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    柳卓 郝芳 刘鑫 吴伟 全力 田金强 冯子齐

    柳卓, 郝芳, 刘鑫, 吴伟, 全力, 田金强, 冯子齐, 2021. 川南宁西地区龙一段高密度甲烷包裹体发育特征及地质意义. 地球科学, 46(9): 3157-3171. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.344
    引用本文: 柳卓, 郝芳, 刘鑫, 吴伟, 全力, 田金强, 冯子齐, 2021. 川南宁西地区龙一段高密度甲烷包裹体发育特征及地质意义. 地球科学, 46(9): 3157-3171. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.344
    Liu Zhuo, Hao Fang, Liu Xin, Wu Wei, Quan Li, Tian Jinqiang, Feng Ziqi, 2021. Development Characteristics and Geological Significance of High Density Methane Inclusions in the Longmaxi Member I in the Ningxi Area, Southern Sichuan Basin. Earth Science, 46(9): 3157-3171. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.344
    Citation: Liu Zhuo, Hao Fang, Liu Xin, Wu Wei, Quan Li, Tian Jinqiang, Feng Ziqi, 2021. Development Characteristics and Geological Significance of High Density Methane Inclusions in the Longmaxi Member I in the Ningxi Area, Southern Sichuan Basin. Earth Science, 46(9): 3157-3171. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.344


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.344

    国家自然科学重大基金项目-04课题 41690134

    国家自然科学面上基金项目 42072167


      柳卓(1995-), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要从事非常规油气地质研究.ORCID: 0000-0001-7545-6780.E-mail: liuzhuoupc@163.com


      冯子齐, E-mail: fzq@upc.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Development Characteristics and Geological Significance of High Density Methane Inclusions in the Longmaxi Member I in the Ningxi Area, Southern Sichuan Basin

    • 摘要: 作为川南志留系页岩气重点拓展区,宁西地区经历多次断裂活动,龙一段普遍发育方解石脉体,同时由于热演化程度极高,出现石墨化现象,致使页岩气富集规律不明.本次研究以区内重点探井——宁西202井的龙一段为研究对象,通过系统岩心描述、薄片镜下观察、阴极发光、激光拉曼光谱和显微测温等实验分析,进行了古温压恢复研究.研究表明:龙一段主体分布高角度方解石脉体(A类),局部发育顺层脉体(B类).A类脉体中主要发育高密度甲烷包裹体、部分样品出现特殊的沥青包裹体.沥青包裹体中沥青的拉曼RoRmcRo)为3.52%~4.16%,处于过成熟至石墨化阶段.甲烷拉曼散射峰介于2 910.711 2~2 912.495 1 cm—1,均一温度介于-99.8~-96.3℃.通过拉曼参数位移法和显微测温法分析得出的密度值分别介于0.253 6~0.344 5 g/cm3和0.291 6~0.303 2 g/cm3,呈典型的高密度特征.综上,高密度甲烷包裹体可能捕获于燕山构造运动抬升初期,处于超压状态,指示页岩系统封闭性较好,有利于页岩气的富集.


    • 图  1  研究区地质概况图(a);川南地区龙一段Ro等值线图(b);宁西202井岩性柱状图(c)


      Fig.  1.  Geological survey map of the research area (a), Ro contour map of the Longmaxi Member I of southern Sichuan (b), lithologic log of Well Ningxi-202 (c)

      图  2  宁西202井龙一段样品照片

      a~d. 黑色页岩高角度脉体(3 889.91 m);e、f. 黑色页岩顺层脉体(3 922.81 m);g、h. 页岩出现似石墨化的黑亮色金属光泽(3 922.81m)

      Fig.  2.  Pictures of shale calcite vein samples from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  3  宁西202井NX-02样品镜下方解石脉体分布特征

      Fig.  3.  Distribution characteristics of calcite veins in the slice of NX-02 sample selected from Well Ningxi-202

      图  4  NX-02样品薄片中方解石微观特征

      a~c. 图 3中A视域下的单偏光、正交偏光、阴极发光;d~f. 图 3中B视域下的单偏光、正交偏光、阴极发光;g~i. 图 3中C视域下的单偏光、正交偏光、阴极发光

      Fig.  4.  Microscopic characteristics of calcite in the different regions in the slice of NX-02 sample

      图  5  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体中的流体包裹体产出和形态特征

      a~d. 10×50倍镜下气液两相盐水包裹体;e、f. 10×50倍镜下气液两相盐水包裹体与甲烷包裹体;g、h. 10×50倍镜下甲烷包裹体;i. 10×50倍镜下沥青甲烷两相包裹体与气液两相盐水包裹体;j. 10×50倍镜下沥青包裹体;k. 10×20倍镜下沥青包裹体;l. 10×20倍镜下碳沥青

      Fig.  5.  Occurrences and shapes of fluid inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  6  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体中甲烷包裹体和沥青甲烷两相包裹体的激光拉曼光谱图

      a. 0~4 000 cm-1范围内甲烷包裹体;b、c. 2 750~3 050 cm-1范围内甲烷包裹体;d. 0~4 000 cm-1范围内沥青甲烷两相包裹体

      Fig.  6.  Laser Raman spectra for methane inclusions and asphalt-methane two-phase inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  7  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体中沥青包裹体拉曼光谱图

      a、b. Dh峰 < Gh峰;c、d. Dh峰≈Gh峰;e、f. Dh峰 > Gh峰

      Fig.  7.  Laser Raman spectra for asphalt inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  8  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体中盐水包裹体均一温度及盐度分布

      Fig.  8.  Homogenization temperature and salinity of brine inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  9  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体中盐水包裹体均一温度(a),盐度(b)直方图

      Fig.  9.  Histograms of homogenization temperature (a), salinity (b) of brine inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  10  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体中甲烷包裹体均一温度测定及其相变过程照片

      Fig.  10.  Pictures of phase transition processes during measuring homogenization temperatures of pure methane inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      图  11  宁西地区窝深1井埋藏‒抬升热演化史


      Fig.  11.  Thermal evolution history of burial-uplifting for Well Woshen-1 in Ningxi area

      表  1  宁西202井龙一段方解石脉体发育特征

      Table  1.   Development characteristics of calcite vein samples from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      样品编号 深度(m) 脉体产状 脉体洁净度 脉体分类 晶粒大小分类 发育包裹体类型
      盐水 甲烷 沥青 沥青甲烷两相
      NX-01 3 889.82 高角度裂缝 较脏 A类 细晶颗粒
      NX-02 3 889.91 粗晶嵌晶
      NX-03 3 922.81 顺层 较干净 B类 粗晶为主
      NX-04 3 922.90
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      表  2  宁西202井龙一段甲烷包裹体均一温度、密度及捕获压力计算结果

      Table  2.   Calculation results of homogenized temperatures, calculated densities and trapping pressures of methane inclusions in calcite veins from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      样品号 测点数 均一相态 均一温度(℃) 密度(g cm-3) 气液两相盐水包裹体均一温度213 ℃条件下
      NX-01 10 液相 -99.80~-96.80 0.293 3~0.303 2 143.06~155.15
      NX-02 10 液相 -99.20~-96.30 0.291 6~0.301 3 140.98~152.96
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      表  3  宁西202井龙一段甲烷包裹体拉曼散射峰波数、密度及捕获压力计算结果

      Table  3.   Calculation results of measured Raman scatter peak positions, calculated densities and trapping pressures of methane in clusions from Longmaxi Member I in Well Ningxi-202

      测定包裹体的编号 Ne1的波数(cm-1) Ne3的波数(cm-1) vmeas (cm-1) vcorr (cm-1) D (cm-1) ρ (g/cm3) 捕获压力(MPa)
      NX-01-1 2 833.110 9 3 004.174 4 2 911.912 7 2 911.237 0 -7.503 0 0.316 6 173.86
      NX-01-2 2 833.102 4 3 004.256 3 2 911.686 4 2 910.974 1 -7.765 9 0.330 5 195.35
      NX-01-3 2 832.232 2 3 003.542 6 2 911.712 1 2 911.791 7 -6.948 3 0.288 2 137.11
      NX-01-4 2 832.461 6 3 003.541 3 2 911.636 6 2 911.602 2 -7.137 8 0.297 8 148.51
      NX-01-5 2 832.132 2 3 003.210 0 2 911.711 1 2 912.007 0 -6.733 0 0.277 5 125.42
      NX-01-6 2 831.782 3 3 002.982 1 2 910.200 0 2 910.784 8 -7.955 2 0.340 6 212.75
      NX-01-7 2 831.239 9 3 003.212 2 2 910.721 3 2 911.462 3 -7.277 7 0.305 0 157.66
      NX-01-8 2 831.239 3 3 003.013 2 2 910.626 1 2 911.466 9 -7.273 1 0.304 7 157.35
      NX-01-9 2 832.330 1 3 003.410 0 2 910.852 7 2 910.949 7 -7.790 3 0.331 8 197.49
      NX-01-10 2 831.810 0 3 003.222 2 2 911.575 5 2 912.026 4 -6.713 6 0.276 5 124.44
      NX-02-1 2 832.230 0 3 003.392 2 2 911.651 1 2 911.807 0 -6.933 0 0.287 4 136.24
      NX-02-2 2 832.352 9 3 003.385 8 2 911.149 1 2 911.246 8 -7.493 2 0.316 1 173.12
      NX-02-3 2 833.230 6 3 004.012 8 2 911.393 6 2 910.738 9 -8.001 1 0.343 1 217.24
      NX-02-4 2 832.231 9 3 003.210 0 2 911.464 4 2 911.710 5 -7.029 5 0.292 3 141.87
      NX-02-5 2 833.000 5 3 003.210 0 2 911.660 2 2 911.522 0 -7.218 0 0.301 9 153.68
      NX-02-6 2 833.169 4 3 004.000 1 2 912.240 4 2 911.622 7 -7.117 3 0.296 8 147.23
      NX-02-7 2 832.192 2 3 003.219 1 2 911.613 1 2 911.874 5 -6.865 5 0.284 1 132.47
      NX-02-8 2 830.736 1 3 003.007 2 2 911.399 7 2 912.495 1 -6.244 9 0.253 6 103.12
      NX-02-9 2 832.230 0 3 003.412 5 2 911.491 3 2 911.637 1 -7.102 9 0.296 0 146.33
      NX-02-10 2 833.231 6 3 004.219 9 2 911.469 9 2 910.711 2 -8.028 8 0.344 5 220.00
      注:捕获压力为气液两相盐水包裹体均一温度213 ℃条件下的计算结果.
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