Sources and Pollution Pathways of Deep Groundwater Sulfate Underneath the Piedmont Plain in the North Henan Province
摘要: 豫北山前冲洪积平原深层地下水硫酸盐(SO42-)呈现持续增高趋势,但其机制仍不清楚.为探讨深层地下水SO42-来源与污染机制,选择山前冲洪积平原不同赋存条件深层地下水作对比分析,借助水体水化学、氢氧同位素(δDH2O和δ18OH2O)、硫酸盐硫和氧同位素(δ34SSO4和δ18OSO4),示踪人类活动影响下深层地下水SO42-的来源、污染途径及硫酸盐细菌还原过程.结果表明:深层地下水水化学、δDH2O和δ18OH2O以及δ34SSO4和δ18OSO4组成月际变化相对稳定,但不同地点的地下水组成呈现显著空间差异.研究区未受人为影响的深层地下水SO42-来源包括大气降水、黄铁矿氧化以及石膏溶解,且经历细菌还原作用;人为输入对深层地下水的影响表现为两种不同的途径和过程,一种是在山前补给区,因无显著的隔水层,在降水入渗和河水侧渗作用下,深层地下水显著受到人类活动来源硫酸盐(工业废水)影响.另一种是在排泄区,由于深层地下水过量开采导致地下水水位下降,上伏浅层咸水产生越流补给,造成深层地下水的SO42-浓度显著增加.研究结果很好地揭示了焦作山前冲洪积平原深层地下水受污染的机制,为我们有效管理和保护深层地下水资源提供重要科学依据.
- 硫酸盐来源 /
- 地下水硫酸盐细菌还原 /
- 硫和氧同位素示踪 /
- 贝叶斯同位素混合模型 /
- 山前冲洪积平原 /
- 水文地质
Abstract: Deep groundwater sulfate in the piedmont alluvial plain in Jiaozuo had been increasing, however, the mechanism is still unclear. To illustrate the pollution mechanism of deep groundwater, deep groundwater in different hosting conditions was sampled to compare, and hydro-chemical compositions, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes (δDH2O and δ18OH2O), sulfate sulfur and oxygen isotopes (δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4) were determined to constrain the sulfate sources, pollution pathways and sulfate bacterial reduction processes with the presence of anthropogenic activities. The results indicated that there were small variations of monthly hydro-chemical and isotope compositions in respective deep groundwaters, but large spatial differences were found in the hydro-chemical compositions of these deep groundwater. Sulfate in the undisturbed deep groundwater was mainly derived from atmospheric deposition, pyrite oxidation and gypsum dissolution, and the bacterial sulfate reduction obviously occurred; There were two kinds of pollution pathways and processes in the polluted deep groundwater. First was that in the piedmont where deep groundwater was recharged, due to no obvious aquifuge between them, the precipitation and river water containing industrial wastes could easily infiltrate into deep groundwater with the result of increasing sulfate concentrations. Second was that in the discharge zone, increased deep groundwater sulfate was related with leapfrog recharge from the above aquifer where sulfate was rich, and the leapfrog recharge was due to overwhelming deep groundwater pumping. Our results well illustrated the sulfate pollution mechanism in deep groundwater underneath the piedmont alluvial plain in Jiaozuo, and provided vitally scientific evidences on effective management and protection of deep groundwater source. -
表 1 研究区深层地下水水化学以及同位素组成
Table 1. Hydrochemical and isotopic compositions of deep groundwater in studied area
地点 内容 pH值 EC值 DO值 Eh值 K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ HCO3- μS·cm-1 mg·L-1 mv mg·L-1 mg·L-1 mg·L-1 mg·L-1 mg·L-1 A
(100 m)最大值 7.7 1253 8.0 223 1.50 54.54 126.52 66.61 340.87 最小值 7.2 972 4.5 63 0.55 40.23 91.61 52.52 322.56 均值 7.4 1139 5.9 141 0.96 48.36 111.88 58.66 331.57 标准偏差 0.1 85 1.2 48 0.29 4.59 10.81 3.36 5.26 B
(80 m)最大值 7.7 792 8.8 208 0.59 57.06 70.39 76.91 390.35 最小值 7.0 610 2.3 93 0.09 37.10 41.85 47.62 356.29 均值 7.5 728 5.6 139 0.27 48.82 62.83 53.51 369.57 标准偏差 0.2 57 2.3 42 0.23 7.04 7.72 9.67 11.08 C
(60 m)最大值 7.7 2290 8.3 343 4.67 248.10 75.64 110.17 673.94 最小值 7.1 1762 2.9 -49 0.14 210.00 67.39 97.98 579.30 均值 7.5 1910 4.8 82 2.41 221.42 70.72 102.69 618.66 标准偏差 0.1 139 1.6 117 2.00 10.26 2.97 3.58 27.52 D
(180 m)最大值 7.9 1064 6.7 122 0.73 127.66 52.85 77.46 264.53 最小值 7.5 882 3.1 -13 0.08 106.56 48.00 44.00 250.39 均值 7.7 1012 5.2 67 0.32 121.53 50.84 52.22 257.23 标准偏差 0.1 46 1.2 47 0.28 6.80 1.43 11.77 5.57 地点 内容 SO42- Cl- NO3-⁃N NICB* δ18O δD δ34SSO4 δ18OSO4 mg·L-1 mg·L-1 mg·L-1 % ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ A
(100 m)最大值 166.90 149.07 7.97 13.21 -9.0 -67 14.1 9.4 最小值 117.22 72.64 3.19 -12.17 -9.5 -69 12.4 7.1 均值 146.53 108.86 5.62 4.91 -9.2 -68 13.3 7.9 标准偏差 13.19 20.96 1.44 6.80 0.1 1 0.6 0.8 B
(80 m)最大值 103.00 33.57 4.02 21.66 -9.9 -73 20.2 10.6 最小值 40.16 9.72 0.39 11.61 -10.4 -76 16.8 8.5 均值 64.19 18.94 1.95 16.82 -10.3 -75 19.4 9.4 标准偏差 19.84 6.13 1.19 3.07 0.1 1 0.9 0.6 C
(60 m)最大值 363.00 270.63 8.21 8.29 -7.6 -58 12.4 9.0 最小值 269.94 79.68 3.74 -1.97 -9.3 -67 10.8 6.9 均值 302.65 144.66 5.58 3.79 -8.5 -62 11.6 8.0 标准偏差 28.20 48.44 1.97 3.95 0.7 4 0.5 0.7 D
(180 m)最大值 171.64 170.41 2.58 17.76 -10.2 -78 22.4 11.6 最小值 127.00 90.43 0.94 6.80 -11.3 -82 21.3 8.9 均值 156.55 109.09 2.08 12.05 -10.9 -81 21.9 10.0 标准偏差 13.83 31.11 0.64 3.48 0.3 1 0.3 0.8 注:*. NICB=(TZ+-TZ-)/TZ+×100%,TZ+=2Ca2++2Mg2++Na++K+,TZ-=2SO42-+HCO3-+Cl-+NO3-. 表 2 表 2研究区深层地下水潜在硫酸盐来源δ34S和δ18O组成
Table 2. δ34S and δ18O values of potential sources for deep groundwater sulfate in studied area
潜在来源 δ34S(‰) δ18O(‰) 文献 范围 均值 标准偏差 范围 均值 标准偏差 焦作大气降水 3.5~9.2 5.9 1.8 6.2~12.2 9.3 1.6 Zhang et al.(2015) 焦作土壤硫酸盐 3.9~8.5 5.6 1.8 -2.4~12.7 7.0 5.5 Zhang et al.(2015) 岩浆岩黄铁矿 -5~+5 0 5.0 / / / 王艳娟等(2011); 张东等(2019b) 沉积岩黄铁矿 3.4~10.2 6.6 / / / / Xiao and Liu(2011) 石膏 / 10 0 / 15 5 杨郧城等(2008); Turchyn et al.(2013) 邯郸中奥陶石膏 20~24 / / / / / 王艳娟等(2011) 化学肥料 -3.1~+20.7 4.9 6.7 7.5~20.0 12.6 3.3 Zhang et al.(2015) 生活污水 4.2~11.6 8.7 2.4 8.5~17.7 10.8 2.3 Zhang et al.(2015) 浅层咸水体 / 16.8 / / 10.9 / 本研究 石河地表水 9.2~11.4 10.2 1.1 6.6~13.2 9.0 3.6 Zhang et al.(2015) 表 3 研究区浅层地下水和深层地下水硫酸盐含量及δ34S和δ18O组成
Table 3. Concentrations and δ34S coupled with δ18O values of sulfate in shallow and deep groundwater in studied area
ID 类型 Cl-(mmol·L-1)* SO42-(mmol·L-1)* δ34S(‰) δ18O(‰) 1 浅层地下水 1.12 1.89 9.0 3.1 2 浅层地下水 4.39 2.66 10.7 5.2 3 深层地下水 2.28 0.99 16.3 6.6 4 深层地下水 2.47 0.77 18.6 8.4 6 浅层地下水 0.95 0.76 11.2 4.3 7 浅层地下水 0.92 1.19 10.9 5.7 10 深层地下水 1.81 8.58 19.1 9.0 13 浅层地下水 3.70 9.53 16.8 10.9 注:*数据引自文献刘运涛等(2017). 表 4 研究区深层地下水硫酸盐来源混入比例计算结果
Table 4. The mixing ratios of variable sulfate sources in deep groundwater in studied area
来源 深层地下水A 深层地下水Ba 深层地下水C 深层地下水Da 均值±标准偏差(%) 均值±标准偏差(%) 均值±标准偏差(%) 均值±标准偏差(%) 大气降水 19.4±14.2 36.1±15.7 6.4±4.0 32.7±21.6 土壤硫酸盐 9.0±6.2 13.1±9.1 8.3±4.7 9.7±7.9 黄铁矿 13.1±4.3 31.5±5.2 15.0±2.4 21.3±12.1 石膏 9.3±6.4 19.3±11.6 3.8±2.5 36.2±34.8 化学肥料 9.6±6.9 / 3.5±2.0 / 生活污水 20.3±13.2 / 6.0±4.1 / 石河河水 19.2±13.5 / / / 浅层咸水 / 57.1±3.3 / 注:a. 硫和氧同位素分馏系数取值分别为-12‰和-5‰. -
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