Distribution Characteristics and Exploration Practice of Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sediments in Bohai Sea Area
摘要: 渤海海域广泛发育陆源碎屑与碳酸盐矿物的混合沉积,随着近年来混积型储层的油气勘探相继获得重要发现,混合沉积分布规律亟待深入研究.基于大量基础资料,对渤海海域古近系混合沉积进行了系统性的分析,明确了其时空分布特征,完善了混合沉积相关地质认识.渤海海域古近系沙一二段(E2s1-2)主要发育以陆源碎屑为主的混积岩、以生物成因碳酸盐矿物为主的混积岩以及以化学成因碳酸盐矿物为主的混积岩三大类岩石类型.受控于干旱的气候与较高盐度的水体条件,混合沉积主要发育于沙一二段沉积时期,在空间上远离区域物源体系,主要围绕盆内局部凸起分布,低凸起、凸起倾末端、近岸隆起、远岸隆起等正向的水下古地貌单元是混合沉积发育的有利部位.根据发育位置、古地貌背景、与陆源碎屑供给的关系等古地理要素,混合沉积成因样式可分为近岸混积扇三角洲、近岸扇体侧翼混积滩坝、近岸隆起混积滩坝、远岸隆起混积滩坝4种类型及六亚类.近岸混积扇三角洲、近岸扇体侧翼混积生屑滩坝、近岸隆起混积碎屑滩坝、远岸潜山隆起混积生屑滩坝4种具体类型的混合沉积物产出规模与厚度较大,易形成粒度粗、生屑含量高、杂基含量少、白云石化作用发育、物性条件较好、产能较高的优质储层,是较为有利的勘探类型.上述地质认识有效地指导了一批混积型储层的重大勘探发现,揭示了混合沉积领域巨大的勘探潜力,对渤海海域中深层勘探具有重要的推动意义.Abstract: Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments are widely developed in Bohai Sea area. With successive discoveries of mixed reservoir in oil exploration recently, the distribution characteristics of mixed sediments need to be addressed. Based on abundant geological data and comprehensive analyses, the time and spatial distribution characteristics of Palaeogene sediments are figured out in this study, promoting geological cognition about mixed sedimentation. Three types of E2s1-2 mixed rock in Bohai Sea area are identified as siliciclastic-dominated mixed rock, biological-carbonate-dominated mixed rock and chemical-carbonate-dominated mixed rock. Controlled by arid climate and saline water environment, the mixed sedimentation mainly develops in the first to second members of Shahejie Formation (E2s1-2) and is spatially distributed around uplift inside the basin, being far away from outside regional provenance. The favorable background of underwater positive paleotopography includes low uplift, pitching end of uplift, near-shore uplift and offshore uplift. According to development position, paleotopography setting and relationship with siliciclastic supply, the genetic pattern of mixed sedimentation could be grouped into four categories:(1) near-shore mixed fan delta; (2) near-shore mixed beach bar between fan deltas; (3) mixed beach bar on near-shore uplift; and (4) mixed beach bar on offshore uplift. Synthetic evaluation indicates that the near-shore mixed fan delta, near-shore mixed biological beach bar between fan deltas, mixed siliciclastic beach bar on near-shore uplift and mixed biological beach bar on offshore buried hill are specific favorable types of exploration since the mixed reservoir possesses large thickness and scale, coarse grains, high content of carbonate particles, less matrix and dolomite, which results in good physical properties and significant productivities. These geological cognitions have led to several discoveries of mixed reservoirs and reveal great exploration potential of mixed sediments field. The above theoretical understanding and exploration practices obtained are of great significance for promoting deep exploration in Bohai Sea area.
Key words:
- Bohai Sea area /
- mixed sediment /
- distribution characteristic /
- exploration practice /
- sedimentation
图 1 渤海海域构造单元划分(a)与综合柱状图(b)
Fig. 1. Tectonic units (a) and synthetic column (b) of Bohai Sea area
图 2 渤海海域沙一二段混合沉积岩石学特征
a.含生屑砂砾岩岩心,可见生屑剥落孔,QHD29-B井,3 382.80~3 382.92 m;b.含生屑砂岩,生物碎屑主要为螺及其碎片,QHD36-A井,3 772.15 m;c.含生屑砂岩,生物碎屑主要为螺及其碎片,LD25-A井,3 287.50 m;d.砂质生屑云岩岩心,断面见大量生物颗粒,QHD36-A井,3 775.50 m;e.含砂生屑云岩岩心,生屑颗粒均匀,JZ20-A井,2 221.50 m;f.含砂生屑云岩,生屑以螺化石碎片为主,大量生物溶蚀孔隙,QHD36-A井,3 766.43 m;g.含砂鲕粒云岩,BZ36-W井,2 389.50 m;h.含粉砂泥晶白云岩,BZ36-W井,2 388.60 m
Fig. 2. Petrologic characteristics of E2s1-2 mixed sedimentation in Bohai Sea area
图 8 渤海海域古近系混积型优质储层微观特征
a.含生屑砂砾岩,原生孔隙发育,QHD36-A井,3 771.68 m;b.含生屑中-粗砂岩,碎屑颗粒以石英为主,并普遍发育泥晶白云石包壳,原生粒间孔隙发育,LD25-A井,3 287.50 m;c.含砂生屑云岩,生物碎片与溶蚀孔隙大量发育,QHD36-A井,3 766.83 m;d.含砂生屑云岩,见完整螺化石壳体及体腔溶蚀孔隙,CFD2-A井,3 426.30 m;e.含生屑砂砾岩,阴极发光,碎屑颗粒普遍发育橘红色白云石包壳,QHD29-B井,3 376.48 m;f.白云质砂岩,扫描电镜,碎屑颗粒周边发育白云石包壳,LD25-A井,3 302.00 m
Fig. 8. Microscopic characteristics of Palaeogene mixed reservoir in Bohai Sea area
表 1 渤海海域秦皇岛29构造区微量元素及古环境特征
Table 1. Microelement and paleoenvironment features of QHD29 area in Bohai Sea area
井名 层位 深度(m) Sr (μg/g) Cu (μg/g) Ba (μg/g) Sr/Cu 古环境 Sr/Ba 古水体 QHD29-B 东三段 2 942.50 209 25.30 5 000 8.260 870 温润气候 0.041 800 淡水 3 047.50 219 25.80 5 000 8.488 372 0.043 800 3 147.50 211 32.50 5 000 6.492 308 0.042 200 沙一二段 3 317.50 504 16.80 5 000 30.000 000 干热气候 0.100 800 淡水 3 332.50 580 18.20 5 000 31.868 130 0.116 000 3 342.14 676 5.10 701 132.549 000 干热气候 0.964 337 半咸水 3 344.00 429 41.50 557 10.337 350 0.770 197 3 367.45 362 3.87 485 93.540 050 0.746 392 3 371.96 431 5.90 348 73.050 850 1.238 506 咸水 3 376.50 443 5.26 434 84.220 530 1.020 737 3 378.92 418 4.72 334 88.559 320 1.251 497 3 380.06 614 6.37 676 96.389 320 0.908 284 半咸水 3 384.75 446 15.30 617 29.150 330 0.722 853 3 427.50 1119 9.78 5 000 114.417 200 0.223 800 淡水 3 592.50 571 98.60 5 000 5.791 075 温润气候 0.114 200 3 682.50 427 32.70 5 000 13.058 100 干热气候 0.085 400 表 2 渤海古近系混合沉积成因背景及岩相特征
Table 2. Geological setting and lithofacies features of Paleogene mixed sedimentation in Bohai Sea area
成因类型 亚类 古地貌背景 与陆源碎屑关系 岩相特征 典型构造 近岸混积扇三角洲 混积扇三角洲 盆内局部凸起近源陡坡带 与近岸扇三角洲伴生 主要发育以陆源碎屑为主的混积岩相,厚度大 秦皇岛29 近岸扇体侧翼混积滩坝 混积生屑滩坝 盆内局部凸起近源陡坡带、斜坡带 碎屑沉积体侧翼,陆源碎屑干扰作用弱 主要发育以生屑等碳酸盐颗粒为主混积岩相,厚度较大 秦皇岛36、绥中36 近岸隆起混积滩坝 混积粒屑滩坝 近岸的古地貌高地 废弃三角洲之上 主要发育以生屑、鲕粒为主的混积岩相,厚度较薄 渤中36、渤中27 混积碎屑滩坝 三角洲远端或侧翼,碎屑干扰作用较弱 以三角洲为物质基础,在波浪作用下发育厚层砂质滩坝,含少量生屑 旅大25 远岸隆起混积滩坝 混积生屑滩坝 远岸的水下潜山基底隆起 远离陆源碎屑干扰 潜山基底上主要发育含少量陆源碎屑的生屑碳酸盐岩混积岩相,垂向厚度大 锦州20、渤中13、曹妃甸2 混积泥晶滩 远岸的水下泥质基底隆起 泥质基底上主要发育泥晶碳酸盐为主的混积岩相 秦皇岛30 表 3 不同类型混合沉积储层综合评价
Table 3. Comprehensive evaluation of different types of mixed reservoirs
成因类型 产出厚度(m) 平面规模(km2) 粒屑含量 埋深(m) 主要成岩特征 物性(平均孔隙度) 产能 实例 近岸混积扇三角洲 200~240 10~30 15%左右 3 400 弱压实、弱溶蚀 17.8% 高 秦皇岛29 近岸扇体侧翼混积生屑滩坝 20~40 10左右 60%左右 3 700 强溶蚀、弱胶结 27.6% — 秦皇岛36 近岸隆起混积粒屑滩坝 2~7 15左右 60%左右 2 400 中溶蚀、中胶结 15.7% 一般 渤中36 近岸隆起混积碎屑滩坝 5~30 10~15 10%~15% 3 300 中压实、弱胶结 25.4% 高 旅大25 远岸潜山隆起混积生屑滩坝 20~60 20~40 60%~70% 2 200 强溶蚀、弱胶结 23.2% 较高 锦州20 远岸泥质隆起混积泥晶滩坝 2~10 5~8 5%左右 3 000 强压实、强胶结 6.5% 低 秦皇岛30 -
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