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    杨毅 王斌 曹自成 黄诚 赵永强 郭小文 罗涛

    杨毅, 王斌, 曹自成, 黄诚, 赵永强, 郭小文, 罗涛, 2021. 塔里木盆地顺托果勒低隆起北部中下奥陶统储层方解石脉成因及形成时间. 地球科学, 46(6): 2246-2257. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.200
    引用本文: 杨毅, 王斌, 曹自成, 黄诚, 赵永强, 郭小文, 罗涛, 2021. 塔里木盆地顺托果勒低隆起北部中下奥陶统储层方解石脉成因及形成时间. 地球科学, 46(6): 2246-2257. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.200
    Yang Yi, Wang Bin, Cao Zicheng, Huang Cheng, Zhao Yongqiang, Guo Xiaowen, Luo Tao, 2021. Genesis and Formation Time of Calcite Veins of Middle-Lower Ordovician Reservoirs in Northern Shuntuoguole Low-Uplift, Tarim Basin. Earth Science, 46(6): 2246-2257. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.200
    Citation: Yang Yi, Wang Bin, Cao Zicheng, Huang Cheng, Zhao Yongqiang, Guo Xiaowen, Luo Tao, 2021. Genesis and Formation Time of Calcite Veins of Middle-Lower Ordovician Reservoirs in Northern Shuntuoguole Low-Uplift, Tarim Basin. Earth Science, 46(6): 2246-2257. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.200


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.200

    国家自然科学基金项目 41872139


      杨毅(1996-), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要从事成岩流体研究.ORCID: 0000-0001-6979-628.E-mail: 576170139@qq.com


      郭小文, E-mail: guoxw@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Genesis and Formation Time of Calcite Veins of Middle-Lower Ordovician Reservoirs in Northern Shuntuoguole Low-Uplift, Tarim Basin

    • 摘要: 塔里木盆地顺托果勒低隆起北部中下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层中发育多期方解石脉体,对流体活动历史和油气成藏过程都具有重要指示作用.本研究基于对方解石脉体薄片观察、阴极发光、微区原位元素、流体包裹体和锶同位素分析,划分方解石脉体发育期次,确定不同期次方解石脉体成因和形成时间.研究结果表明,顺托果勒低隆起北部碳酸盐岩储层中发育4期方解石脉(C1、C2、C3和C4),不同期次方解石脉的Fe/Mn值和U/Th值均存在一定的差异.C1、C2、C3和C4方解石阴极发光颜色分别为暗红色、不发光-暗蓝色、橙黄色和亮黄色.C1方解石成脉流体来源于深部具有高87Sr/86Sr值流体,C2与C3方解石成脉流体相似,均来源于同地层具有海水性质的成岩流体.C1、C2和C4方解石脉体形成于偏还原环境,C3方解石脉体形成于相对偏氧化环境.通过不同期次脉体中发育的原生盐水包裹体均一温度,结合单井埋藏史和热史确定顺托果勒低隆起北部的C1方解石脉形成于距今约445 Ma,对应于加里东中期Ⅲ幕,C2和C3方解石脉分别形成于距今约430~428 Ma与418 Ma,对应于加里东晚期.


    • 图  1  塔里木盆地顺托果勒北部构造位置、样品井位及岩性综合柱状图(据Deng et al., 2019修改)

      Fig.  1.  Structure location, location of sampling wells and stratigraphic columnar section in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift, Tarim basin (modified after Deng et al., 2019)

      图  2  顺托果勒低隆起北部中下奥陶统方解石脉体岩相学和阴极发光特征

      a,b.SP2井,鹰山组,7 535.46 m,裂缝充填C1方解石,暗红色阴极发光,硅质交代方解石,硅质为暗蓝色阴极发光;c,d.SP2井,鹰山组,7 536.10 m,孔洞中主要充填C1方解石,暗红色阴极发光,裂缝充填C2方解石,切割C1方解石,C2发暗蓝色阴极发光;e,f.SP3井,一间房组,7 436.48 m,早期裂缝充填C2方解石,可见破碎围岩颗粒,晚期高角度缝被C3方解石充填,切穿C2方解石,C3发橙黄色阴极光,裂缝边缘可见少量C4方解石,亮黄色阴极发光

      Fig.  2.  Characteristics of petrography and cathodoluminescence of calcite veins in the Middle-Lower Ordovician, northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  3  顺托果勒低隆起北部方解石脉与围岩U/Th-Fe/Mn关系

      Fig.  3.  U/Th-Fe/Mn diagram of calcite veins and host-rock in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  4  顺托果勒低隆起北部方解石脉与围岩稀土元素配分模式


      Fig.  4.  Rare earth element distribution patterns of calcite veins and host-rocks in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  5  顺托果勒低隆起北部不同期次方解石脉87Sr/86Sr值直方图

      Fig.  5.  Histogram of 87Sr /86Sr of calcite veins in different periods in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  6  顺托果勒低隆起北部典型原生盐水包裹体照片

      a.SP2井,鹰山组,7 535.46 m,C1方解石脉;b.SP2井,一间房组,7 545.77 m,C2方解石脉;c.SBP3井,一间房组,7 425.64 m,C2方解石脉;D.SP3井,一间房组,7 436.48 m,C3方解石脉

      Fig.  6.  Photomicrographs of representative primary aqueous fluid inclusions in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  7  顺托果勒低隆起北部方解石脉原生盐水包裹体均一温度和盐度关系图(a)以及均一温度直方图(b)

      Fig.  7.  Cross plot of homogenization temperature and salinity(a), histogram of homogenization temperatures(b), for primary aqueous inclusions developed in the calcite, northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  8  顺托果勒低隆起北部方解石脉体成岩环境

      Fig.  8.  Diagenetic environment of calcite veins in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      图  9  顺托果勒低隆起北部SP2井和SP3井埋藏史和热演化史图与方解石脉体形成时间

      Fig.  9.  Burial and thermal history for SP2 well and SP3 well and the formation time of calcite veins in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      表  1  顺托果勒低隆起北部方解石脉与围岩的部分微量元素含量及比值的平均值及其变化范围

      Table  1.   The average values and variation range of trace element data and ratios of calcite veins and host-rocks in the northern Shuntuoguole low-uplift

      方解石脉/围岩 Mn(10-6) Fe(10-6) Fe/Mn Th(10-6) U(10-6) U/Th
      C1(N=2) 11.89~15.79 262.50~288.71 18.28~22.08 0.006~0.014 0.012~0.050 2.02~3.67
      (13.84) (275.61) (20.18) (0.010) (0.031) (2.85)
      C2(N=3) 8.58~15.55 46.02~133.48 5.36~8.58 0.009~0.251 0.098~1.752 6.90~10.60
      (10.99) (77.41) (6.64) (0.106) (0.748) (8.16)
      C3(N=4) 24.87~35.90 58.47~93.18 1.69~2.60 0.018~0.051 0.003~0.012 0.06~0.66
      (31.69) (73.83) (2.35) (0.036) (0.006) (0.25)
      C4(N=1) 255.21 197.06 0.77 0.182 0.898 4.93
      围岩(N=3) 6.25~15.05 89.00~229.51 12.91~19.38 0.061~0.226 0.334~0.554 2.45~5.51
      (9.40) (146.53) (15.85) (0.148) (0.471) (3.77)
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