Age, Origin and Geological Implications of Early Paleozoic Marine Bentonites, Northern Yili Block of Central Asian Orogenic Belt
摘要: 伊犁地块位于西天山北部,通常认为其北缘经历了晚古生代活动陆缘的演化,但对其早古生代构造沉积演化(尤其是同位素定年)的研究仍较为薄弱.在伊犁北缘果子沟地区的奥陶系黑色硅质页岩中发现多层斑脱岩(蚀变凝灰岩)夹层,奥陶系发生了强烈褶皱变形,在其中一个倒转向斜的核部和翼部选取两层斑脱岩进行了锆石U-Pb测年.2个斑脱岩样品中的锆石显示岩浆锆石的特征,其加权平均年龄分别为458±2 Ma和460±2 Ma.结合前人研究成果,认为该斑脱岩的沉积时代为中奥陶世末期(达瑞威尔阶顶部),该时代与温泉地区大陆弧岩浆岩年龄基本一致,是准噶尔洋在中-晚奥陶世向伊犁地块之下俯冲的又一证据;该斑脱岩与全球范围内的大规模火山活动时代一致,该期火山活动可能是中-晚奥陶世全球气候变化与生物大灭绝的重要原因.Abstract: The Yili Block,a part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB),is located in the northern part of Chinese western Tianshan. It is generally believed that the northern Yili Block was an active continental margin during the Late Paleozoic. However,the study of sedimentary and tectonic evolution (especially the isotopic dating) of the Early Paleozoic in the northern Yili Block is relatively weak. Several bentonite (altered tuff) horizons within the Ordovician black siliceous shale sequences in the Guozigou area were recognized. The Ordovician strata were intensively folded. Two bentonite samples were collected from the core and limb of a syncline for zircon U-Pb dating. Both samples indicate their magmatic origin. They yielded consistent and concordant apparent ages,and weighted average ages of 458±2 Ma and 460±2 Ma,respectively. The previous and newly obtained data implies that the bentonites were deposited at the end of Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian Stage). The timing of the bentonites in this study is in agreement with the age of the continental arc-type magmatism in the Wenquan area,both were likely derived from subduction of the Junggar Ocean beneath the northern Yili Block. The bentonites are also coeval with the worldwide intense volcanism,and are likely one of the main causes of the Late Ordovician global climate change and mass extinction.
Key words:
- Yili Block /
- Ordovician /
- bentonite /
- Junggar Ocean /
- subduction and accretionary /
- orogeny /
- structural geology
图 1 中亚造山带(CAOB)及邻区构造简图(a)和哈萨克斯坦微大陆及天山造山带地质简图(b)
图a据Şengör et al.(1993)和Jahn et al.(2000);图b据Windley et al.(2007)、Wang et al.(2012)和Cao et al.(2017).KNT.吉尔吉斯北天山;KMT.吉尔吉斯中天山;BC.博什库尔-成吉斯;NB.北巴尔喀什;BY.巴尔喀什-伊犁;CY.楚-伊犁;JB.准噶尔-巴尔喀什;ACNT.阿克套-中国北天山;WJ.西准噶尔;KM.克拉玛依;CNT.中国北天山;BGD.博格达山;CCT.中国中天山;CST.中国南天山. 主要断层:①北天山断裂带;②赛里木-精河断裂带;③那拉提断裂带;④尼古拉耶夫线
Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) and adjacent regions (a), simplified geological map of the Kazakhstan microcontinent and Tianshan Orogen (b)
图 2 伊犁北部果子沟及其邻区地质构造简图
改编自新疆维吾尔自治区地质矿产勘查开发局,1988. 新疆1∶200 000地质图霍城幅(L-44-26、27、33)、赛里木湖幅(L-44-34)
Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Guozigou and neighboring areas, northern Yili Block
图 3 伊犁北缘霍城、科古琴山和博罗霍洛山地区下古生界地层柱状图
改编自新疆维吾尔自治区地质矿产勘查开发局,1988. 新疆1∶200 000地质图霍城幅(L-44-26、27、33)、赛里木湖幅(L-44-34)
Fig. 3. Stratigraphic sections of Lower Paleozoic from the Huocheng, Keguqin and Borohoro ranges, northern Yili Block
图 7 伊犁北部奥陶系斑脱岩锆石U-Pb定年结果
a、d. 样品18TS59-01和18TS59-11的锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图;b、e. 样品18TS59-01和18TS59-11代表性锆石CL图;c、f.样品18TS59-01和18TS59-11的206Pb/238U表观年龄;g.球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分曲线(球粒陨石标准化值依据Sun and McDonough, 1989);h. Th-U图解
Fig. 7. Results of zircon U-Pb dating for the Ordovician bentonites from northern Yili Block
图 8 晚奥陶世全球古地理重建图
改编自Bond and Grasby(2017)和Yang et al.(2019)
Fig. 8. Global paleogeographic reconstruction for the Late Ordovician
图 9 全球奥陶纪斑脱岩分布及出现层位示意图
改编自Huff(2008)和Yang et al.(2019)
Fig. 9. Distributions and stratigraphic positions of the Ordovician bentonites worldwide
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