Sedimentary Characteristics and Transport Mechanism of Subaqueous Coarse Clastic Rocks in the Lower Cretaceous Xiguayuan Formation in the Steep Slope Zone of Luanping Basin
摘要: 为探讨陆相断陷湖盆陡坡带构造活动控制下水下粗碎屑岩沉积特征、搬运机制及其演化规律,以滦平断陷盆地陡坡带下白垩统西瓜园组为研究对象,采用无人机倾斜摄影、实测剖面、砾石定向性定量表征等技术方法,从沉积背景、岩相类型、沉积单元及相序特征等方面开展野外露头解剖工作.滦平盆地西瓜园组沉积时期,近岸水下扇沉积于构造沉降速率大、湖平面上升、深水、古地貌陡峭环境,洪水携带粗碎屑沉积沿陡坡带入湖,底部发育与地震活动相关的砾质碎屑流,伴随发育滑动—滑塌沉积,上部发育高密度浊流.随着沉积物不断供给,斜坡坡度逐渐减小;随着粗碎屑沉积搬运距离不断增加,砂砾质碎屑流中砾石表现出明显定向性,高密度浊流所占厚度比例增加;末端以低密度浊流为主.扇三角洲沉积于构造沉降速率相对较低、水深相对较浅、古地貌相对平缓的环境,发育相对成熟的供源体系,汇水系统长度较长,扇三角洲前缘粗碎屑岩由碎屑流向高密度浊流、牵引流、低密度浊流转换.Abstract: In order to investigate the sedimentary characteristics,transport mechanism and evolution of the subaqueous coarse clastic rocks under the control of tectonic activity,this paper takes the Cretaceous Xiguayuan Formation in the Luanping rift basin as the study example. Technical methods,including UAV oblique photography,measured section,quantitative characterization of gravel orientation,and field outcrop anatomy were carried out from the sedimentary background,lithofacies,sedimentary units and facies association characteristics. During the Xiguayuan Formation of Luanping basin,the subaqueous fan developed in environments with high tectonic subsidence rates,rising lake level,deep water and steep palaeogeomorphology. Floods carried coarse clastic deposits along the steep slope into the lake,and its bottom developed gravelly debris flow associated with seismic activity,accompanied by sliding-slip sediments developed. The upper part is mainly composed of high-density turbidity currents. The slope gradient gradually decreases with the continuous supply of coarse clastic rocks. With the increasing transport distance of coarse debris deposits,the gravels in the bottom of gravelly debris flow show directionality and the thickness proportion of high-density turbidity flow increases. The end part is dominated by low-density turbidity flow. The fan deltas developed in environments with relatively low tectonic subsidence rates,relatively shallow water and gentle palaeogeomorphology,and developed a relatively mature sediment delivery system. The catchment system is long,and the coarse clastic rocks transformed from clastic flow into high-density turbidity flow,traction current and low-density turbidity flow.
图 1 滦平盆地区域地质图、实测剖面位置、西瓜园组构造‒沉积柱状图及盆地不同位置基底沉降曲线
X. 兴洲河剖面;Y. 于营剖面;S. 桑园剖面;五角星和数字代表虚拟井位及编号;据袁晓冬等(2020),Wei et al.(2012)修改
Fig. 1. Location and simplified geological map, locations of measured sections, structural-sedimentary columnar section of Xiguayuan Formation in Luanping basin and basement (tectonic and total) subsidence curves of different parts of the Luanping basin
图 4 不同类型砾岩相砾石定向性特征
a、b. 图 3b块状基质支撑砾岩相,砾石具有一定定向性,a=29.19%,δ=4.13,近岸水下扇;c、d. 图 3c混杂砾岩相,砾石定向性杂乱,a=26.4%,δ=3.34,近岸水下扇;e、f. 图 3d正粒序砾岩相,砾石定向性杂乱,a=30.86%,δ=3.07,近岸水下扇;g、h. 图 3e正粒序砾岩相,砾石具有明显定向性,a=53.47%,δ=9.01,扇三角洲前缘;i、j. 图 3f反粒序砾岩相,砾石具有明显定向性,a=38.24%,δ=4.08,近岸水下扇;k、l. 图 3g叠瓦状砾岩‒砂岩相,砾石具有明显定向性,a=43.9%,δ=5.96,扇三角洲前缘
Fig. 4. Gravel orientation characteristics of different types of conglomerate facies
图 11 长轴陡坡桑园扇三角洲前缘典型剖面沉积特征
剖面位置见图 3c
Fig. 11. Sedimentary characteristics of typical section of Sangyuan fan delta front in the steep slope along the long axis of the basin
图 12 于营近岸水下扇沉积模式(据Cao et al., 2018修改)
Fig. 12. Depositional model of subaqueous fan in the Yuying section (modified from Cao et al., 2018)
图 13 兴洲河扇三角洲(a)和桑园扇三角洲(b)沉积模式
Fig. 13. Depositional model of fan delta in the Xingzhouhe section (a) and Sangyuan section (b)
表 1 岩相分类方案及特征
Table 1. Lithofacies scheme and characteristics
岩相代号 岩相类型 沉积特征 流体成因 扇三角洲沉积单元 近岸水下扇沉积单元 Mc 混杂砾岩相 块状层理、混杂堆积 滑塌沉积 水上分流河道 内扇、中扇主体 Mmc 基质支撑砾岩相 块状层理、砾石具有一定向性 砾质碎屑流 水下分流河道 内扇、中扇主体 Gmc 颗粒支撑砾岩相 块状层理、砾石具有一定向性 砾质碎屑流 水下分流河道 内扇、中扇主体 Gnc 正粒序砾岩相 正粒序层理、砾石定向性差 洪水底载载荷搬运、高密度浊流 水下分流河道 中扇主体、前缘 正粒序层理、砾石具有明显定向性 洪水底载、载荷搬运 水下分流河道 中扇主体 Gic 反粒序砾岩相 反粒序层理、砾石具定向性 高密度浊流、洪水底载载荷搬运 ‒ 中扇前缘 Gi 叠瓦状砾岩相 砾石叠瓦状排列 牵引底负载 水下分流河道 ‒ Gns 砾岩/砂岩相 正粒序层理 洪水底载载荷和悬浮载荷搬运,高密度浊流 水下分流河道 中扇主体、侧缘 Gl 侧积交错砾岩/砂岩相 侧积交错层理 高密度浊流 水下分流河道 中扇侧缘 Pms 块状含砾砂岩相 块状层理 浊流快速堆积、砂质碎屑流 水下分流河道 中扇主体、侧缘,外扇 Pns 正粒序含砾砂岩相 正粒序层理 高密度浊流,洪水底载载荷和悬浮载荷搬运 水下分流河道 中扇主体、侧缘、前缘,外扇 Sm 块状砂岩相 块状层理 浊流快速堆积、砂质碎屑流 水下分流河道、前缘前端 中扇主体、侧缘、前缘,外扇 Sc 爬升沙纹层理砂岩相 爬升沙纹层理 牵引流,洪水悬浮载荷 水下分流河道 ‒ Sn 正粒序砂岩相 正粒序层理 高密度浊流、洪水悬浮载荷搬运 水下分流河道 中扇主体、侧缘、前缘,外扇 Si 反粒序砂岩相 反粒序层理 高密度浊流、洪水悬浮载荷 河口坝 ‒ Sh 平行层理砂岩相 平行层理 牵引流、洪水悬浮载荷 河口坝、水下分流河道、前缘前端 中扇主体、侧缘、前缘,外扇 Sw 波状层理砂岩相 波状层理 牵引流、洪水悬浮载荷 河口坝、前缘前端 ‒ Swc 浪成交错层理砂岩相 浪成交错层理 牵引流,洪水悬浮载荷 河口坝、前缘前端 ‒ M 砂质泥岩/泥岩相 块状层理、水平层理 低密度浊流,悬浮沉积 水道间、湖相泥岩、前缘前端 外扇、扇间,悬浮沉积 -
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