Thoughts, Principles and Methods of Regional Geological Survey in Covered Area (1:50 000)
摘要: 随着生态文明建设成为新时期国家目标,区域地质调查必须为我国能源资源安全保障和国土空间规划与生态文明建设服务.目前,我国区域地质调查工作已经向覆盖区为主的平原、盆地、草原、荒漠等地区拓展,但现行的地质填图技术方法体系,难以满足现今覆盖区地质填图工作的需要,亟待探索形成新的地质填图技术方法体系,扩大地质调查成果的服务领域.中国地质调查局于2014年设立了“特殊地质地貌区填图试点”项目,探索总结覆盖区区域地质填图技术方法.经过努力,形成了以“覆盖区区域地质调查技术要求(1:50 000)”为核心的覆盖区填图技术方法体系.试点项目初步确立了中国东部晚新生代以来构造-沉积演化的基本格架,揭示了晚更新世以来中国中东部沉积过程与生态环境演化及人类文明发展的制约关系.该方法体系的建立,对引领我国区域地质调查服务国家生态文明建设和生态环境保护具有重要意义.新的填图方法体系明确提出聚焦国家生态文明建设与生态环境保护,以地球系统科学为覆盖区区域地质调查的理论基础,实行需求驱动、问题导向、目标考核,努力解决调查区重大基础地质问题、重大资源与生态环境问题.调查的技术路线是地表地质调查与多种现代地球探测技术、信息技术等高度融合,并强调预研究与设计阶段的重要性.同时规定不平均使用工作量,取消填图主要实物工作量的量化指标规定;创新成果表达方式,明确地质填图服务多种社会需求,倡导填图首席科学家负责制,建立区调填图诚信体系.Abstract: As the construction of ecological civilization has become the national goal,the regional geological survey must serve the security of energy and resources,the planning of land space,and the construction of ecological civilization. Presently,the regional geological survey has expanded to covered areas in China,such as plain,basin,grassland,desert,and so on. However,the current geological mapping technology and method system cannot meet the needs of the current work. It is urgent to explore new patterns and mapping technology and method systems and expand the service field of achievement. In 2014, China Geological Survey set up the "special geological and geomorphic area mapping pilot project",which explored and summarized the technology and method system of regional geological mapping in the covered area. Now,the mapping technology and method system of covered area with "technical method guide for regional geological survey in covered area (1:50 000)" as the core has formed. The framework of tectonic sedimentary evolution in eastern China since the Late Cenozoic has been preliminarily established,which reveals the constraints of the sedimentary process,the ecological environment evolution and the development of human civilization in eastern China since the Late Pleistocene. This technological system will be significant to lead the regional geological survey in the covered area,serve the national ecological civilization construction and ecological environment protection. The new mapping method system clearly puts forward to focus on national ecological civilization construction and ecological environment protection,take the earth system science as the theoretical basis of regional geological survey in the covered area,implement demand driven,problem-oriented and target assessment,and strive to solve the major basic geological issues,major resources and ecological environment issues in the survey area. The technical route is high integration of surface geological survey with various modern detection technologies and information technologies,and the importance of pre-research and design stage is emphasized. At the same time,it is necessary to stipulate the uneven workload,cancel the quantitative indicators of the main mapping work,innovate the expression of achievements,make clear that geological mapping serves a variety of social needs,advocate the chief mapping scientist responsibility system,and establish a regional survey mapping integrity system.
图 1 中国陆域主要地质地貌区分布
中国地图引自中国主要河流、湖泊图(比例尺为1:1 600万,审图号:GS(2019)4345号),源自自然资源部的标准地图服务系统(平原区:a.三江平原;b.华北平原;c.长江中下游平原;d.珠江三角洲平原;e.成都平原;f.关中平原(汾渭平原);g.河套平原;h.准噶尔平原;i.吐鲁番平原.沙漠区:1.塔克拉玛干沙漠,2.古尔班通古特沙漠;3.库姆塔格沙漠;4.柴达木盆地沙漠;5.巴丹吉林沙漠;6.腾格里沙漠;7.乌兰布和沙漠;8.库布齐沙漠;9.毛乌素沙漠;10.浑善达克沙地;11.科尔沁沙地;12.呼伦贝尔沙地
Fig. 1. Distribution of main geological and geomorphic areas in the land territory of China
图 5 典型地貌区域沉积环境(据Jones,2015)
Fig. 5. Sedimentary environment of typical geomorphic areas (modified after Jones, 2015)
图 7 安徽宣城地区第四纪红土剖面(据Hong et al., 2010)
Fig. 7. Sedimentary profile of Quaternary laterite in Xuancheng area, Anhui Province (modified after Hong et al., 2010)
图 8 戈壁荒漠区填图技术路线图(据王国灿等,2018)
Fig. 8. Technology route of geological mapping in Gobi desert area (modified after Wang et al., 2018)
图 9 长三角平原区填图技术路线图(据李向前等,2018)
Fig. 9. Technology route of geological mapping in Yangtze River delta plain area (modified after Li et al., 2018)
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