Detrital Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Fuzikuang Formation, Penglai Group in Jiaobei Terrane, North China Craton and Its Geological Significance
摘要: 蓬莱群是胶北地区最主要的晚前寒武纪沉积盖层,对研究华北克拉通东南缘晚前寒武纪演化有重要意义.为确认蓬莱群沉积时代与物源特征,本次研究选取栖霞地区蓬莱群辅子夼组中上部的长石石英岩为研究对象,对锆石CL图像、U-Pb年龄以及稀土元素组成开展研究,发现碎屑锆石主要为岩浆锆石,年龄峰值主要集中在1 100、1 200 Ma以及1 600 Ma,缺乏年龄大于1.8 Ga的锆石;其中,最年轻碎屑锆石年龄为1 094±39 Ma,结合前人资料,蓬莱群辅子夼组沉积时代被限定在新元古代初期;不同地区的蓬莱群在辅子夼组中部以上物源区是统一的,在辅子夼组下部沉积时期物源发生变化.在区域上,蓬莱群物源特点与朝鲜祥原超群、以及我国辽东细河群、鲁南土门群、徐淮地区淮南群、豫西地区栾川群等华北东缘、南缘新元古代沉积盆地物源相似,物源主要来自华北克拉通以外的古陆.结合古地磁、中—新元古代岩墙分布等资料,推测发育格林威尔期造山带的克拉通如Laurentia-Siberia-Baltica或Sao Fransico-Congo克拉通与华北克拉通南缘拼合,提供物源.Abstract: The Penglai Group is an important late Precambrian sedimentary cover in Jiaobei area, which is of great significance to study the late Precambrian evolution in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. In order to confirm the sedimentary age and provenance characteristics of the Penglai Group in the Jiaobei area, a fine-grained feldspar quartzite in the upper part of the Fuzikuang Formation, Penglai Group in the Qixia area is selected for analyses of the zircon CL image, U-Pb age and REE composition in this study. Results show that detrital zircons mainly belong to magmatic origin, with the peak ages of 1 100 Ma, 1 200 Ma and 1 600 Ma, and there are a few zircons with age older than 1.8 Ga. The youngest zircon age is 1 094±39 Ma, combined with the previous data, the sedimentary age of the Fuzikuang Formation in the Penglai Group should be limited to early Neoproterozoic. The provenance of the Penglai Group in different areas are the same in the middle and upper parts of the Fuzikuang Formation, but the provenance may change in the lower part of the Fuzikuang Formation. From regional perspective, the provenance characteristics of the Penglai Group are similar to those of the Neoproterozoic strata in the southern margin of the North China Craton, such as the Sangwon System in North Korea, and the Xihe Group in the Liaodong Peninsula, the Tumen Group in the Luxi area, the Huainan Group in Xuhuai area and the Luanchuan Group in western Henan, China. The main provenance areas are outside the North China Craton. Combined with paleomagnetic data and distribution of Meso-Neoproterozoic mafic dykes, we speculate that the southern margin of the North China Craton combined with the craton having Grenvillian orogen on it, maybe Laurentia-Siberia-Baltica Craton or Sao Franco-Congo Craton, which provided the provenance for the Penglai Group.
Key words:
- Penglai Group /
- Fuzikuang Formation /
- detrital zircon U-Pb dating /
- provenance analysis /
- petrology
图 7 各组锆石谐和图(a, c, e)和球粒陨石标准化后稀土元素配分模式图(d, f)和锆石年龄概率密度图(b)
球粒陨石稀土数据据Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 7. Concordia diagrams (a, c, e) and CI-normalized REE patterns (d, f) and probility density plot (b) of feldspar quartzite
图 8 华北克拉通南缘新元古代早期形态重建(a),及各地区该期地层碎屑锆石年龄对比(b)
图a修改自Zhang et al.(2016)、Kim et al.(2019);图b中绿色区为共同具有的1 200、1 600 Ma峰值,红色区为不同峰值,数据引自Li et al.(2007)、Zhou et al.(2008)、高林志等(2010)、初航等(2011)、Hu et al.(2012)、Yang et al.(2012)、朴贤旭等(2016a, 2016b)、田德欣等(2018)、Kim et al.(2019)、周光照等(2019)、李振生等(2020)以及本文
Fig. 8. Reconstruction of the south margin of the North China Craton in early Neoproterozoic (a), and comparison of detrital zircon ages of strata this period in different areas (b)
图 9 华北克拉通南缘地层碎屑锆石年龄与Laurentia-Baltica-Siberia和Sao Fransico以及North Australia克拉通对比
图中灰色框代表~1 200、1 600 Ma年龄峰值;数据引自Babinski et al.(2012)、Souza et al.(2019)、Rodrigues et al.(2012)、Khudoley et al.(2015)、Aleinikoff et al.(2013)、Bingen et al.(2011)、Agyei-Dwarko et al.(2012)、Zhang et al.(2017, 2018)、Yang et al.(2018)、Peng et al.(2011)、de Castro et al.(2019)、Ernst et al.(2016)以及图 8所引用数据
Fig. 9. Detrital zircon ages of Neoproterozoic strata in the southern margin of the North China Craton comparison with Laurentia-Baltica-Siberia Craton、Sao Fransico craton and North Australia Craton
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