Simulation of Cenozoic Basalt Water-Rock Reaction in Jiangling Depression and Its Indications to Genesis of Potassium-Rich Brine
关于江陵凹陷富钾卤水的物质来源和成因机理仍未查明. 对凹陷新生代玄武岩开展矿物学、岩石学、地球化学研究以及水-岩反应模拟实验,重点研究时间、温度、流体成分等对水-岩反应的影响. 结果表明,卤水具有高锂低镁的特征,说明其在成因上受到火山活动的影响;研究区岩浆发生不同程度的分异,玄武岩蚀变作用强烈,表明地下热液的交代作用强烈,玄武岩通过水-岩反应为富钾卤水矿提供了物质来源;温度是流体对元素的淋滤能力的主要控制因素,高盐度流体是各成矿元素主要的迁移载体,水-岩反应是卤水形成的重要过程.
Abstract:The material source and genesis mechanism of the potassium-rich brine in Jiangling Depression have not yet been ascertained. Mineralogical, petrological, geochemical analyses and water-rock reaction simulation experiments on Cenozoic basalts were carried out in Jiangling Depression, focusing on the effects of time, temperature, and fluid composition on the water-rock reaction. The study shows that the brine has the characteristics of high lithium and low magnesium. It shows that the origin of brine was controlled by volcanic activity. The magma in the study area was differentiated to different degrees, and the basalt alteration was strong, indicating that the subsurface hydrothermal fluid had a strong metasomatism on the basalt in the study area. Basalt provided material source for potassium-rich brine ore through water-rock reaction. Temperature is the main controlling factor of the eluvial capacity of the fluid, and the high salinity fluid is the main carrier of the ore-forming elements. Water-rock reaction is an important process of brine formation.
图 2 江汉盆地及周缘地区新生代玄武岩分布(据Zhou et al., 2006修改)
Fig. 2. Cenozoic basalt distribution of Jianghan Basin and its surrounding areas (modified from Zhou et al., 2006)
图 5 江陵凹陷古近纪玄武岩分布(据王春连等,2021)
Fig. 5. The distribution of the Paleogene volcanic rocks in Jiangling Depression (from Wang et al., 2021)
表 1 江陵凹陷玄武岩样品基本信息
Table 1. Sampling information of some igneous rocks in Jiangling Depression
样品编号 系 统 组 经纬度 岩石类型 JLY-1 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°42.589´E114°19.673´ 玄武岩 JLY-2 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°42.083´E114°17.614´ 玄武岩 JLY-3 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°40.936´E114°17.253´ 玄武岩 JLY-4 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°39.197´E114°31.483´ 玄武岩 JLY-5 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°39.197´E114°31.483´ 玄武岩 JLY-6 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°31.780´E114°38.375´ 玄武岩 JLY-7 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°32.222´E114°37.234´ 玄武岩 JLY-8 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°32.222´E114°37.234´ 玄武岩 JLY-9 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°36.088´E114°59.241´ 玄武岩 JLY-10 古近系 古新统 沙市组 N27°32.883´E115°50.937´ 玄武岩 表 2 江陵凹陷玄武岩岩石含量分析
Table 2. Content analysis of basalt in Jiangling Depression
样品编号 含量(%) SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 TFe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Zr LOI 总量 JLY-1 53.01 1.88 14.71 2.97 0.15 6.09 7.54 3.37 1.02 0.34 147 0.65 100.14 JLY-2 52.49 1.96 14.66 3.19 0.13 6.17 7.46 3.46 1.20 0.37 157 0.76 100.34 JLY-3 52.55 1.94 14.91 3.12 0.14 6.07 7.71 3.44 1.03 0.35 147 0.71 100.23 JLY-4 52.85 1.89 14.71 3.23 0.13 6.17 8.13 3.18 1.05 0.33 152 0.96 100.93 JLY-5 52.16 1.90 14.86 3.05 0.12 6.07 8.25 3.30 1.09 0.35 155 0.76 100.32 JLY-6 52.29 1.96 15.18 3.23 0.13 5.63 8.10 2.98 1.06 0.37 157 1.62 100.60 JLY-7 48.71 1.95 15.35 4.16 0.09 6.26 6.96 2.45 1.21 0.35 152 5.25 100.40 JLY-8 48.88 2.16 15.48 3.24 0.10 4.91 8.55 2.86 1.20 0.50 195 4.60 100.10 JLY-9 49.94 2.06 15.25 3.15 0.08 5.75 7.54 2.76 1.24 0.47 188 4.17 101.40 JLY-10 53.00 1.93 15.05 3.17 0.13 5.80 7.60 3.02 1.05 0.36 149 1.06 100.44 -
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