(Garnet Bearing) Plagioclase Amphibolite P-T Evolution Path and Its Geological Implications in Rushan Region, Sulu Tectonic Complex: Constraints by Petrology, Mineral Chemistry and Phase Equilibria Modeling
摘要: 大量来自于华北陆块的高压变质岩被发现发育于苏鲁构造杂岩带中,给俯冲带上盘物质如何卷入陆-陆俯冲碰撞作用的研究带来新的契机.通过对乳山地区(含榴)斜长角闪岩进行岩石学、矿物化学及相平衡模拟的研究,发现其保留有3个不同变质演化阶段的矿物组合,峰前矿物组合为粗粒石榴子石+斜长石+角闪石+石英+钛铁矿;峰期矿物组合由石榴子石+单斜辉石+斜长石+角闪石+石英+钛铁矿组成,为典型高角闪岩相矿物组合;峰后退变质阶段矿物组合为角闪石+斜长石+石英+石榴子石+钛铁矿,发育有典型的“白眼圈”结构.相平衡模拟与温压计算表明,乳山午极石榴斜长角闪岩峰前变质阶段的P-T条件分别为P=6.4~7.0 kbar、T=610~640℃,表明其俯冲至30 km左右的地壳深度;峰期变质阶段P-T条件分别为P=9.3~10.0 kbar、T=700~730℃,表明其已俯冲至36~40 km的地壳深度,峰后退变质阶段P-T条件分别为P=5.2~5.8 kbar、T=680~710℃.锆石U-Pb定年结果表明乳山午极石榴斜长角闪岩原岩时代为1 734±24 Ma,龙角山水库斜长角闪岩变质时代为1 849±28 Ma,研究表明二者均来源于华北构造岩片.结合前人研究资料,推测乳山地区石榴斜长角闪岩原岩可能经历三叠纪俯冲作用并发生变质;其与杂岩带中来自华南的构造岩片发生混杂,共同构成华北-华南板块间宽约80~100 km的构造杂岩带.Abstract: Many high-pressure metamorphic rocks or blocks from the North China Craton were recognized in the Sulu tectonic complex belt, providing many opportunities to investigate the mechanism of the involvement and exhumation of the materials from the upper subduction zone. In this paper, we present a study of petrology, mineral chemistry and phase equilibria modeling on the (garnet) plagioclase amphibolites in the Rushan area, and three metamorphic stages have been found in the rock: (1) The pre-peak stage with the mineral assemblage of garnet+quartz+plagioclase+amphibole+ilmenite; (2) the peak high-pressure stage with the diagnostic amphibolite-facies assemblage of garnet+clinopyroxene+plagioclase+amphibole+quartz+ilmenite; (3) the post-peak decompression stage represented by amphibole+plagioclase+garnet+ilmenite, and typical "white eye" textures can be observed. Phase equilibria modeling constrained the P-T conditions of the pre-peak, peak, and post-peak of 6.4-7.0 kbar/610-640 ℃, 9.3-10.0 kbar/700-730 ℃, 5.2-5.8 kbar/680-710 ℃, respectively. These P-T conditions indicate that the materials from the upper subduction zone have already subducted to ~30 km and 36-40 km, respectively. U-Pb dating of zircons show that the protolith age of the garnet plagioclase amphibolite is 1 734±24 Ma, and the metamorphic age of plagioclase amphibolite is 1 849±28 Ma (from Longjiaoshan reservoir), which all indicates a North China Plate origin. Our data, combined with those of previous studies, indicate that the Wuji garnet plagioclase amphibolites might have been involved in the subduction in Triassic and experienced metamorphism. Together with the "tectonic rock slices" from South China Block, a 80-100 km wide tectonic mélange zone is suggested between the North China Plate and the South China Block.
图 1 华北克拉通东部陆块地质简图(据Liu et al., 2017修改)
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of eastern block in North China Craton (modified after Liu et al., 2017)
图 4 午极(石榴)斜长角闪岩及其花岗质围岩典型地质产状野外照片(a~d),以及龙角山水库地区岩石野外特征(e、f)
Fig. 4. Field pictures show typical geological feature of garnet plagioclase amphibolites and country-rock of the garnet-bearing granite in Wuji (a-d) and Longjiaoshan area (e, f)
图 5 (a) 石榴斜长角闪岩中峰期高角闪岩相变质作用中保留的矿物组合:石榴子石+斜长石+单斜辉石+角闪石+石英+钛铁矿; (b)“白眼圈”结构及后成合晶矿物组合:角闪石+斜长石+石英; (c)“红眼圈”结构; (d)石榴斜长角闪岩围岩含榴花岗岩中的显微结构; (e)斜长角闪岩的显微结构; (f)斜长角闪岩围岩含榴花岗岩中显微结构
Fig. 5. Under the microscope showing: (a) peak high-pressure amphibolite-facies minerals assemblage: garnet+plagioclase+clinopyroxene+amphibole+quartz+ilmenite; (b)"white eye" texture and symplectites of amphibole+plagioclase+quartz; (c)"red eye" texture; (d) microtexture of the garnet-bearing granite (country-rock of the amphibolite); (e) amphibolites at the Longjiaoshan area; (f) microstructure in garnet granite, country-rock of the amphibolite
图 8 念头村石榴斜长角闪岩样品19LR39⁃1锆石U⁃Pb年龄谐和图(a)及加权年龄平均图(b);石榴斜长角闪岩围岩中含榴花岗岩19LR39⁃2锆石U⁃Pb年龄谐和图(c)及19LR39⁃2加权年龄平均图(d)
Fig. 8. Zircon U⁃Pb age concordia diagram (a) and weighted average age diagram (b) of Wuji garnet plagioclase amphibolite sample 19LR39⁃1; concordia diagram (c) and weighted average age diagram (d) for its country-rocks garnet-bearing granite sample 19LR39⁃2
图 9 龙角山水库斜长角闪岩样品19LR46⁃1锆石U⁃Pb年龄谐和图(a)及加权年龄平均图(b);斜长角闪岩围岩中含榴花岗岩19LR46⁃2锆石U⁃Pb年龄谐和图(c)及加权年龄平均图(d)
Fig. 9. Zircon U⁃Pb age concordia diagram (a) and weighted average age diagram (b) of the Longjiaoshan amphibolite sample 19LR46⁃1; concordia diagram (c) and weighted average age diagram (d) for its country-rocks garnet-bearing granite sample 19LR46⁃2
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