Tectonic Pattern and Genetic Mechanism at Nanguan Area, West Hill of Beijing
摘要: 北京西山地区广泛发育SE-NW向近乎同时期的逆冲推覆构造和伸展构造,为理解华北克拉通东部构造演化至关重要,而其构造组合特征、变形时代、形成机制和构造动力学背景却没有明确的认识.精细的野外构造研究表明北京西山的南观地区,发育逆冲推覆构造+变质核杂岩的构造组合,形成一种新的构造组合型式:“楔沉式”.“楔沉式”构造组合型式的特征:(1)产状相近的一套逆冲断层和正断层,共同构成上窄下宽的楔状褶皱-断层构造;(2)楔状体斜向向下楔入;(3)中间为比较新的地层(倒转向斜),两侧为老的地层.通过对卷入逆冲推覆构造呈“布丁状”透镜体产出的花岗岩脉和闪长玢岩脉进行锆石U-Pb年代学研究,其形成年龄分别为141±2 Ma和139±2 Ma.结合前人对侵入逆冲推覆构造的(南窖)石英二长岩岩枝的形成时代(128~136 Ma),认为南观逆冲推覆构造的形成时代为140~130 Ma,稍早于、或与房山变质核杂岩的形成时代近乎同时.逆冲推覆方向为320°~335°,与变质核杂岩代表的伸展构造的最大拉伸方向(SE-NW向)近乎一致.因此,北京西山地区(乃至华北克拉通东部)晚中生代逆冲构造-岩浆活动-伸展构造,这种独特的构造组合型式是构造体制从挤压向伸展转换的体现,也是华北克拉通破坏的构造体现,其形成机制可能与太平洋板块的俯冲紧密相关.Abstract: A series of tectonic association of the thrust nappe structure and the extensional tectonics are widely developed in the West Hill of Beijing, which are very important for understanding the tectonic evolution of the eastern part of North China craton (NCC). However, their deformed age, tectonic dynamic background and genetic mechanism are poorly understood. The Nanguan area in the West Hill of Beijing is an ideal place to decipher such a tectonic pattern. The detailed field structure observations show a tectonic association of the thrust nappe structure and the metamorphic core complex structure in the Nanguan area, generating a new type of tectonic pattern: the downward diapiric tectonics. It has the following characteristics: (1) wedge-shaped fold-fault structure with a normal fault along one side of the fold and a thrust fault along another side; (2) the fold (overturned syncline) is centered and both sides are older strata or basements, and (3) downward diapiric structure of the wedge-shaped body. Pudding-shaped lens of granitic and dioritic dykes were found in the thrust nappe. The granitic and dioritic lens give two weighted zircon U-Pb age of 141±2 Ma and 139±2 Ma, respectively. The previous studies suggest that a quartz monozite, which intruded into the thrust nappe, has zircon U-Pb age of 128-136 Ma. Thus, the deformation time of the thrust nappe is between ca. 140 and 130 Ma, which is a little earlier than or nearly coeval with the extensional tectonics represented by the metamorphic core complex structure. The orientation of the thrust nappe structure was generally W320°-335°N. The principal stress orientation of the extensional tectonics was also SE-NW trending. Thus, the tectonic pattern of compression-magmatism-extension in the West Hill of Beijing (and even in the eastern part of NCC) might be closely related to SE-NW-trending subduction of the Pacific plate. The tectonic pattern also might be an expression to the destroy or lithospheric thinning of the NCC.
图 1 华北克拉通地质简图(a)和北京西山南部区域地质构造略图(b)
a.据Wang et al.(2011)修改; b. 据舒坦等(2019)修改. 1. 第四系; 2. 白垩系; 3. 侏罗系; 4. 三叠系‒石炭系; 5. 寒武系‒奥陶系; 6. 新元古界青白口系; 7. 中元古界蓟县系; 8. 早元古界长城系; 9. 太古宇官地杂岩; 10. 房山花岗闪长岩体; 11. 背斜轴迹; 12. 向斜轴迹; 13. 拆离断层; 14. 逆断层及产状(°); 15. 正断层及产状(°); 16. 地质界线; 17. 平行不整合及角度不整合; 18. 面理产状(°); 19. 城镇及居民点; 20. 剖面线
Fig. 1. Geologic sketch map of the North China craton (a) and regional structural and geological sketch map of the southern part of the West Hill of Beijing (b)
图 2 东岭子‒南观区域地质构造略图
据《周口店地质图》(1∶5万)修改. 1. 第四系; 2. 下‒中二叠统山西组; 3. 中石炭‒下二叠统太原组; 4. 中石炭统本溪组; 5. 下‒中奥陶统冶里‒马家沟组; 6. 上寒武统炒米店组; 7. 中元古界下马岭组; 8. 早元古界长城系; 9. 太古宇官地杂岩; 10. 房山花岗闪长岩; 11. 房山石英闪长岩; 12. 拆离断层; 13. 逆断层; 14. 地质界线; 15. 糜棱面理或韧性剪切带产状(°); 16. 地层产状(°); 17. 倒转地层产状(°); 18. 剖面线
Fig. 2. Regional structural and geological sketch map of the Donglingzi-Nanguan area
图 3 南观实测剖面(A-A’)(a)和野外照片(b~g)
b.花岗质糜棱岩(官地杂岩), 糜棱面理的产状为46°∠66°; c.下马岭组(Pt2x)粉砂质板岩, 层理产状为44°∠72°; d.炒米店组(∈4ch), 地层产状为57°∠62°; e.冶里组‒马家沟组(O1y-2m)灰岩, 地层产状为46°∠73°; f.炒米店组(∈4ch), 地层倒转,产状为53°∠50°; g.长城系(Pt1ch)砂质板岩(面理产状为62°∠53°)呈“布丁状”透镜体的花岗岩脉; h.长城系(Pt1ch)砂质板岩呈“布丁状”透镜体的闪长玢岩脉. 图例同图 2
Fig. 3. Measured section (A-A') at the Nanguan area (a) and the relevant field pictures (b-g)
图 14 “楔沉式”构造组合型式的形成机制三维示意图: 变质核杂岩+逆冲推覆的构造组合
Jy. 侏罗系窑坡组; Ts. 三叠系双泉组; 其他图例同图 2. 详细描述见正文
Fig. 14. A 3-D schematic diagram showing generation of the downward"diapiric" tectonics: tectonic association of the thrust nappe structure and metamorphic core complex structure
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