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    陈家驹 徐先兵 梁承华 徐亚东

    陈家驹, 徐先兵, 梁承华, 徐亚东, 2021. 湘东南中泥盆统石英砂砾岩物源分析及其大地构造意义. 地球科学, 46(10): 3421-3434. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.022
    引用本文: 陈家驹, 徐先兵, 梁承华, 徐亚东, 2021. 湘东南中泥盆统石英砂砾岩物源分析及其大地构造意义. 地球科学, 46(10): 3421-3434. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.022
    Chen Jiaju, Xu Xianbing, Liang Chenghua, Xu Yadong, 2021. Provenance Analysis and Tectonic Implications of Middle Devonian Quartzose Conglomerate and Sandstone in Southeastern Hunan Province, South China. Earth Science, 46(10): 3421-3434. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.022
    Citation: Chen Jiaju, Xu Xianbing, Liang Chenghua, Xu Yadong, 2021. Provenance Analysis and Tectonic Implications of Middle Devonian Quartzose Conglomerate and Sandstone in Southeastern Hunan Province, South China. Earth Science, 46(10): 3421-3434. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.022


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2021.022

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20190811


      陈家驹(1997-), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要从事构造地质学的研究.ORCID: 0000-0003-2692-364X.E-mail: 1173287116@qq.com


      徐先兵, ORCID: 0000-0002-5341-9492.E-mail: xbxu2011@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P597

    Provenance Analysis and Tectonic Implications of Middle Devonian Quartzose Conglomerate and Sandstone in Southeastern Hunan Province, South China

    • 摘要:

      早古生代江南隆起的形成与剥蚀作用可以用来制约华南广西期造山作用及其动力学机制.通过对江南隆起南侧湘东南南湾地区中泥盆统跳马涧组石英砂砾岩的碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石微量元素地球化学以及全岩地球化学的分析,讨论了其物源及其大地构造意义.4件样品的270颗有效碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄谱由430~440 Ma主峰与800~1 100 Ma、1 700~2 000 Ma和2 400~2 600 Ma次峰组成.锆石CL图像、Th/U比值以及稀土元素配分图指示碎屑锆石以岩浆锆石为主,仅有少量变质锆石和热液锆石.矿物形态、组成以及成熟度指示其源区为近源,沉积于滨海环境.综合源区分析表明,湘东南中泥盆统跳马涧组石英砂砾岩的物源来自其北侧的江南隆起.江南隆起形成于广西期陆内造山作用.早古生代岩浆锆石的微量元素地球化学特征表明其为大陆型锆石,形成于大陆弧构造环境.结合区域地质特征,华南广西期造山作用是其南侧大洋俯冲作用的产物,与冈瓦纳大陆的聚合有关.


    • 图  1  湘东南南湾地区地质简图和构造剖面图(据柏道远等,2007修改)

      Fig.  1.  Sketch geological map and cross section of Nanwan area, southeast Hunan Province(modified after Bai et al., 2007)

      图  2  湘东南南湾地区碎屑岩宏观和显微照片

      a.灰白色石英砂岩;b.石英砂岩(正交偏光);c.灰黑色石英砂岩;d,.石英砂岩(正交偏光);e.灰白色石英砾岩;f.石英砂岩(正交偏光). 矿物缩写:Q.石英;Bi.黑云母;Srt.绢云母;Pl.斜长石

      Fig.  2.  Macroscopic and microscopic photographs of clastic rocks in Nanwan area

      图  3  南湾地区碎屑锆石年龄与Th/U图

      Fig.  3.  Age and Th-U of detrital zircon from Nanwan area

      图  4  南湾碎屑锆石谐和年龄曲线图(a~d)和年龄分布直方图(e~h)

      Fig.  4.  U-Pb harmonic diagram (a-d) and age histogram (e-h) of detrital zircon from Nanwan area

      图  5  南湾地区碎屑锆石稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分图(据Taylor and McLennan, 1985修改)

      Fig.  5.  REE model of detrital zircon from Nanwan aera(after Taylor and McLennan, 1985)

      图  6  南湾地区碎屑锆石年龄谱及其占比

      Fig.  6.  Age profile and proportion of detrital zircons from Nanwan area

      图  7  沉积岩矿物组分的沉积物源判别图和变砂岩的Zr/Sc-Th/Sc图解(据Dickinson and Suczek, 1979McLennan et al., 1993

      Fig.  7.  Sediment source identification map for mineral components of sedimentary rocks and Zr /Sc-Th /Sc diagram for the metas and stones(from Dickinson and Suczek, 1979; McLennan et al., 1993)

      图  8  湘桂地区中泥盆世早期岩相古地理图(据马力等,2004修改)

      Fig.  8.  Lithofacies palaeogeography map of the Early Middle Devonian in Hunan and Guangxi (modified after Ma et al., 2004)

      图  9  南湾地区碎屑锆石Nb/Yb-U/Yb构造背景判别图(据Grimes et al., 2015

      CA.大陆弧;OI.大洋岛弧;MOR.大洋中脊;Mantle-zircon array.地幔锆石

      Fig.  9.  Nb/Yb-U/Yb detrital zircons in Nanwan area(from Grimes et al., 2015)

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