Class-Wise Feature Alignment Based Transfer Network for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Classification
摘要: 为了在目标域遥感图像不存在标记数据的情况下实现自动分类,论文提出一种基于特征对齐的迁移网络.网络以各类类心对齐和协方差对齐作为迁移策略,全面描述域间各类别之间的对应关系,实现知识迁移.另外,网络采用线性修正单元作为激活函数,能够产生稀疏特征,提高分类效果.该迁移网络能够同时获得对齐的特征和自适应分类器,不需要目标域的标记数据,实现无监督迁移学习.在多时相的Hyperion高光谱遥感图像和WorldView-2多光谱遥感图像上的实验结果证明了该迁移网络的有效性.Abstract: A transfer neural network based on feature alignment is proposed for classification of multi-temporal remote sensing image. In the network, the mean vector and covariance matrix of the sample data of each class are used to describe the data distribution, and the domain shift in terms of the first and second statistics can be reduced. In addition, rectified linear unit is utilized as the activation function, which can produce sparse features and improve the classification performance. In the transfer neural network, both aligned features and adaptive classifiers can be obtained simultaneously and unsupervised domain adaptation is achieved when there is no labeled data in the target image. The experimental results of multi-temporal Hyperion hyperspectral remote sensing images and WorldView-2 multispectral remote sensing images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed transfer neural network.
Key words:
- transfer neural network /
- classification /
- class-wise feature alignment /
- remote sensing
表 1 Hyperion-BOT和WV2-WH多时相遥感图像的类别名称和样本数目
Table 1. The category and sample number of the multi- temporal images captured by different sensors
ID 类名 5月 6月 7月 Hyperion-BOT 1 水体 297 361 185 2 泛滥平原 437 308 96 3 河岸 448 303 164 4 火迹 354 335 186 5 岛屿内陆 337 370 131 6 林地 357 324 169 7 稀树草原 330 342 171 8 短可乐豆木 239 299 152 9 裸露土地 215 229 96 ID 类名 2011年 2012年 WV2-WH 1 红房顶 2 511 2 963 2 森林 3 592 3 144 3 灰房顶 4 425 4 528 4 白房顶 3 082 5 301 表 2 不同迁移学习算法的多时相遥感图像的整体分类精度(%)和Kappa系数
Table 2. OA(%) and Kappa coefficient of multi-temporal images based on different transfer learning algorithms
数据集 SVM RNN SSTCA DTN TLDA DANN CFATN 精度(%) Hyperion-BOT BOT5-6 69.63 74.16 76.91 85.51 78.44 88.23 93.17 BOT6-5 60.62 68.38 77.27 79.36 69.21 78.15 84.01 BOT5-7 88.05 75.56 88.81 87.70 84.15 86.79 91.56 BOT7-5 56.44 60.58 68.48 79.99 67.85 68.69 84.47 BOT6-7 90.59 91.48 91.63 91.26 92.30 94.47 95.70 BOT7-6 88.05 85.44 87.53 91.68 90.39 89.40 94.85 WV2-WH 2011—2012 84.92 84.58 89.07 89.58 90.17 93.73 94.42 2012—2011 69.67 85.86 85.66 78.33 85.94 87.57 93.11 Kappa系数 Hyperion-BOT BOT5-6 0.66 0.71 0.74 0.84 0.77 0.87 0.92 BOT6-5 0.56 0.64 0.74 0.77 0.65 0.75 0.82 BOT5-7 0.87 0.72 0.87 0.86 0.82 0.85 0.90 BOT7-5 0.51 0.56 0.65 0.77 0.64 0.65 0.82 BOT6-7 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.91 0.94 0.95 BOT7-6 0.87 0.84 0.86 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.94 WV2-WH 2011—2012 0.80 0.79 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.91 0.92 2012—2011 0.58 0.81 0.81 0.70 0.81 0.83 0.90 表 3 不同激活函数CFATN算法的多时相遥感图像整体分类精度(%)
Table 3. OA(%) of multi-temporal image based on the CFATN algorithm with different activation functions
激活函数 Hyperion-BOT WV2-WH BOT5-6 BOT6-5 BOT5-7 BOT7-5 BOT6-7 BOT7-6 2011—2012 2012—2011 ReLU 93.17 84.01 91.56 84.85 95.70 94.85 94.21 93.11 Sigmoid 90.70 83.78 89.63 79.50 95.26 91.57 92.55 91.20 -
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