Methane Fluxes and Their Relationships with Methane-Related Microbes in Permafrost Regions of the Qilian Mountains
摘要: 全球变暖可能导致多年冻土中的有机碳分解,向大气释放甲烷(CH4),但多年冻土的甲烷释放通量与微生物群落结构以及功能基因的丰度相关性还不清楚.于2019年6月~2020年1月,选择青藏高原北部祁连山多年冻土区,利用静态箱-气相色谱法对不同海拔地区进行CH4释放通量测定,并分析土壤理化性质、CH4功能微生物群落、功能微生物的基因丰度.结果发现,整体上,甲烷通量随着海拔的上升而增加,在4 100 m和3 900 m处表现为源,而其他各海拔地区表现为碳汇.土壤含水率、电导率和mcrA基因丰度与CH4通量正相关.研究表明祁连山多年冻土区不同海拔CH4通量受土壤含水率和mcrA基因丰度的影响,而有机碳含量会影响微生物的多样性.Abstract: Global warming may cause the decomposition of organic carbon in permafrost regions and release methane (CH4) into the atmosphere, while the correlation between methane fluxes in permafrost regions and the structure of methane-related microbes and the abundance of functional genes remains unclear. In this study, we selected the permafrost region of the Qilian Mountains in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the field work was conducted from June 2019 to January 2020. The CH4 fluxes were measured at different altitudes using static chamber-gas chromatography. The soil physical and chemical variables and abundances of CH4 function genes were analyzed. The results show that the methane fluxes largely increased with the altitude. It appeared as a source at 4 100 m and 3 900 m, while other altitude areas appear as carbon sinks. The soil moisture content, conductivity and mcrA gene abundance were positively correlated with CH4 fluxes. The results showed that CH4 flux at different altitudes in the permafrost regions of Qilian Mountains were affected by soil moisture content and mcrA gene abundance, while organic carbon content mainly affected microbial diversity.
Key words:
- permafrost /
- methane flux /
- functional gene /
- microbes /
- environmental geology
表 1 土壤样地概况
Table 1. Environmental conditions for the sampling plots
样地编号 海拔(m) 经纬度 土壤类型 植被类型(主要组成) Q1 4 100 38°78´N
98°74´E高山沼泽土 高山嵩草Kobresiapygmaea、黑褐穗薹草CarexatrofuscaS chkuhrsubsp、火绒草Leontopodium leontopodioides、珠芽蓼Kobresiapygmaea等 Q2 3 900 38°83´N
98°83´E高山沼泽土 高山嵩草Kobresiapygmaea、黑褐穗薹草Carexatrofusca Schkuhrsubsp、西藏嵩草Kobresiatibetica Maxim等 Q3 3 700 38°81´N
99°03´E高山草原土 高山嵩草Kobresiapygmaea、黑褐穗薹草Carexatrofusca Schkuhrsubsp、矮嵩草Kobresia humilis、西藏嵩草Kobresiatibetica等 Q4 3 500 38°68´N
98°28´E高山草原土 矮嵩草Kobresia humilis、黄花棘豆Oxytropisochrocephala等 Q5 3 300 38°47´N
98°54´E高山灌丛草甸土 矮嵩草Kobresia humilis、黄花棘豆Oxytropisochrocephala、野决明Thermopsislupinoides.、紫花针茅Stipa purpurea等 Q6 3 100 38°31´N
98°78´E亚高山灌丛草甸土 矮嵩草Kobresia humilis、紫花针茅Oxytropisochrocephala.、野决明Stipa purpurea.、冰草Agropyroncristatum (L.) Gaertn等 表 2 土壤理化性质和甲烷通量相关性
Table 2. Correlation coefficients amongs oil physical and chemical properties and methane emission rates
含水率 pH 电导率 总碳
Rate含水率 1 0.044 0.676* 0.120 0.257 0.248 0.247 0.577* pH 1 0.451 0.094 -0.135 -0.363 0.54 -0.187 电导率 1 0.023 -0.202 -0.389 0.051 0.592* TC 1 0.588* 0.322 0.427 -0.036 SOC 1 0.540 0.871** 0.046 TN 1 0.094 -0.172 C/N 1 0.248 速率 1 注:**. 在0.01水平,Pearson相关系数(双尾)显著相关;*. 在0.05水平,Pearson相关系数(双尾)显著相关 表 3 产甲烷菌与甲烷氧化菌α多样性指数和土壤理化性质相关性统计表
Table 3. Correlation coefficients between alpha diversity index of methanogens and methanogenic bacteria and soil physicochemical properties
功能基因 α多样性指数 含水率 pH 电导率 总碳TC 有机碳SOC 总氮TN 碳氮比C/N 产甲烷菌
MethanogensSimpson 0.067 -0.023 0.165 0.827** 0.618** -0.217 -0.515 Chao1 -0.279 0.08 -0.078 0.792** 0.579* -0.234 -0.502 ACE -0.255 0.076 -0.054 0.789** 0.575 -0.239 -0.492 Shannon -0.026 0.159 0.206 0.801** 0.699* -0.324 -0.545 甲烷氧化菌
methanotrophsSimpson 0.004 0.649* 0.284 0.3 0.136 -0.181 0.226 Chao1 -0.305 0.181 -0.175 0.433 0.136 -0.017 0.095 ACE -0.297 0.179 -0.174 0.443 0.143 -0.01 0.098 Shannon -0.093 0.38 0.128 0.397 0.128 -0.14 0.18 表 4 CH4通量以及土壤理化性质与CH4功能基因丰度的相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation coefficients between CH4 emission and soil physical and chemical properties and CH4 functional gene abundance
功能基因 总碳TC 总氮TN 碳氮比C/N 有机碳SOC 含水率 电导率 pH 速率 pmoA 0.084 -0.088 -0.254 -0.184 -0.335 -0.126 0.224 -0.126 mcrA -0.328 -0.189 0.053 -0.120 0.729** 0.675* 0.065 0.612* 注:**. 在0.01水平,Pearson相关系数(双尾)显著相关;*. 在0.05水平,Pearson相关系数(双尾)显著相关 -
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