Stable Isotopic Characteristics of Precipitation and Moisture Recycling in Badain Jaran Desert
摘要: 了解沙漠降水稳定同位素特征,有助于研究干旱区水循环过程.根据2015-2016年取自巴丹吉林沙漠4个站点的降水样品,分析了δ2H、δ18O的时空分布特征及影响因素;借助后向气团轨迹模型分析了降水水汽来源;采用氘盈余模型计算了水汽再循环比.结果显示,降水δ2H、δ18O均表现出季节效应,夏高冬低;沙漠腹地较外围山区δ2H、δ18O偏正,d-excess偏负,反映出腹地降水的蒸发程度更高.年内降水主要来自西风水汽,夏季部分受东南季风影响.沙漠湖泊区再循环比为10.3%~10.9%,略大于山区的8.5%;再循环水汽在总蒸发量中占比11.1%,反映出沙漠强烈的蒸发对本地降水的贡献较为有限.Abstract: Understanding the isotopic characteristics of precipitation in desert is helpful to study the water cycle process in arid areas. According to the precipitation samples from 4 stations in the Badain Jaran Desert from 2015 to 2016, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of δ2H and δ18O were analyzed. The source of precipitation moisture was analyzed with the backward air mass trajectory model and the recycled moisture fractions were calculated with deuterium excess. The results show that the precipitations of δ2H and δ18O show seasonal effect, which are higher in summer and lower in winter. The precipitations of δ2H and δ18O in the hinterland of desert are more positive and d-excess is more negative than that in the surrounding mountainous areas, reflecting the stronger evaporation of precipitation in the hinterland. The annual precipitation is mainly from the westerly moisture, and the summer precipitation is affected by the southeast monsoon. The recycled moisture fraction in desert is 10.3%-10.9%, which is slightly larger than 8.5% of mountainous area; the recycled moisture accounts for 11.1% of the total evaporation, which reflects that the contribution of strong evaporation in desert to local precipitation is relatively limited.
Key words:
- precipitation /
- stable isotope /
- d-excess /
- moisture recycling /
- Badain Jaran Desert /
- atmospheric science
表 1 取样点基本信息
Table 1. The information of sampling points
编号 采样点 经度(E) 纬度(N) 取样时段 Google Earth高程(m) 取样数(个) DO1 车日格勒 102.26° 39.88° 2015/08—2016/07 1 168 11 DO2 巴丹湖 102.37° 39.55° 2015/09—2016/08 1 217 10 DO3 雅布赖山 102.84° 39.66° 2016/01—2016/12 1 696 7 DO4 阿拉善右旗 101.67° 39.21° 2015/01—2016/09 1 503 11 表 2 采样点同位素特征
Table 2. Isotopic characteristics of sampling points
编号 采样点 年均气温
P(mm)年均值(‰) 雨量加权值(‰) d-excess
年均值(‰)δ18O δ2H δ18O δ2H DO1 车日格勒 11.7 37.7 58.4 -8.8 -72.4 -7.4 -60.1 -3.4 DO2 巴丹湖 12.4 36.9 83.4 -10.3 -76.5 -7.2 -50.6 6.1 DO3 雅布赖山 8.9 40.8 91.9 -8.6 -60.8 -6.7 -45.4 7.7 DO4 阿拉善右旗 9.9 39.9 106.7 -11.1 -81.7 -9.7 -68.5 7.4 表 3 采样点大气降水线方程
Table 3. Local meteoric water line in the different sampling sites
站点编号 位置 LMWL R2 n P DO1 车日格勒 δ2H = 7.39×δ18O-9.32 0.92 12 < 0.01 DO2 巴丹湖 δ2H = 7.90×δ18O+5.02 0.99 10 < 0.01 DO3 雅布赖山 δ2H = 7.79 × δ18O+7.03 0.97 9 < 0.01 DO4 阿拉善右旗 δ2H = 7.96 × δ18O+6.93 0.99 11 < 0.01 DO1+DO2 沙漠区 δ2H = 7.61 × δ18O-2.93 0.95 21 < 0.01 DO1+DO2+DO3 沙漠及山区 δ2H = 7.67 × δ18O-0.31 0.95 28 < 0.01 DO1+DO2+DO3+DO4 全部 δ2H = 7.72× δ18O+1.34 0.97 42 < 0.01 表 4 稳定同位素与影响因子相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation analysis of stable isotopes and influencing factors
δ2H δ18O d-excess T h P δ2H 1 δ18O 0.981 1 d-excess 0.118 -0.068 1 T 0.795 0.802 -0.020 1 h -0.465 -0.478 0.053 -0.433 1 P 0.259 0.217 0.231 0.368 0.237 1 -
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