Paleovegetation and Paleoclimate during Mid-Late Eocene in Fushun Basin
摘要: 为重建东北地区中-晚始新世古气候,对抚顺盆地孢粉进行传统鉴定,利用有序聚类分析划分孢粉组合,结合共存分析法对孢粉组合定量化以建立研究区的古气候参数值.鉴定出孢粉67属,划分出(Ⅰ)Quercoidites- Tricolpopollenites- Betulaceoipollenites组合;(Ⅱ)Piceapollis-Tiliaepollenites-Chenopodipollis组合;(Ⅲ)Quercoidites-Betulaceoipollenites-Ulmipollenites组合;(Ⅳ)Pinuspollenites-Abietineaepollenites-Ephedripites组合;(Ⅴ)Betulaceoipollenites-Taxodiaceaepollenites-Quercoidites组合,其中组合Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ时代为中始新世;组合Ⅳ、Ⅴ时代为晚始新世.植被类型也经历了:落叶阔叶林-草原型植被→针阔叶混交林-草原型植被→落叶阔叶林-草原型植被→针叶林→针阔叶混交林的转变.气候带经历了由亚热带、亚热带-温带湿润性气候向温带半湿润性气候的转变,年均温和年降雨量均呈降低的趋势,这些变化趋势与全球温度变化趋势相耦合.Abstract: For rebuilding the paleoclimate during Mid-Late Eocene in Northeast China, it analyzes the palynological characteristics in Fusun basin. Combining coniss analysis with co-existence approach, it quantitatively reconstructs the paleoclimate parameters in research area. 67 genera are identified and divided into 5 assemblages as: (Ⅰ) Quercoidites-Tricolpopollenites-Betulaceoipollenites Assemblage; (Ⅱ) Piceapollis-Tiliaepollenites-Chenopodipollis Assemblage; (Ⅲ) Quercoidites-Betulaceoipollenites-Ulmipollenites Assemblage; (Ⅳ)Pinuspollenites-Abietineaepollenites-Ephedripites Assemblage; (Ⅴ) Betulaceoipollenites-Taxodiaceaepollenites-Quercoidites Assemblage. The age of assemblages Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ belongs to Middle Eocene, and the age of assemblages Ⅳ, Ⅴ belongs to Late Eocene. The vegetation types of the basin experienced the transformation as deciduous broadleaf forest-steppe type vegetation→coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest-steppe type vegetation→deciduous broadleaf forest-steppe type vegetation→ coniferous forest→coniferous broadleaf mixed forest. The climatic zone changed from subtropical-temperate to temperate, the humidity changed from humid to semi-humid, and the average annual moderate and annual average rainfall decreased. This trend is coupled with the global temperature trend.
Key words:
- Fushun basin /
- Eocene /
- sporopollen assemblage /
- paleoclimate /
- co-existence approach /
- environmental geology
图 2 抚顺盆地东露天剖面中-晚始新世部分典型孢粉
1.Rutaceoipollis; 2.Abietineaepollenites; 3.Tiliaepollenites; 4.Deltoidospora; 5.Ostryoipollenites; 6.Juglanspollenites; 7.Betulaceoipollenites; 8.Polypodiaceaesporites; 9.Taxodiaceaepollenites; 10. Labitricolpites; 11.Pinuspollenites; 12.Abiespollenites; 13.Carpinipites; 14.Ulmipollenites; 15.Tricolporopollenites; 16.Laricoidites; 17.Cupuliferoipollenites; 18.Momipites; 19.Quercoidites; 20.Piceapollis(图中比例尺=20 μm)
Fig. 2. Major representatives of spore and pollen of Donglutian section in Fushun basin through the Mid-Late Eocene
图 3 抚顺盆地东露天剖面中-晚始新世重要孢粉垂向分布
裸子植物:(1)Pinuspollenites;(2) Abietineaepollenites; (3) Podocarpidites;(4) Piceapollis;(5) Abiespollenites;(6) Keteleeris; (7) Taxodiaceaepollenites (8) Inaperturopollenites;(9) Ephedripites;被子植物:(木本)(10)Betulaceoipollenites; (11)Carpinipiter; (12)Ostryoipollenites;(13)Triporopollenites (14)Alnipollenites; (15) Juglanspollenites;(16) Momipites;(17)Caryapollenites;(18) Tiliaepollenites;(19)Ulmipollenites;(20) Quercoidites;(21) Cupuliferoipollenites;(22)Elaeangnacites;(23) Pokrovskaja;(24) Eaphorbiacties;(25) Rutaceoipollis;被子植物(草本):(26) Graminidites; (27)Artemisiaepollenites;(28) Chenopodipollis;(29)Labitricolpites;(30) Persicarioipollis; (31) Liliipollis;(32) Tricolpopollenites; (33) Tricolpites; (34) Tricolporopollenites; 蔗类植物:(35) Deltoidopora; (36)Polypodiaceaesporites;(37) Lygodiumsporites; (38)Toroisporis
Fig. 3. Vertical distribution of major representatives of spore and pollen of Donglutian section in Fushun basin through the Mid-Late Eocene
图 5 抚顺盆地各气候期植被变迁示意
1.Pediastrum(藻); 2.Taxodiaceaepollenites; 3.Quercoidits; 4.Tricolpopollenites; 5.Betulaceoipollenites; 6.Juglanspollenites; 7.Carpinipites; 8.Piceapollis; 9.Pinuspollenites; 10.Abietineaepollenites; 11.蕨类; 12.Tiliaepollenites; 13.Ulmipollenites; 14.Ephedripites
Fig. 5. Vegetation evolution of each climate stage during the Mid-Late Eocene of Fushun basin
图 7 中晚始新世深海温度变化曲线与抚顺盆地气候期对比
中晚始新世深海温度变化曲线据Zachos et al.(2001);该曲线与全球温度变化趋势大体一致
Fig. 7. Comparison of deep sea temperature curves with climate stages in Fushun basin during the Mid-Late Eocene
表 1 抚顺盆地东露天剖面孢粉组合与黑龙江依兰达连河组、百色盆地、渤海湾盆地孢粉组合对比
Table 1. Comparison of spore and pollen assemble among Donglutian section in Fushun basin, Yilandalianhe Formation in Heilongjiang Province, Baise basin and Bohai bay basin
时代 本文 黑龙江依兰盆地
(姚益民等,1994)晚始新世 Betulaceoipollenites-Taxodiaceaepollenites-Quercoidites组合 Quercoidites-Cupuliferoipollenites组合 Quercoidites-Leiotriletes-Granodiscus granulatus组合 Taxodiaceaepollenltes elongatus-Alnipollenites-Polypodiaceaesporites组合 Pinuspollenites-Abietineaepollenites-Ephedripites组合 ? 中始新世 Quercoidites-Betulaceoipollenites-Ulmipollenites组合 Quercoidites-Taxodiaceaepollenites组合 Quercoidites-Ulmipollenites-Pentapollenites组合 Quercoidites microhenrici-Ulmipollenites minor组合 Piceapollis-Tiliaepollenites-Chenopodipollis组合 Ephedripites-Taxodioceaepollenites-Ulmoideipites tricostatus组合 Quercoidites-Tricolpopollenites-Betulaceoipollenites组合 表 2 抚顺盆地中-晚始新世孢粉植物群和其现存最近亲缘类群以及其参数
Table 2. Palynofloras and their nearest living relatives in Fushun basin through the Mid-Late Eocene in Fushun basin and their climatic amplitudes
孢粉类型 现存最近亲缘类群 年均温(℃) 年降雨量(mm) Min Max Min Max 裸子植物 Cycadopites Cycas# 11.3 24.7 613.8 1 942.5 Ginkgoretectina Ginkgo# 10.2 19.8 658.7 1 785.2 Pinuspollenites Pinus* -5.2 24.7 170.5 2 822.70 Abietineaepollenites Pinus* -5.2 24.7 170.5 2 822.70 Podocarpidites Podocarpus 8.5 24.7 797.5 1 653.5 Cedripites Cedrus 10.2 20.9 33.4 1 663.9 Piceapollis Picea -4.9 22.7 291.6 1 815.60 Abiespollenites Abies 2.8 23 170.5 1 785.2 Keteleeris Keteleeria# 14.3 24.7 613.8 1 815.60 Taxodiaceaepollenites Taxodiaceae * 5.7 24.7 459.5 2 447.1 Inaperturopollenites Taxodiaceae* 5.7 24.7 459.5 2 447.1 Ephedripites Ephedra* -4.9 19.8 16.4 1 113.3 被子植物 Betulaceoipollenites Betula -4.9 23.2 291.6 1 815.6 Carpinipites Carpinus 2.3 25.5 570.3 1 785.2 Ostryoipollenites Betulaceae -4.9 23.2 291.6 1 815.6 Triporopollenites Betulaceae -4.9 23.2 291.6 1 815.6 Alnipollenites Alnus* -5.2 23.8 355.2 2 394.5 Juglanspollenites Juglans* -1.6 23 257.5 2 074.4 Pterocaryapollenites Pterocarya 5.7 23.8 257.5 1 540.2 Momipites Corylus * -3.2 21.9 318.5 2 394.5 Caryapollenites Carya* 14.2 22.6 601.1 1 942.5 Tiliaepollenites Tilia* -5.2 22.6 209.1 2 394.5 Ulmipollenites Ulmus * -5.2 25.5 16.4 1 900.3 Quercoidites Quercus* -5.2 25.5 209.1 1 900.3 Cupuliferoipollenites Castanopsis* 5.4 25.5 613.8 2 822.7 Cyrillaceaepollenites Anacardiaceae* -1.2 25.5 61.5 2 822.7 Faguspollenites Fagus* 5.7 22.6 554.9 2 394.5 Talisiipites Sapindaceae 4.8 25.5 213.7 1 785.2 Rhoipites Rhus* -0.4 23.8 277.6 2 394.5 Moraceoipollenites Moraceae 3.97 27.17 - - Salixipollenites Salix* -5.2 23.8 16.4 1 942.5 Lonicerapollis Caprifoliaceae -4.1 25.5 303.9 1 869.9 Ilexpollenites Ilex* -1.2 25.5 201.6 2 822.7 Euphorbiacites Euphorbiaceae* -5.2 25.5 33.4 2 822.7 Rutaceoipollis Rutaceae -5.2 25.5 61.5 1 869.9 Symplocoipollenites Symplocaceae* -0.4 25.5 318.5 2 822.9 Graminidites Gramineae -4.9 25.5 303.9 2 447.1 Artemisiaepollenites Artemisia -4.9 25.5 303.9 1 869.9 Tubulifloridites Compositae -4.9 24.7 303.9 1 869.9 Chenopodipollis Chenopodiaceae -5.2 26.5 303.9 1 869.9 Labitricolpites Labiatae -4.9 24.7 16.4 1 942.5 Stephanocolpites Labiatae -4.9 24.7 16.4 1 942.5 Cruciferaeipites Cruciferae* -5.2 24.7 16.4 2 129.5 Persicarioipollis Polygonaceae -4.9 24.7 16.4 1 785.2 Cyperaceaepollis Cyperaceae -4.9 25.5 303.9 1 254.7 Haloragacidites Myriophyllum -5 25.5 303.9 1 254.7 Monocolpopollenites Palmae* 8.5 25.5 474.6 2 822.7 Tricolpites Hamamelidaceae 8.5 25.5 531 1 293.7 注:#据史冀忠等(2008);*据姚轶锋(2006);其他据徐景先(2002). 表 3 抚顺盆地、长昌盆地以及珲春始新世气候参数对比
Table 3. Comparison of climatic amplitudes among Fushun basin, Changchang basin and Hunchun in Eocene
抚顺盆地 长昌盆地
(寇香玉,2005)气候参数 气候期Ⅴ:MAT:8.5~19.8 ℃;MAP:613.8~1 113.3 mm MAT:
14.2~19.4 ℃;
MAP:797.5~1 113.3 mmMAT:
14.2~14.9 ℃;
MAP:797.5~1 344 mm气候期Ⅳ:MAT:5.7~19.8 ℃;MAP:459.5~1 113.3 mm 气候期Ⅲ:MAT:14.2~20.9 ℃;MAP:570.3~1 254.7 mm 气候期Ⅱ:MAT:8.5~22.6 ℃;MPT:797.5~1 293.7 mm 气候期Ⅰ:MAT:14.3~19.8 ℃;MAP:797.5~1 293.7 mm -
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