Predicting Groundwater Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifer Sandbox Using Different Parameter Estimation Methods
摘要: 为探讨含水层非均质性不同刻画方法对地下水流和溶质运移预测的影响,基于非均质含水层砂箱实验,分别用传统等效均质模型、克立金插值和水力层析刻画含水层渗透系数场,并探讨了先验信息对水力层析结果的影响.将不同方法估算的渗透系数场用以预测地下水流和溶质运移过程,以此判断不同方法估算结果的优劣,分析含水层非均质性对地下水流和溶质运移的影响.结果表明:与克立金插值法相比,水力层析法可以更好地刻画含水层非均质性,较准确地预测地下水流和溶质运移过程;钻孔岩心渗透系数样本值作为先验信息可以提高水力层析法估算结果的精度;传统等效均质模型无法准确预测地下水流和溶质运移过程.含水层非均质性的增强将导致溶质污染羽分布形态和运移路径的空间变异性增强,并且优势通道直接决定溶质的分布及运移路径.Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of different hydraulic parameter estimation methods of the heterogenous aquifer on predicting groundwater flow and solute transport simulation, based on the laboratory heterogeneous aquifer sandbox, conventional equivalent homogeneous model, kriging and hydraulic tomography are used to characterize heterogeneity of the sandbox aquifer. The role of priori information on improving hydraulic tomography inversion is discussed. The K estimated by different methods are used to predict the process of steady-state groundwater flow and solute transport, which evaluates the merits and demerits of different K estimation methods. Afterwards, we investigate the effect of aquifer heterogeneity on groundwater flow and solute transport. The results reveal that compared with kriging, hydraulic tomography can get higher precision to characterize aquifer heterogeneity and predict the process of groundwater flow and solute transport. The K values from 40 core samples are used as prior information of hydraulic tomography can promote the accuracy of K estimates. The conventional equivalent homogeneous model cannot accurately predict the process of groundwater flow and solute transport in heterogeneous aquifer. The enhancement of aquifer heterogeneity will lead to the enhancement of the spatial variability of tracer distribution and migration path, and the dominant channel directly determines the migration path and tracer distribution.
表 1 非稳定流达西实验渗透系数计算结果
Table 1. The results of hydraulic conductivity by Darcy experiments of unsteady-state flow
砂样粒径(mm) 渗透系数(cm/s) 总孔隙度 砂层编号 0.10~0.25 0.018 0 0.389 2 4, 14 0.25~0.40 0.078 8 0.377 0 1, 7, 10, 15, 17 0.30~0.60 0.139 5 0.371 2 3, 6, 8, 13, 16, 18 0.60~1.00 0.335 3 0.373 7 2, 5, 11, 19 1.00~4.00 0.852 7 0.378 8 9, 12 -
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