Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Jinan Karst Spring System Identified by Hydrologic Time-Series Data
摘要: 岩溶含水层具有高度的非均质性和各向异性,为定量识别济南泉域岩溶含水层发育状况,通过选取泉域岩溶水补给区和排泄区的地下水位动态数据,采用相关分析和频谱分析,研究其对降雨补给的响应特征.地下水位-降雨量的自相关和互相关分析表明,系统对降雨输入信号的敏感程度自补给区至排泄区逐渐降低,但记忆作用逐渐增强.相位分析结果表明泉域地下水位对降雨信号的响应存在滞后现象,自补给区至排泄区滞后时间逐渐延长,补给区地下水位与降雨具有更好的线性相关性.交叉振幅分析结果表明补给区地下水流中快速流约占20%~30%,而在排泄区快速流占比减少至2.5%~10.0%.岩溶含水系统地下水动力条件主要受岩溶发育程度等介质内部结构影响,济南泉域岩溶含水层岩溶发育程度较低,含水介质和水流通道以岩溶裂隙为主,地下水运动以基质流为主.Abstract: Karst aquifers are characterized by highheterogeneity and spatial variability of their media. Time-series analysis of precipitation and waterlevel (as input and output functions), including correlation, spectrum analysis, were applied to the Jinan karst spring system in Shandong Province, in order to study the hydrodynamic behavior and hydraulic properties of the aquifer system. Autocorrelation and cross-correlation analysis showed that the sensitivity of the system to precipitation input signal decreased gradually from the recharge area to the discharge area, but the memory effect increased gradually. Phase analysis results show that the response of water level to precipitation signal in Jinan spring area lags behind. The lag time from recharge area to discharge area gradually prolongs, and the recharge area has better linear correlation. The results show that the quick flow accounts for about 20%-30% of the subsurface flow in the recharge zone, and the ratio is reduced to 2.5%-10.0% in the discharge zone. The fluctuation of water level in karst system is mainly affected by the internal structure of karstic medium. The karstification degree of the aquifer in Jinan is fairly low, and groundwater movement is dominated by matrix flow.
Key words:
- Karst aquifer /
- Time-series analysis /
- Karstification degrees /
- Jinan /
- groundwater
表 1 济南泉域地下水位及降雨时间序列的ADF检验结果
Table 1. ADF test results of groundwater level and precipitation timeseries
变量 t统计量 临界值 检验结果 1% level 5% level 10% level A282 -3.036 67 -3.449 45 -2.869 85 -2.571 27 平稳* A2-30 -3.233 77 -3.449 45 -2.869 85 -2.571 27 平稳* 趵突泉 -3.096 72 -3.449 45 -2.869 85 -2.571 27 平稳* 黑虎泉 -3.242 34 -3.449 45 -2.869 85 -2.571 27 平稳* 降雨 -5.844 68 -3.449 45 -2.869 85 -2.571 27 平稳** 注:*为5%显著水平;**为1%显著水平. 表 2 地下水位时间序列自相关函数模型及其参数值
Table 2. Auto-correlation function model and its parameter value of groundwater level timeseries
点位 模型 块金常数C0 拱高C 基台值C0+C 自相关长度(d) R2 RSS 趵突泉 球状 1 -1.000 0 208 0.994 0.13 黑虎泉 球状 1 -1.005 -0.005 199 0.996 0.10 A282 指数 1 -1.228 -0.228 190 0.955 0.25 A2-30 指数 1 -1.330 -0.330 183 0.931 0.42 -
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