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    白卢恒 石万忠 张晓明 徐笑丰 刘俞佐 杨洋 冯芊 曹沈厅

    白卢恒, 石万忠, 张晓明, 徐笑丰, 刘俞佐, 杨洋, 冯芊, 曹沈厅, 2021. 下扬子皖南宣泾地区二叠系海相页岩特征及其沉积环境. 地球科学, 46(6): 2204-2217. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.372
    引用本文: 白卢恒, 石万忠, 张晓明, 徐笑丰, 刘俞佐, 杨洋, 冯芊, 曹沈厅, 2021. 下扬子皖南宣泾地区二叠系海相页岩特征及其沉积环境. 地球科学, 46(6): 2204-2217. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.372
    Bai Luheng, Shi Wanzhong, Zhang Xiaoming, Xu Xiaofeng, Liu Yuzuo, Yang Yang, Feng Qian, Cao Shenting, 2021. Characteristics of Permian Marine Shale and Its Sedimentary Environment in Xuanjing Area, South Anhui Province, Lower Yangtze Area. Earth Science, 46(6): 2204-2217. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.372
    Citation: Bai Luheng, Shi Wanzhong, Zhang Xiaoming, Xu Xiaofeng, Liu Yuzuo, Yang Yang, Feng Qian, Cao Shenting, 2021. Characteristics of Permian Marine Shale and Its Sedimentary Environment in Xuanjing Area, South Anhui Province, Lower Yangtze Area. Earth Science, 46(6): 2204-2217. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.372


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.372

    政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项 2017YFE0106300

    国家自然科学基金 41672134

    ”十三五”国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05034-002-003


      白卢恒(1994-), 男, 博士研究生, 主要从事页岩气储层评价研究. ORCID: 0000-0003-0411-9642. E-mail: 760231842@qq.com


      石万忠, ORCID: 0000-0003-0207-708X. E-mail: shiwz@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P534.46

    Characteristics of Permian Marine Shale and Its Sedimentary Environment in Xuanjing Area, South Anhui Province, Lower Yangtze Area

    • 摘要: 为评价下扬子地区二叠系海相页岩层段页岩气勘探潜力,以皖南宣泾地区3口钻井岩心为例,通过岩心照片、薄片、X射线衍射、总有机碳等测试来分析页岩特征及其沉积环境.结果显示宣泾地区孤峰组中上部为富有机质层段,银屏组为贫有机质层段;宣泾东南地区大隆组中下部为高-富有机质层段,西北地区中上部为富有机质层段.孤峰组早期随着构造沉降和海水加深,宣泾地区形成了高生物生产力和缺氧环境,沉积了较厚硅质岩层;中晚期海平面缓慢下降,生物生存空间减少,高有机质沉降使水体硫化,TS含量增大,TOC含量达10%.银屏组沉积期海平面快速下降,变为浅海氧化环境,TOC含量小于1%.大隆组早期东南浅水斜坡位置受上升流影响,形成高生物生产力和缺氧环境,沉积了硅质岩层,TOC含量大于4%;中晚期海平面下降,TOC含量从东南浅水向西北深水变高.


    • 图  1  (a) 晚二叠世末期全球古地理格局图和(b)下扬子地区现今构造区划图


      Fig.  1.  Global palaeogeographic pattern map at the end of Late Permian (a), present tectonic zoning map of Lower Yangtze region (b)

      图  2  下扬子皖南宣泾地区二叠系地层柱状图


      Fig.  2.  Permian stratigraphic column in Xuanjing area, South Anhui, Lower Yangtze region

      图  3  港地1井中-上二叠统地层综合柱状图

      Fig.  3.  Comprehensive histogram of Middle-Upper Permian strata in well Gangdi 1

      图  4  港地1井中-上二叠统页岩岩心和薄片照片

      a,b.1 218.00 m,孤峰组硅质页岩相,无纹层;c,d.1 191.94 m,孤峰组富硅泥质页岩相,弱水平纹层;e,f.1 179.22 m,银屏组泥质页岩相;g,h.983.15 m,大隆组硅质页岩相,无纹层;i,j.940.97 m,大隆组泥质页岩相,粉砂质水平纹层发育;k,l.930.36 m,大隆组泥质页岩相,见波状交错纹层

      Fig.  4.  Core and thin section photos of Middle-Upper Permian shale in well Gangdi 1

      图  5  (a) 港地1井中-上二叠统海相泥页岩岩相划分图和(b)港地1井中-上二叠统海相泥页岩TOC含量与岩相关系

      Fig.  5.  Lithofacies division diagram of Middle-Upper Permian marine shale in well Gangdi 1 (a) and TOC and rock correlation diagram of middle-upper Permian marine shale in well Gangdi 1 (b)

      图  6  (a) 下扬子地区孤峰组沉积相图、(b)下扬子地区银屏组沉积相图和(c)下扬子地区大隆组沉积相图(修改自马永生等,2009)

      Fig.  6.  Sedimentary facies map of Gufeng Formation in Lower Yangtze region (a), sedimentary facies map of Yinping Formation in Lower Yangtze region (b) and sedimentary facies map of Dalong Formation in Lower Yangtze region (c) (modified from Ma et al., 2009)

      图  7  皖南宣泾地区孤峰组、银屏组和大隆组岩性与TOC对比

      Fig.  7.  Lithology and TOC comparison map of Gufeng Formation and Yinping Formation and Dalong Formation in Xuanjing area, South Anhui Province

      图  8  港地1井中-上二叠统海相页岩沉积环境指标

      Al数据引自Zhang,B.L. et al.(2020)

      Fig.  8.  Sedimentary environment index map of Middle-Upper Permian marine shale in well Gangdi 1

      图  9  皖南宣泾地区二叠系海相页岩沉积模式

      Fig.  9.  Sedimentary model of Permian marine shale in Xuanjing area, South Anhui Province

      表  1  宣泾地区三口井二叠系海相页岩TOC含量

      Table  1.   TOC contents of Permian marine shale in three wells in Xuanjing area

      井名 港地1井 皖宣页1井 昌参1井
      TOC(%) 平均值(%) TOC(%) 平均值(%) TOC(%) 平均值(%)
      孤峰组 1.70~15.40 9.38(10) 1.31~12.08 7.62(16) 0.81~9.56 5.31(10)
      银屏组 0.62~0.77 0.72(4) 0.85~2.00 1.50(4) 0.61~0.76 0.66(6)
      大隆组 0.93~9.69 3.78(10) 1.08~8.31 3.26(33) 2.35~7.08 4.82(15)
      下载: 导出CSV
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