A Numerical Method for Solving Three-Dimensional Probability Distribution of Rockmass Fracture Orientations
摘要: 测线法是一种广泛使用的裂隙几何特征野外观测技术,但它获得的一维产状观测数据不能代表三维空间内的概率分布.在实测裂隙倾向和倾角之间相互独立的假设基础上,借用概率论和微积分建立了一维数据和三维分布的数值解关系式,进而提出一种由一维观测数据求解三维概率分布的方法.该方法的实现步骤是:(1)通过关系式数值求解产状的三维累积概率;(2)使用如Kolmogorov-Smirnov逼近法对累积概率进行分布形式和分布参数的估计.结合两类裂隙(层理面和节理面)的观测数据,比较了本文方法与Fouché方法的求解误差,并调查了样本容量对本文方法求解误差的影响.结果表明,本文方法求解误差更低.样本容量接近150时,可实现最低求解误差;当超过150时,求解误差不会随样本容量的增加而显著降低.同时,应用于互不平行的裂隙个体如节理面时,本文方法效果明显.而应用于近似平行的裂隙个体如层理面时,效果不明显.Abstract: The scanline mapping is a widely-used 1D field technique for fracture geometry observation. However, the 1D orientation observations from this technique poorly represent the 3D probability distribution. In this work, a numerical method for solving the 3D probability distribution of orientations is presented. It makes the assumption of observed dip direction-angle independence and adopts a mathematical relationship between the 1D observations and the 3D distribution. This method follows a two-step procedure that first using the relationship to solve the 3D cumulative, and then estimating the distribution type and parameters over the probabilities by employing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov approximation. Two cases of fractures (bedding planes and joints) illustrate that the presented method provides a smaller-error solution in comparison with the Fouché method. The minimum solution error of the presented method can be attained when the sample size is closely 150; if the sample size exceeds this value, the solution error will not decrease significantly as sample size increases. Moreover, the effectiveness of the presented method is investigated. The results show that the presented method performs effectively when applied to non-parallel fracture individuals, e.g. joints, whereas with low effectiveness when applied to sub-parallel fracture individuals, e.g. bedding planes.
表 1 3D-DFN建模参数
Table 1. 3D-DFN modeling parameters
体密度(m-3) 模拟区 应用区 测线 长(m) 宽(m) 高(m) 长(m) 宽(m) 高(m) 倾伏向(°) 倾伏角(°) 7 30 30 30 20 20 20 0 45 模型 产状 半径(m) 样本容量 倾向(°) 倾角(°) Ⅰ N(180, 102) N(45, 102) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅱ N(180, 152) N(45, 152) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅲ N(180, 202) N(45, 202) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅳ lnN(5.19, 0.062) lnN(3.78, 0.222) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅴ lnN(5.19, 0.082) lnN(3.75, 0.322) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅵ lnN(5.19, 0.112) lnN(3.72, 0.422) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅶ U(160, 200) U(25, 65) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅷ U(150, 210) U(15, 75) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅸ U(140, 220) U(5, 85) Exp(1.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅹ Exp(180) Exp(45) Exp(2.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅺ Exp(185) Exp(50) Exp(2.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 Ⅻ Exp(190) Exp(55) Exp(2.5) 50/100/150/200/300/500/1 000 注:表中N(i,j2)为正态分布,其中i表示均值,j表示标准差;Exp(k)为指数分布,其中k表示均值;lnN(l,m2)为对数正态分布,其中l表示位置参数,m表示比例参数;U(n,p)为均匀分布,其中n表示上限,p表示下限. 表 2 采用Pearson卡方检验获得的产状独立性测试结果
Table 2. Orientation independence output using the Pearson chi-square test
样本M-s 显著性概率 样本M-s 显著性概率 样本M-s 显著性概率 样本M-s 显著性概率 样本M-s 显著性概率 样本M-s 显著性概率 Ⅰ-50 0.528 Ⅲ-50 0.819 Ⅴ-50 0.492 Ⅶ-50 0.512 Ⅸ-50 0.452 Ⅺ-50 0.429 Ⅰ-100 0.526 Ⅲ-100 0.330 Ⅴ-100 0.827 Ⅶ-100 0.987 Ⅸ-100 0.475 Ⅺ-100 0.863 Ⅰ-150 0.497 Ⅲ-150 0.592 Ⅴ-150 0.874 Ⅶ-150 0.835 Ⅸ-150 0.778 Ⅺ-150 0.537 Ⅰ-200 0.259 Ⅲ-200 0.460 Ⅴ-200 0.629 Ⅶ-200 0.926 Ⅸ-200 0.565 Ⅺ-200 0.292 Ⅰ-300 0.636 Ⅲ-300 0.673 Ⅴ-300 0.810 Ⅶ-300 0.562 Ⅸ-300 0.472 Ⅺ-300 0.415 Ⅰ-500 0.773 Ⅲ-500 0.550 Ⅴ-500 0.754 Ⅶ-500 0.789 Ⅸ-500 0.969 Ⅺ-500 0.217 Ⅰ-1000 0.830 Ⅲ-1000 0.543 Ⅴ-1000 0.424 Ⅶ-1000 0.733 Ⅸ-1000 0.987 Ⅺ-1000 0.246 Ⅱ-50 0.297 Ⅳ-50 0.756 Ⅵ-50 0.396 Ⅷ-50 0.954 X-50 0.992 Ⅻ-50 0.942 Ⅱ-100 0.327 Ⅳ-100 0.344 Ⅵ-100 0.607 Ⅷ-100 0.486 X-100 0.907 Ⅻ-100 0.859 Ⅱ-150 0.316 Ⅳ-150 0.483 Ⅵ-150 0.256 Ⅷ-150 0.518 X-150 0.704 Ⅻ-150 0.803 Ⅱ-200 0.252 Ⅳ-200 0.301 Ⅵ-200 0.316 Ⅷ-200 0.487 X-200 0.874 Ⅻ-200 0.925 Ⅱ-300 0.593 Ⅳ-300 0.912 Ⅵ-300 0.313 Ⅷ-300 0.981 X-300 0.838 Ⅻ-300 0.478 Ⅱ-500 0.505 Ⅳ-500 0.568 Ⅵ-500 0.372 Ⅷ-500 0.702 X-500 0.483 Ⅻ-500 0.938 Ⅱ-1000 0.524 Ⅳ-1000 0.089 Ⅵ-1000 0.552 Ⅷ-1000 0.433 X-1000 0.209 Ⅻ-1000 0.260 注:样本M-s中M是模型编号、s是样本容量.显著性概率指的是双尾值. 表 3 本文方法求解的产状三维概率分布
Table 3. 3D probability distribution of orientations solved using the presented method
样本 产状 样本 产状 倾向(°) 倾角(°) 倾向(°) 倾角(°) Ⅰ-50 N(178.3, 8.02) N(46.1, 8.12) Ⅶ-50 U(160.3, 200.2) U(25.0, 64.9) Ⅰ-100 N(178.8, 8.52) N(46.5, 8.92) Ⅶ-100 U(160.4, 199.9) U(25.0, 64.9) Ⅰ-150 N(179.3, 8.52) N(45.6, 9.42) Ⅶ-150 U(160.3, 199.9) U(25.0, 64.9) Ⅰ-200 N(179.0, 9.22) N(45.3, 9.02) Ⅶ-200 U(160.3, 199.9) U(25.0, 64.9) Ⅰ-300 N(178.9, 9.42) N(45.5, 9.42) Ⅶ-300 U(160.1, 199.9) U(25.0, 65.0) Ⅰ-500 N(179.5, 10.12) N(45.0, 10.12) Ⅶ-500 U(160.1, 200.1) U(25.0, 65.0) Ⅰ-1000 N(179.7, 10.22) N(45.0, 10.12) Ⅶ-1000 U(160.0, 200.1) U(25.0, 65.0) Ⅱ-50 N(176.9, 13.72) N(46.2, 11.62) Ⅷ-50 U(154.5, 217.6) U(13.0, 72.1) Ⅱ-100 N(177.6, 14.92) N(45.9, 11.52) Ⅷ-100 U(153.5, 212.9) U(11.4, 71.7) Ⅱ-150 N(178.2, 15.12) N(45.8, 12.72) Ⅷ-150 U(151.7, 211.8) U(12.9, 72.0) Ⅱ-200 N(178.6, 15.32) N(45.2, 13.92) Ⅷ-200 U(152.2, 211.4) U(12.5, 71.2) Ⅱ-300 N(178.9, 15.32) N(44.8, 14.12) Ⅷ-300 U(150.7, 209.9) U(13.6, 73.2) Ⅱ-500 N(178.8, 14.72) N(45.2, 14.32) Ⅷ-500 U(150.8, 209.5) U(14.2, 74.1) Ⅱ-1000 N(179.4, 15.32) N(45.4, 14.72) Ⅷ-1000 U(150.3, 210.2) U(15.2, 73.7) Ⅲ-50 N(185.2, 16.62) N(43.5, 15.72) Ⅸ-50 U(145.9, 215.2) U(2.0, 82.0) Ⅲ-100 N(184.4, 18.92) N(40.2, 18.22) Ⅸ-100 U(141.3, 218.9) U(1.4, 78.5) Ⅲ-150 N(184.0, 19.92) N(43.2, 19.82) Ⅸ-150 U(142.4, 219.5) U(2.7, 80.4) Ⅲ-200 N(182.5, 19.22) N(43.2, 18.92) Ⅸ-200 U(142.4, 213.6) U(3.0, 80.6) Ⅲ-300 N(181.9, 18.62) N(44.5, 18.02) Ⅸ-300 U(141.3, 219.0) U(3.8, 81.6) Ⅲ-500 N(180.9, 18.92) N(43.1, 18.42) Ⅸ-500 U(142.8, 214.0) U(5.7, 82.7) Ⅲ-1000 N(180.2, 19.82) N(44.5, 18.92) Ⅸ-1000 U(140.1, 218.8) U(6.2, 84.1) Ⅳ-50 lnN(5.203, 0.0382) lnN(3.819, 0.1662) X-50 Exp(355.5) Exp(87.4) Ⅳ-100 lnN(5.198, 0.0502) lnN(3.803, 0.1972) X-100 Exp(311.6) Exp(83.1) Ⅳ-150 lnN(5.200, 0.0552) lnN(3.795, 0.2222) X-150 Exp(107.3) Exp(79.1) Ⅳ-200 lnN(5.199, 0.0562) lnN(3.797, 0.2082) X-200 Exp(133.1) Exp(72.6) Ⅳ-300 lnN(5.198, 0.0552) lnN(3.796, 0.2112) X-300 Exp(102.6) Exp(82.5) Ⅳ-500 lnN(5.196, 0.0572) lnN(3.796, 0.2202) X-500 Exp(104.5) Exp(81.7) Ⅳ-1000 lnN(5.194, 0.0562) lnN(3.796, 0.2162) X-1000 Exp(109.0) Exp(82.2) Ⅴ-50 lnN(5.210, 0.0552) lnN(3.869, 0.2422) Ⅺ-50 Exp(81.7) Exp(71.7) Ⅴ-100 lnN(5.199, 0.0702) lnN(3.831, 0.2562) Ⅺ-100 Exp(104.6) Exp(85.8) Ⅴ-150 lnN(5.194, 0.0772) lnN(3.752, 0.3102) Ⅺ-150 Exp(118.4) Exp(62.9) Ⅴ-200 lnN(5.199, 0.0752) lnN(3.764, 0.2952) Ⅺ-200 Exp(110.9) Exp(61.9) Ⅴ-300 lnN(5.197, 0.0772) lnN(3.752, 0.3062) Ⅺ-300 Exp(102.5) Exp(70.6) Ⅴ-500 lnN(5.194, 0.0772) lnN(3.757, 0.2962) Ⅺ-500 Exp(99.9) Exp(73.2) Ⅴ-1000 lnN(5.194, 0.0782) lnN(3.755, 0.3022) Ⅺ-1000 Exp(99.1) Exp(76.5) Ⅵ-50 lnN(5.210, 0.0762) lnN(3.845, 0.3492) Ⅻ-50 Exp(116.3) Exp(69.5) Ⅵ-100 lnN(5.197, 0.0882) lnN(3.801, 0.3762) Ⅻ-100 Exp(141.4) Exp(68.1) Ⅵ-150 lnN(5.196, 0.1032) lnN(3.757, 0.3942) Ⅻ-150 Exp(114.6) Exp(66.7) Ⅵ-200 lnN(5.192, 0.1012) lnN(3.768, 0.3882) Ⅻ-200 Exp(107.0) Exp(72.9) Ⅵ-300 lnN(5.192, 0.0992) lnN(3.755, 0.3982) Ⅻ-300 Exp(117.6) Exp(71.7) Ⅵ-500 lnN(5.193, 0.0982) lnN(3.759, 0.3932) Ⅻ-500 Exp(117.9) Exp(76.9) Ⅵ-1000 lnN(5.191, 0.1022) lnN(3.763, 0.3912) Ⅻ-1000 Exp(118.7) Exp(77.4) 表 4 3D-DFN建模部分参数
Table 4. 3D-DFN modeling partial parameters
体密度(m-3) 直径(m) 隙宽(mm) 模拟区 长(m) 宽(m) 高(m) 4 Exp(0.5) Exp(1.2) 10 10 10 -
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