Characteristics and Models of Shallow-Water Environmental River-Lake Interaction in Continental Basins
摘要: 通过对现代鄱阳湖盆中沉积体系发育与湖盆季节性湖岸线迁移变化耦合关系研究,结合对新近纪馆陶组时期渤海湾盆地渤东地区沉积岩性、沉积序列及沉积构造等解剖,提出陆相湖盆浅水背景河湖交互沉积模式.基于对浅水湖盆鄱阳湖随季节更替引起的湖平面变化分析,识别出洪-平-枯水线,划分河控主体区(A区)、河湖交互区(B区)和湖泊主体区(C区)3个沉积单元.其中,A区发育河道砂,骨架水系特征明显;B区发育朵状砂,水体分隔作用强烈;C区发育湖泥和席状砂,存在多个分隔的沉积中心.基于所建立的河湖交互沉积模式,在渤东地区新近纪馆陶组浅水背景古湖盆进行实践应用,有效分析了研究区河湖交互单元划分和沉积特征.浅水背景河湖交互沉积模式的建立,对陆相坳陷盆地、克拉通盆地、断陷盆地缓坡带、断坳转换期等类似浅水湖盆背景沉积体系类型识别、砂体预测具有一定参考和指导价值.Abstract: By an integrated investigation of the sedimentary system and the seasonal variation of lake shoreline of the modern Poyang Lake basin, combined with the analyses of sedimentary lithologies, sedimentary sequences, and sedimentary structures of the Neogene Guantao Formation in the Bodong area of the Bohai Bay basin, it proposes a river-lake interaction sedimentary model for continental shallow-water lacustrine basins. Based on the analysis of lake level variations caused by seasonal changes of the Poyang Lake, the flood, static water and low water levels were identified. The Poyang Lake is divided into three sedimentary segments: a river-dominated area (Area A), a river-lake interaction area (Area B) and a lake-dominated area (Area C).Channel-shaped sands are mainly distributed in Area A with distinct skeleton drainage patterns, lobate-shaped sands are developed in Area B which is characterized by intensive water body separation, and lacustrine mudstone and sheet-like sands are developed in Area C and are typically separated by several sub-depocenters. The established sedimentary model of river-lake interaction was applied to interpret the shallow-water Neogene Guantao Formation in the ancient lacustrine basin of the Bodong area, and to effectively subdivide and analyze the sedimentary characteristics of river-lake interaction units in the study area. The river-lake interactional sedimentary model under the shallow-water environment may be used as a reference for sedimentary type identification and sand-body prediction within the same shallow-water environment ranging from continental down-warped lacustrine basin, cratonic basins to the gentle-slope belt of fault-depression basin.
图 3 鄱阳湖赣江中支蒋巷镇以北河控主体区河道沉积
Fig. 3. River deposits in the main river-dominated area of the north of Jiangxiang Town, the middle branch of Ganjiang River, Poyang Lake
图 6 渤海湾盆地渤东地区新近系馆陶组河湖交互单元地震剖面特征
位置见图 4
Fig. 6. Seismic profile characteristics of the river-lake interaction segments of the Neogene Guantao Formation in Bodong area of Bohai Bay basin
图 7 鄱阳湖现代河湖交互沉积模式
Fig. 7. Modern river-lake interaction sedimentary model of Poyang Lake
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