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    丁巍伟, 2021. 南海大陆边缘动力学:从陆缘破裂到海底扩张. 地球科学, 46(3): 790-800. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.303
    引用本文: 丁巍伟, 2021. 南海大陆边缘动力学:从陆缘破裂到海底扩张. 地球科学, 46(3): 790-800. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.303
    Ding Weiwei, 2021. Continental Margin Dynamics of South China Sea: From Continental Break-Up to Seafloor Spreading. Earth Science, 46(3): 790-800. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.303
    Citation: Ding Weiwei, 2021. Continental Margin Dynamics of South China Sea: From Continental Break-Up to Seafloor Spreading. Earth Science, 46(3): 790-800. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.303


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.303

    全球变化与海气相互作用专项 GASI-02-SHB-15

    全球变化与海气相互作用专项 GASI-GEOGE-01

    国家自然科学基金项目 42025601

    国家自然科学基金项目 91858214

    国家自然科学基金项目 41890811


      丁巍伟(1977-), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 研究方向为大陆边缘动力学.ORCID: 0000-0002-9944-2356.E-mail: wwding@sio.org.cn

    • 中图分类号: P736

    Continental Margin Dynamics of South China Sea: From Continental Break-Up to Seafloor Spreading

    • 摘要: 边缘海如何形成是地球科学的基本问题.本研究通过对南海区域深反射地震数据及钻井数据的综合解释,聚焦地壳深部结构和三维全变形机制,在南海陆缘张裂-海盆扩张的构造动力学研究中取得重要进展:(1)“大陆破裂非均一”:拉张过程垂向上分层非均一,受拆离断层系统控制;裂离过程横向上高度变化,中-东侧受岩浆作用主导,西侧受构造作用主导.(2)“海盆扩张非对称”:受周期性地幔对流活动主导,扩张表现为两次洋脊南向跃迁,方向也发生多次转变,导致南海扩张的不连续-非对称性.据此提出西太俯冲背景下周缘受限型海盆高度变化-非均衡扩张模式的新认识,丰富大陆边缘动力学理论.


    • 图  1  南海南部陆缘的拆离断层构造(a), 陆缘地壳拉张因子计算结果(b), 经典均一伸展模型和分层差异伸展模型示意(c)

      图b显示全地壳伸展因子与上地壳伸展因子之间存在巨大差异;图c中亮黄部分为上地壳, 暗黄部分为下地壳

      Fig.  1.  Geological interpretation shows the detachment structures within the southern continental margin of South China Sea (a); calculation results of the continental stretching factors (b); cartoons show the uniform stretching model and ununiform depth-dependent stretching model (c)

      图  2  过南海北部陆缘洋陆过渡带区原始地震剖面(a)及地质解释(b)

      Fig.  2.  Original seismic profile (a) crossing the transitional zone of the northern continental margin of the South China Sea and its geological interpretation (b)

      图  3  南海北部陆缘东侧大陆破裂‒初始海底扩张过程示意

      Fig.  3.  Sketch map shows the process from continental breakup to initial seafloor spreading in the eastern part of the northern continental margin, South China Sea

      图  4  南海洋壳内部显示的对倾LCR构造(左)及洋中脊两次向南跃迁示意(右)

      Fig.  4.  LCR structure within the oceanic crust (left) and two-episodic southward ridge jumps during the seafloor spreading (right), South China Sea

      图  5  南海南部苏拉威西海海底地震仪(OBS)(红五角星)及婆罗洲东北部陆地地震台站(红、蓝三角)布设图

      Fig.  5.  Distribution of OBS array deployed in the Celebes Sea (red star), and land seismic stations in northeastern part of Borneo (red & blue triangle)

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