Constraints on the Evolution of Ore-Forming Fluids from Microthermometric and In Situ LA-ICP-MS Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Xitian Tungsten Tin Polymetallic Deposit, Hunan Province
摘要: 为了解锡田钨锡多金属矿床的成矿流体演化过程和成矿元素迁移机制,深入揭示成矿机制,指导该地区的下一步找矿勘探工作,对黑钨矿、锡石及透明矿物的流体包裹体进行了岩相学观察、红外显微测温及LA-ICP-MS原位分析.显示锡田钨锡多金属矿床绿柱石、黑钨矿中发育流体-熔体包裹体,均一温度最高可达760℃.早成矿阶段流体均一温度为360~500℃,盐度主要为28.4%~41.5% NaCleqv,主成矿阶段均一温度为280~450℃,盐度主要为3.0%~20.0% NaCleqv.,晚成矿阶段均一温度为120~280℃,盐度为0.4%~6.6% NaCleqv..LA-ICP-MS分析表明,超临界流体开始出溶时,W、Cu、Mo等元素优先富集于富挥发分气相中,Pb、Zn、Sn、Fe、Mn等元素则更倾向富集于高盐度卤水相中.锡田钨锡多金属矿床成矿流体来源于燕山期浅源花岗岩,钨锡成矿作用始于岩浆-热液过渡阶段,成矿流体具有高温、高盐度和富CO2等特征.成矿流体来自岩浆流体的出溶,演化过程中经历了两次不混溶作用,不混溶相分离过程中,成矿元素选择性迁移,在各相中进行不均匀分配.流体不混溶、水岩反应、流体混合和流体冷却作用是导致该矿床钨锡矿物沉淀的原因.Abstract: In order to understand the evolution process of ore-forming fluid and the migration mechanism of ore-forming elements in Xitian tungsten tin polymetallic deposit, to further reveal the ore-forming mechanism and guide the next exploration work in this area. The fluid inclusions of wolframite, cassiterite and transparent minerals were studied by petrographic observation, infrared microthermometry and in situ LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions. The results show that fluid-melt inclusions are developed in beryl and wolframite in Xitian tungsten tin polymetallic deposit, and the highest homogenization temperature is 760℃. At the early stage of mineralization, the fluid homogenization temperature is 360-500℃, the salinity is mainly 28.44%-41.50% NaCleqv. At the main mineralization stage, the homogenization temperature is 280-450℃, the salinity is mainly 3.0%-20.03% NaCleqv. At the late mineralization stage, the homogenization temperature is 120-280℃, and the salinity is 0.35%-6.58% NaCleqv. LA-ICP-MS analysis shows that W, Cu, Mo elements are preferentially enriched in the volatile, while Pb, Zn, Sn, Fe, Mn elements are preferentially enriched in the high salinity brine phase. The ore forming fluid in Xitian W-Sn polymetallic deposit comes from Yanshanian granite, and the mineralization of W-Sn started from the stage of magma-hydrothermal transition, and the ore-forming fluid has the characteristics of high temperature, high salinity and rich CO2. The ore-forming fluid comes from the dissolution of magmatic fluid, which has experienced two immiscible processes in the evolution process. In the process of immiscible phase separation, the ore-forming elements migrate selectively and distribute unevenly in each phase. Fluid immiscibility, water rock reaction, fluid mixing and fluid cooling are the main reasons for the precipitation of W-Sn minerals in the deposit.
Key words:
- magma-hydrothermal transition /
- immiscibility /
- metallogenic fluid evolution /
- W-Sn deposit /
- mineral deposits /
图 1 锡田钨锡多金属矿床地质简图(据Zhou et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2019a)
Fig. 1. The simplified geological map of the Xitian W-Sn polymetallic deposit(according to Zhou et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2019a)
图 3 锡田钨锡矿床中不同矿物共生关系及其特征
a.黑钨矿云英岩(单偏光);b.黑钨矿云英岩(正交偏光);c. 白钨矿云英岩(正交偏光);d.含锡石云英岩(单偏光);e.含锡石云英岩(正交偏光);f.黄铁矿化矽卡岩(单偏光);g.早期辉钼矿-黑钨矿矿物组合(反光);h.锡石-黑钨矿矿物组合(反光);i.辉钼矿-黑钨矿-锡石-辉钼矿矿物组合(反光);j.磁铁矿-黄铁矿矿物组合(反光);k.晚期黄铁矿-黄铜矿-闪锌矿-方铅矿硫化物矿物组合(反光);l. 晚期黄铜矿-闪锌矿-辉铋银铅矿硫化物矿物组合(反光). Toz.黄玉;Ser.绢云母;Ms.白云母;Cst.锡石;Mol.辉钼矿;Wf.黑钨矿;Sch.白钨矿;Sp.闪锌矿;Cpy.黄铜矿;Gn.方铅矿;Gus.辉铋银铅矿;Bi.辉铋矿;Py.黄铁矿;Mt.磁铁矿;Fl.萤石;Grt.石榴子石;Qz.石英
Fig. 3. Paragenesis and characteristics of different minerals in Xitian W-Sn deposit
图 5 锡田钨锡多金属矿床中不同矿物中流体包裹体显微照片
a. 深色锡石中两相气液包裹体;b. 锡石中三相含子晶包裹体;c, d. 黑钨矿中两相气液包裹体;e. 黄玉中三相含子矿物包裹体;f. 黄玉中两相气液包裹体;g. 绿柱石中三相含子晶包裹体;h. 绿柱石中三相含CO2包裹体;i. 绿柱石中三相含CO2包裹体及两相气液包裹体;j. 石榴子石中两相气液包裹体;k. 石英中三相含CO2包裹体和含子晶包裹体;l. 无色萤石中两相气液包裹体. V.气相;L.液相;S.子矿物
Fig. 5. Photographs of fluid inclusions from the Xitian W-Sn polymetallic deposit
图 10 锡田钨锡矿田成矿流体δ18O水-δD水图解(据Liu et al., 2019b)
Fig. 10. δ18Ow vs. δDw of deposits in Xitian W-Sn ore field(according to Liu et al., 2019b)
表 1 锡田矿床矿物生成顺序(据付建明等(2012)修改)
Table 1. Mineral generation sequence of Xitian deposit (modified by Fu et al.(2012))
表 2 锡田钨锡矿床流体包裹体显微测温结果
Table 2. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions from the Xitian W-Sn deposit
矿物名称 成矿阶段 初熔温度Te(℃) 冰点温度Tm(℃) 盐度(% NaCleqv) 均一温度Th(℃) 均一方式 备注 深棕-棕色锡石 Ⅲ-2 -20.8~22 -3.1~-6.8 5.1~10.2 340~490 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 - 160~243 30.1~34.2 320~500 LH2O+VH2O +SNaCl→LH2O 含盐包裹体 - +7.5~+7.8 4.3~4.9 375~385 LH2O+LCO2+VCO2→LH2O CO2包裹体 Ⅳ-1 -46~-52 -10~-5.52 14.0~19.5 340~490 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 浅棕色锡石 Ⅳ-3 -21~22 -1.5~-2.1 2.6~3.5 205~280 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 黑钨矿 Ⅲ-2 - -6.0~-4.1 6.6~9.2 320~450 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 均一至液相 - 4.1~-4.8 6.6~7.6 390~430 LH2O+VH2O→VH2O 均一至气相 闪锌矿 Ⅲ-2 -21 - 6.1~7.2 280~360 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 Ⅳ-3 - - 5.1~6.0 210~242 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 黄玉 Ⅲ-1 115~282 28.4~36.7 390~490 LH2O+VH2O +SNaCl→LH2O 含盐包裹体 Ⅲ-2 -21~22 -5.1~-5.5 8.0~8.5 480~490 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 均一至液相 -21~22 -4.2~-5.5 6.7~8.5 380~490 LH2O+VH2O→VH2O 均一至气相 -46~52 -15.0~-16.5 18.6~20.0 360~398 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 均一至液相 -46~52 -14.0~-16.0 17.8~19.6 360~450 LH2O+VH2O→VH2O 均一至气相 绿柱石 Ⅲ-1 - - - 620~760 LH2O+VH2O+X结晶→M玻璃(+VH2O) 流体-熔体包裹体 - 115~330 28.4~40.1 260~392 LH2O+VH2O +SNaCl→LH2O 含盐包裹体 Ⅲ-2 -57.8~-58 +6.5~+8.0 6.6~4.0 210~290 LH2O+LCO2+VCO2→LH2O CO2包裹体均一至液相H2O -57.8~-58 +7.0~+8.0 5.7~4.0 201~350 LH2O+LCO2+VCO2→LCO2 CO2包裹体均一至液相CO2 -45~-49 -9.1~-15.0 12.9~18.3 290~310 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 -21~22 -1.2~-10.6 2.1~14.6 140~380 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 含次生包裹体 石榴子石 Ⅰ-1 -1.2~-2.1 2.1~3.5 170~210 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 次生包裹体 20.8~-21 -2.8~-5.1 4.6~8.1 280~450 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 均一至液相 -20.8~-20.9 -4.1~-3.5 6.6~5.7 360~425 LH2O+VH2O→VH2O 均一至气相 -49~-52 -12.5~-14.1 16.5~18.0 405~462 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 均一至液相 石英 Ⅲ-2 -57~-57.8 +1.5~+7.8 4.3~12.6 290~385 LH2O+LCO2+VCO2→LH2O CO2包裹体均一至液相H2O -57~-57.8 +5.2~+8.5 3.0~9.3 280~390 LH2O+LCO2+VCO2→LCO2 CO2包裹体均一至液相CO2 Ⅳ-1 - 230~350 33.5~41.5 230~355 LH2O+VH2O +SNaCl→LH2O 含盐包裹体 -21~22 -0.2~-7.2 0.4~10.7 178~470 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 含次生包裹体 Ⅳ-2 -49~-52 -13.0~-15.5 17.0~19.2 185~268 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 均一至液相 Ⅳ-3 -49~-52 -15.0~-15.5 18.8~19.2 138~180 LH2O+VH2O→VH2O 均一至气相 萤石 Ⅲ-2 -20.9~-21 -2.0~-7.1 5.1~10.6 290~440 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 气液包裹体 Ⅳ-3 -20.2~20.6 -0.5~-4.1 0.9~6.6 119~255 LH2O+VH2O→LH2O 含次生包裹体 表 3 锡田多金属矿床流体包裹体成分的LA-ICP-MS原位分析(10-6)
Table 3. LA-ICP-MS in situ analysis (10-6) of fluid inclusions in Xitian polymetallic deposit
样品 HSX16-1
石英(Ⅳ-3)盐度(% NaCleqv) 8.6 34.1 34.6 5.5 4.8 9.9 Be 18 294.70 174.31 369.02 1726.89 - 14.40 Na 33 635.27 86 004.44 136 272.00 33 635.27 21 132.74 35 904.15 Al 111 671.40 2 325.20 - - 14 646.82 1 657.51 Si - - - 319 702.73 - - K 39 507.83 81 544.57 143 853.40 14 991.86 2 262.17 3 526.61 Ca - - 16 369.15 24 785.01 39 783.31 - Mn 21 197.05 44 065.34 86 133.11 14 408.26 - - Fe - - 147 290.70 22 783.38 - - Cu 1 488.81 889.31 1 551.77 252.71 - 92.31 Zn 10 198.78 14 375.04 23 311.53 501.35 - - Rb 3 019.66 6 101.55 - - 39.19 95.47 Sr 82.83 89.28 119.70 1 163.50 8.92 2.18 Nb - 1 501.98 4 3.95 - 0.11 Mo 614.21 < 0.46 3.31 - - - Ag 157.56 100.36 102.037 - - - Sn - - 922.35 550.70 - 46.99 Sb 5 713.07 33.65 194.45 42.87 - 27.21 Cs 9 414.70 11 972.64 29 589.34 1 819.47 29.10 579.43 Ba 83 875.91 48.56 170.43 2 646.50 8.55 1.45 Ta - - 0.21 - - 0.09 W 40 964.35 800.66 673.15 115.81 - 6.94 Pb 3 156.07 5 555.98 8 047.04 433.71 20.66 2.08 Bi 164.06 198.12 1 719.76 74.19 - - 表 4 锡田钨锡多金属矿床流体包裹体组分比值
Table 4. Composition ratio of fluid inclusions in Xitian W-Sn polymetallic deposit
样号 矿物 Salt K/Na W/Sn Sn/Na W/Na Cu/Na Mo/Na Rb/Na Sr/Na Rb/Sr HSX16-2 锡石 8.55 1.17 - - 1.217 9 0.044 3 0.018 3 0.089 8 0.002 5 36.46 HSX16-2 锡石 34.05 0.95 - - 0.009 3 0.010 3 - 0.070 9 0.001 0 68.34 HSX16-11-1 黄玉 34.64 1.06 0.73 0.006 8 0.004 9 0.011 4 < 0.000 1 - 0.000 9 - HSX16-1 黄玉 5.50 0.45 0.21 0.016 4 0.003 4 0.007 5 - - 0.034 6 - XT018-1 绿柱石 4.80 0.11 - - - - - 0.001 9 0.000 4 4.39 HSX017-01 石英 9.86 0.10 0.15 0.001 3 0.000 2 0.002 6 - 0.002 7 0.000 1 43.79 -
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