Subglacial Sedimentary Characteristics of the Bottom of Nantuo Formation in Three Gorges Area and Its Implications
摘要: 峡东地区是我国原震旦系标准剖面所在地,该地区南沱组直接覆盖莲沱组之上,中间缺失下冰期和间冰期地层,究其原因尚不清楚.通过聚焦南沱组与莲沱组接触层位,利用现代冰川沉积物研究方法开展系统沉积学研究,结果表明:九龙湾周缘南沱组和莲沱组之间存在一层紫红色混合杂砾岩层,其内部砾石定向性、形态、磨圆、岩性以及显微构造与之上南沱组典型灰绿色杂砾岩区别明显,青林口剖面南沱组底部发育微观尺度上的变形沉积构造.表明南沱组底部与莲沱组接触层位为冰川底碛成因,而南沱组主体为冰海沉积成因.证明峡东地区南沱组与莲沱组之间地层缺失是由盛冰期的冰川剥蚀所致,南沱组可能仅代表了盛冰期之后冰消期的沉积记录.Abstract: Nantuo Formation directly overlies the Liantuo Formation in the Three Gorges area where the standard section for defining Sinian System is located. However, there is the absence of deposits of Sturtian glaciation and interglaciation below the Nantuo Formation. The interpretation for the depositional absence remains unclear. Our works focused on the boundary strata between the Nantuo Formation and the Liantuo Formation using sedimentological method in studying the contemporaryglacial deposits. The results show that there is a layer of purplish red diamictites between the Nantuo Formation and the Liantuo Formation in study area. The orientation, shape, roundness, lithology of the clasts and microscopic structure of diamictites in the boundary strata are obviously different from the typical Nantuo diamictites. In addition, subglacial deformational structure on microscale can be recognized at Qinlinkou section. We conclude that the inconformity between the Nantuo Formation and the Liantuo Formation is caused by subglacial erosion, and the Nantuo Formation may just record the retreat deposition of ice sheet from its glacial maximum.
Key words:
- Nantuo Formation /
- Nanhua System /
- glacial deposition /
- glacial erosion /
- Three Gorges area /
- sedimentology
表 1 华南成冰系地层格架及对比
Table 1. Cryogenian stratigraphic framework of South China
表 2 不同冰川环境沉积物特征及识别标志总结
Table 2. Characteristics of glacial deposits in different glacial environmental setting
环境 冰下环境 冰河 冰湖 冰海近缘 冰海远缘 沉积物特征 砾石普遍具有擦痕、磨光面,具有特殊形态(子弹状、熨斗状),沉积厚度薄 砾石具有一定磨圆,搬运距离远近差别不同. 沉积厚度薄 具有季节性纹泥和漂砾. 沉积厚度较厚 块状和层状杂砾岩夹细碎屑岩层. 沉积厚度厚 细碎屑岩具层理,伴有漂砾. 沉积厚度较厚 沉积构造 砾石具有一定定向性 发育平行层理、交错层理和砾石层 韵律层理和落石构造 块状和层状,具粒序层理 发育层理、落石构造 物质来源 以基底和近源物质为主 以近源物质为主 多样 多样 多样 变形程度 脆性变形和塑性变形,常发育剪切面和叶理 几乎无 落石卸载塑性变形 重力流产生滑动等塑性变形 落石卸载塑性变形 注:据Benn and Evans(2000); Arnaud and Etienne(2011). -
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