Shale Gas Accumulation Conditions and Favorable-Zone Prediction in Lower Carboniferous Luzhai Formation in Donglan Area of Nanpanjiang Depression, China
摘要: 南盘江坳陷是四川盆地外围海相页岩气勘探战略突破区,具有巨大的勘探潜力,但其页岩气勘探起步晚、勘探方向不明确,严重制约了该区页岩气勘探开发.本次研究以南盘江坳陷东北缘东兰地区野外考察为基础,结合有机地球化学、全岩X衍射、扫描电镜等分析手段,分析了下石炭统鹿寨组泥页岩分布特征、源岩地球化学、储层物性特征、页岩气保存等成藏条件.研究表明:南盘江坳陷东北缘下石炭统鹿寨组泥页岩沉积厚度主要为250~350 m,埋深主要介于1 000~3 000 m;页岩有机碳含量多数大于2.0%,有机质主要为Ⅱ1~Ⅱ2型干酪根,处于高成熟-过成熟阶段,具备良好的供烃能力;页岩储层中脆性矿物含量高,孔隙空间发育良好,吸附性好,页岩气储集能力良好;页岩粘土矿物相对较高,成岩期压实、胶结作用较强,使页岩层自封闭性增强,保存条件较好;多期构造运动对后期页岩气保存与否具有决定性作用.对比国内外典型页岩气田成藏条件特征,认为南盘江坳陷东北缘下石炭统鹿寨组具备有利的页岩气成藏条件,提出南盘江坳陷东兰地区东北部为页岩气有利勘探区.Abstract: Nanpanjiang depression, proved to be one of the strategic exploration zones of marine shale gas in periphery of Sichuan basin, possesses a huge shale gas potential. However, the shale gas exploration in Nanpanjiang depression has been restricted seriously, mainly for the late start of shale gas exploration and non-clear target selection. Based on the field investigation and previous studies in northeastern Nanpanjiang depression, the Lower Carboniferous Luzhai shale distribution was ascertained. According to the organic geochemistry, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the source rock geochemical characteristics, shale reservoir characteristics, and shale gas preservation conditions were analyzed. The study shows that the thickness of Luzhai shale in northeastern Nanpanjiang depression is mainly 250-350 m, and the burial depth of the shale is mainly 1 000-3 000 m. The TOC values of the Luzhai shale are mainly >2.0%, and the kerogen types are mainly Type Ⅱ1-Ⅱ2. The organic matters in shale mainly reach the high-to over-mature stage, suggesting that the shale should possess an excellent source rock potential. The contents of brittle minerals in the Luzhai shale are relatively high, and the pore spaces in the shale and the adsorption capacities of shale are well developed, indicating a well-developed shale gas reservoir. The high content of clay minerals and relatively strong compaction and cementation in the shale strengthened the relatively strong self-seal capacity of shale, indicating good preservation conditions for shale gas. Multi-episodes tectonic movements played an important role on the shale gas preservation. Compared with accumulation conditions of the typical shale gas in domestic and foreign basins, the Luzhai shales in the northeastern Nanpanjiang depression possess favorable accumulation conditions for shale gas, suggesting the northeastern part of Donglan area in the Nanpanjiang depression should be a favorable shale gas exploration zone in South China.
Key words:
- shale gas /
- Luzhai Formation /
- accumulation condition /
- favorable zone /
- Nanpanjiang depression /
- petroleum geology
图 1 南盘江坳陷构造位置与研究区实测剖面位置
Fig. 1. Tectonic location of Nanpanjiang depression and locations of measuring sections in study area
图 12 南盘江坳陷东北缘东兰地区下石炭统鹿寨组泥页岩扫描电镜分析
Fig. 12. Scanning electron microscopy analyses of shale in the Lower Carboniferous Luzhai Formation of Donglan area in northeastern Nanpanjiang depression, China
图 13 南盘江坳陷东北缘东兰地区下石炭统鹿寨组埋藏史分析
Fig. 13. Burial depth analysis of the Lower Carboniferous Luzhai Formation of Donglan area in northeastern Nanpanjiang depression, China
表 1 南盘江坳陷东北缘东兰地区下石炭统鹿寨组泥页岩有机质显微组分统计
Table 1. Relative contents of shale organic matter macerals in the Lower Carboniferous Luzhai Formation of Donglan area in northeastern Nanpanjiang depression, China
序号 采样编号 腐泥组(%) 壳质组(%) 腐殖无定形(%) 镜质组(%) 惰质组(%) 腐泥组颜色 类型指数 类型 无定形 藻质体 合计 树脂体 非树脂体 合计 1 D0504-1 95 / 95 / / / / 4 1 黑褐 91.00 Ⅰ 2 D0504-5 50 / 50 / 1 1 / 40 9 黑褐 11.50 Ⅱ2 3 D0504-8 45 / 45 / 1 1 / 42 12 黑褐 2.00 Ⅱ1 4 D0505-1 3 / 3 / 1 1 / 75 21 黑褐 73.75 Ⅲ 5 D1627-2 78 / 78 / / / / / 22 黑褐 56.00 Ⅱ1 6 D1627-5 80 / 80 / / / / / 20 黑褐 60.00 Ⅱ1 7 D1627-8 79 / 79 / / / / / 21 黑褐 58.00 Ⅱ1 8 D1627-10 83 / 83 / / / / / 17 黑褐 66.00 Ⅱ1 注:样品编号D0504、D0505采自龙谷剖面,D1627采自拉盘剖面. 表 2 南盘江坳陷东北缘鹿寨组页岩气与国内外典型页岩气成藏条件对比分析
Table 2. Comparison of accumulation conditions between the Luzhai shale gas in the northeastern Nanpanjiang depression and the typical shale gas in domestic and foreign areas
地区 盆地/区域 地层 页岩厚度(m) 埋深(m) TOC(%) Ro(%) 有机质类型 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(mD) 脆性矿物(%) 含气量(m3/t) 美国 Fort Worth 石炭系Barnett 30~180 1 980~2 590 4.0~5.0 0.80~1.40 Ⅱ型 4.0~5.0 0.1~0.5 30~60 8.5~9.9 墨西哥湾沿岸盆地 白垩系
Eagle Ford30~120 1 220~4 270 2.76 1.20 Ⅱ型 9.0 0.5~1.0 45~65 2.8~5.7 Anadarko 泥盆系Woodford 20~80 1 829~3 353 5 034 1.50 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 5.0 0.1~0.5 50~75 5.6~8.5 中国 四川盆地长宁 五峰组‒龙马溪组 30~60 1 300~3 700 2.70 2.70 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 5.3 0.1~0.5 66.4 2.4~5.5 四川盆地威远 五峰组‒龙马溪组 45~80 2 000~4 500 3.45 2.95 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 5.4 0.5~3.0 69.5 1.9~4.8 四川盆地威远 筇竹寺组 30~60 1 500~3 500 2.00~5.90 1.90~3.00 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 3.9~5.2 0.005~0.9 30~75 1.10~3.51 重庆涪陵 五峰组‒龙马溪组 40~80 2 000~4 000 2.00~8.00 2.65 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 1.2~8.1 0.001~5.7 50~80 4.7~7.2 湘西北常德 牛蹄塘组 100~150 1 120~1 250 2.1~17.6 2.20~3.13 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 1.2~1.9 0.4~0.5 26~78 0.06~2.10 滇黔北昭通 牛蹄塘组 40~80 1 700~2 540 1.9~5.18 3.75~4.44 Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型 0.75~3.84 0.002~1.4 15~71 0.15~0.62 南盘江坳陷东北缘 鹿寨组 250~350 1 000~3 000 0.5~4.0 2.0~4.0 Ⅱ1-Ⅱ2型 4.7~14.63 0.003~0.022 45.2~85.0 0.2~2.8 注:国内外典型页岩气成藏条件参数数据来源于 Amijaya et al. (2006) ;Jarvie et al.(2007) ;Loucks et al. (2009) ;张雪芬等(2010);Chalmersg et al. (2012) ;EIA (2013);Hu et al. (2015) ;邹才能等(2015, 2016);董大忠等(2016);Zeng et al. (2016) ;陈粤等(2017);周雯等(2019).表 3 中国南方非典型海相页岩气有利选区的地质参考标准
Table 3. Geological reference standards for favorable areas of a non-typical marine shale gas in South China
评价参数 有利区条件 发育条件 分布面积 ≥50 km2,或可能在其中发现目标区的最小面积有一定的勘探开发纵深 厚度 单层厚度≥3 m,页岩层系连续厚度≥10 m且页岩厚度/地层厚度≥60% 埋深 ≥1 000 m 源岩地化指标 有机质丰度 TOC≥1.0% 有机质成熟度 0.4% < Ro < 4.0% 有机质类型 Ⅰ-Ⅱ型 储层条件 矿物组成 脆性矿物 > 45% 含气量 > 0.5 m3/t 保存条件 断裂分布 内部可有多期次构造运动和一定的断裂发育 褶皱作用 相对宽缓的向斜 剥蚀作用 剥蚀作用较弱 注:据王社教等(2012);王世谦等(2013);周雯等(2019)修改. -
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