Geophysical Integrated Prediction Technology of Mixed Rock Reservoir with Genetic Environment Constraints in Bohai Sea Area
摘要: 勘探实践表明,混合沉积逐渐成为渤海海域中深部勘探的理想领域.通过大量钻井资料统计,揭示了渤海海域混合沉积的成因条件,认为渤海海域混积岩的形成受气候与水体环境、物源、古地貌条件以及沉积样式的控制.模型正演表明不同厚度以及不同地层岩性组合的混积岩地震响应特征不同.实例表明,在水体气候环境、物源类型、古地貌特征等成因环境约束的条件下,通过单井分析、地震相分析、微古地貌恢复、正演分析、属性分析、叠前反演等多种技术综合的以“成因模式找规律,地震技术描分布”的混积型储层综合预测技术组合在渤海海域混合沉积储层预测中是可行的,其中不同厚度及岩性组合混积型储层采取不同的储层预测关键技术对渤海海域混积岩勘探有较好的指导意义.Abstract: Mixed sediment has gradually become an ideal area for deep exploration in Bohai Sea area in exploration practice. Through a large number of drilling data statistics,in this paper,it reveals the genetic conditions of mixed sediments in the Bohai Sea area. It is believed that the formation of mixed rock in Bohai Sea area is controlled by climate,water environment,provenance,paleogeomorphic conditions and sedimentary patterns. The forward modeling results show that the seismic response characteristics of the mixed rock with different thickness and different formation lithology combinations are different. Examples show that,under the constraints of the genetic environment,such as climate environment,provenance type and paleogeomorphic characteristics,it is feasible to use the combination of "genetic model to find the rule,seismic technique to trace the distribution" in the prediction of mixed sedimentary reservoirs through the combination of single well analysis,seismic facies analysis,micro-paleogeomorphology recovery,forward modeling analysis,attribute analysis and other technologies. Different key techniques of reservoir prediction for mixed type reservoirs with different thickness and lithologic combination are of significance for the exploration of mixed rock in Bohai Sea area.
Key words:
- mixed sediment /
- genetic environment /
- reservoir prediction /
- forward analysis /
- Bohai Sea area /
- sedimentation
图 6 地震正演模型及结果
a.泥岩-混积岩-火山岩正演模型; a’.泥岩-混积岩-火山岩正演结果; b.泥岩-混积岩-砂岩正演模型; b’.泥岩-混积岩-砂岩正演结果; c.泥岩-生物碳酸盐岩混积岩-火山岩正演模型; c’.泥岩-生物碳酸盐岩混积岩-火山岩正演结果d.泥岩-生物碳酸盐岩混积岩-火山岩正演模型; d’.泥岩-生物碳酸盐岩混积岩-火山岩正演结果; e.泥岩-砂岩-火山岩正演模型; e’.泥岩-砂岩-火山岩正演结果; f.泥岩-火山岩正演模型; f’.泥岩-砂岩-火山岩正演结果; g.不同频带地层厚度与振幅关系
Fig. 6. Seismic forward model and results
表 1 不同类型储层地震响应特征及关键地球物理技术
Table 1. Seismic response characteristics and key geophysical techniques of different types of reservoirs
储层类型 地震响应特征 关键地球物理技术 厚储层 较明显的地震构型以及外形特征以及较强振幅 古地貌恢复技术、地震正演技术、地震相分析技术 薄储层 下伏地层岩性为碎屑岩 强振幅连续反射 古地貌恢复技术、地震相分析技术、多属性储层预测技术 下伏地层岩性为火山岩 低频强振幅,但与火山岩形成的强振幅难区分 古地貌恢复技术、岩石物理分析、时频域波形分类技术 -
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