The Rifting-Breakup Process of the Passive Continental Margin and Its Relationship with Magmatism: The Attribution of the South China Sea
摘要: 岩浆在被动大陆边缘的张-破裂过程中起到决定性作用.南海东北部陆缘发育厚度达10 km的下地壳高速体,其成因机制长期存在争议,影响了对南海东北部陆缘构造归属的界定.为了分析南海共轭陆缘的张破裂机制,本文调研了国内外最新研究进展,系统分析了南海南北陆缘的地壳结构和岩浆活动特点,提出:南海陆缘和海盆中发育有大量岩浆活动,但东西陆缘存在较大差异,底侵高速体东厚西薄,推测为同张裂成因.根据地壳结构与底侵岩浆的量,将被动陆缘划分为5个子类,南海陆缘东侧为多岩浆型,向西变为少岩浆型.东西差异除与伸展速率有关,可能还与东侧陆缘发生了板缘破裂,而西侧陆缘发生了板内破裂有关.Abstract: Magma plays a key role in the rifting and breakup process of passive continental margin. Up to 10 km thick high velocity lower crust (HVLC) developed in the northeastern margin. Long term controversy toward its formation mechanism makes the margin classification difficult. In order to analyze the rifting and breakup mechanism of the SCS conjugate margins, this paper reviews the recent research progress of global margins, based on which the crustal structure and magmatic activity of the SCS are summarized. It is concluded that large amounts of magmatic activity occurred in the SCS with discrepancy between the eastern and western margins. The HVLC is thicker in the east and thinner or even absent in the west. It is speculated that the HVLC is of syn-rift underplating. According to the crustal structure and the amount of underplated magma, we suggest that the passive continental margin can be divided into 5 subclasses. The eastern continental margin of the SCS is of magma-robust type, and the middle and western margins are of magma-intermediate and magma-deficient types, respectively.In addition to the stretching rate, plate-edge rifting in the east and plate-interior rifting in the west continental margin may also contribute to the large difference in the amount of magmatic underplating.
图 1 贫岩浆型和富岩浆型被动大陆边缘结构特征示意剖面
Fig. 1. The diagram showing the main profile features of magma-poor and magma-rich margins
图 2 Ⅰ型(a)和Ⅱ型(b)破裂剖面模式
Huismans and Beaumont(2011, 2014).Ⅰ型破裂特点:断裂切割深度大,地壳断裂区域窄,隆凹结构不对称,地壳早于地幔破裂,洋陆过渡带上有地幔剥露和蛇纹石化,拉张过程中岩浆量有限,洋盆发育和正常地壳厚度出现较晚;Ⅱ型破裂特点:地壳强烈减薄区域宽,同张裂早期盆地沉积发育断裂,同张裂晚期沉积不变形,晚期沉积发育在浅水凹陷中,同张裂沉降亏损,无地幔剥露但有同张裂岩浆活动,存在岩浆底侵速度异常体,地壳破裂后很快发育正常洋壳
Fig. 2. Diagram of type Ⅰ (a) and type Ⅱ (b) breakup in magma-poor margin
图 3 南海陆缘与海盆中岩浆活动与下地壳高速体分布
岩浆分布及其活动时间据Zhang et al. (2016)、Fan et al.(2017, 2019)和Deng et al. (2019); 侵入岩席和(或)岩墙等出现的范围大致在红色虚线至洋盆区域(Song et al., 2017),但南部陆缘由于地震剖面覆盖限制,其范围不准确.黑色实线为OBS(ocean bottom seismometer)测线(剖面图见图 4),红色粗实线是剖面上揭示了下地壳高速体的范围;深蓝色实线为多道地震剖面(见图 5)
Fig. 3. The distribution of magmatic activity and high velocity lower crust in the South China Sea
图 4 南海陆缘地壳结构与下地壳高速体分布剖面
图中数据单位:km/s. a. 剖面OBST3,据Lester et al. (2014);b. 剖面OBS 2001,据Wang et al. (2006);c. 剖面ESP-E,据Nissen et al.(1995);d.剖面OBS2006-3,据卫小冬等(2011);e. 剖面OBS 1993,据Yan et al.(2001);f. 剖面OBS973-2,据阮爱国等(2011);g. 剖面OBS2006-1,据Ding et al.(2012);h.剖面OBH-IV,据Qiu et al.(2001);i. 剖面OBS2011-1,据Huang et al.(2019);j. 剖面OBS973-1,据丘学林等(2011);k. 剖面,据Pichot et al.(2014)
Fig. 4. The crustal structure and the distribution of high velocity lower crust in the profile
图 5 反射地震剖面上观察到的岩浆底侵、侵入岩墙和岩席特征
据Sun et al.(2019a)修改.a.原始剖面;b.构造解释线描图;c, d.局部放大图,图件c和d在剖面中的位置见图a中的矩形框
Fig. 5. Magmatic underplating, intruding dikes and sills observed on multi-channel reflection seismic profile
图 6 被动大陆边缘根据张‒破裂期间的岩浆量进行的陆缘分类模式
Fig. 6. The suggested five types of passive continental margin according to the amount of magmatism involved in rifting and breakup
图 7 双层和三层(含软弱中下地壳)地壳发生伸展破裂的结构(a~h)和热状态(i)特征对比
a~d.双层地壳;e~h. 三层地壳;CTF. 地壳减薄因子;图i据Li et al.(2019)修改,其中f为强度与正常地壳相比的比例因子
Fig. 7. The comparison of rifting structure (a—h) and thermal situation (i) between two-layer and three-layer (with weak middle to lower crust) crust
图 8 南海北部陆缘盆地拉张产生岩浆量与张裂时间和张裂程度关系
底图据Bown and White(1995);珠江口盆地的拉张因子据张云帆等(2007, 2014)、Zhang et al. (2020b);琼东南盆地拉张因子据Qiu et al.(2013)
Fig. 8. The relationship between magmatic production and rifting period versus stretching factor in SCS.
图 9 南海北部陆缘破裂位置及其与中生代俯冲系统关系分析
据Li et al.(2020)修改.a. 南海共轭陆缘及其与中生代火山弧和弧前盆地的关系,其中东部陆缘破裂位置发生在中生代弧前盆地区,西侧陆缘破裂发生在火山之间;b. 根据数值模拟绘制的南海东部陆缘在弧前盆发生板缘破裂模式,板缘破裂常伴有俯冲板片的断裂和拆沉;c. 根据数值模拟绘制的南海西部陆缘沿火山弧/弧间发生板内破裂模式;d. 推测中生代俯冲阶段南海北部陆缘的状态,新生代时,沿着正常厚度的岩石圈破裂为板内破裂,沿着减薄的弧前区破裂为板缘破裂
Fig. 9. The breakup location of SCS and its relationship to Pre-Cenozoic subduction system
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