OSL Ages and Its Hydrological Implications of Alluvial-Diluvial Deposits from the Southern Margin of Badain Jaran Desert
摘要: 冲洪积物是古气候和古水文信息的重要记录,为了探讨巴丹吉林沙漠南缘地区全新世气候环境及其对区域地下水的影响,对沙漠南缘的水成沉积物进行了沉积学分析和光释光年代学测试,结果表明本文研究的两个沙漠南缘沉积剖面分别为全新世中期(6.6~5.2 ka)的间歇性河流沉积和暂时性流水形成的洪泛沉积.基于前人全新世中期沙漠中湖泊水位、气候环境重建,以及本文研究的冲洪积物的沉积特征与年代,表明在气候湿润的地质时期巴丹吉林沙漠南缘及山区的区域降水形成暂时性洪流和/或间歇性河流会对沙漠地区地下水进行补给.Abstract: Alluvial-diluvial deposits can record climatic and hydrologic information in geological history and play an important role in the reconstruction of paleoenvironment. Aqueous deposits were discovered at the south margin of Badain Jaran desert, Northwest China. Based on sedimentological analyses, two sections of the deposits as palaeoflood deposit and paleofluvial deposit were identified. OSL dating suggests that the deposits formed in the Middle Holocene. The alluvial-diluvial deposits in the southern margin of Badain Jaran Desert were mainly formed under a humid climate during the Middle Holocene. Based on the previous paleoclimate study, comprehensive analysis of the location and sedimentary features and the previous research of paleoclimate in this region, a conceptual model of recharge to the Badain Jaran is proposed. During humid climatic phases, such as the Middle Holocene, the precipitation in this region and adjacent mountain areas recharged the groundwater of the desert area by temporary flood or/and intermittent stream.
图 1 巴丹吉林沙漠(a)和研究剖面位置(b)简图
图像底图来源于Google卫星;A-A’为图 9剖面位置
Fig. 1. Sketch map of the location of Badain Jaran desert (a) and study section (b)
表 1 巴丹吉林沙漠南缘冲洪积物光释光(OSL)测年结果
Table 1. Results of OSL dating for alluvial-diluvial deposits from southern margin of Badain Jaran desert
样品号 深度(m) U
(%)含水量(%) De
(Gy)OD(%) De统计模型 Dose rate
(ka)BL-OSL-1 2.2 1.24±0.04 5.06±0.15 1.62±0.08 10±5 11.51±2.43 26.3 MAM 2.20±0.10 5.2±1.1 BL-OSL-2 3.93 1.34±0.04 6.10±0.18 1.49±0.07 10±5 12.77±2.13 24.8 MAM 2.13±0.10 6.0±1.0 BL-OSL-3 4.72 1.19±0.04 6.23±0.19 1.80±0.09 10±5 12.56±0.42 8.3 CAM 2.37±0.11 5.3±0.3 TC-OSL-1 3.60 1.24±0.04 5.10±0.15 1.54±0.08 10±5 13.83±1.99 23.8 MAM 2.10±0.10 6.6±1.0 TC-OSL-2 2.10 1.23±0.04 5.31±0.16 1.43±0.07 10±5 13.52±0.58 12.4 CAM 2.05±0.09 6.6±0.4 -
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