷盆地;87.东海陆架坳陷盆地;88.珠江口坳陷盆地;89.北部湾坳陷盆地;90.莺歌海坳陷盆地;91.琼东南坳陷盆地;92.台湾西坳陷盆地;93.台湾东坳陷盆地;94.南海中央海盆
Fig. 2. Neogene tectonic-stratigraphic regimes and sedimentary basins in China
图 3 中国新近纪构造-地层区划与岩石地层格架对比
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