Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Petrogenesis of Two Types of Remelting Granite in Jining Area
摘要: 学术界对集宁-凉城地区的古元古代重熔型花岗岩成因一直持有不同的解释,本文对集宁土贵乌拉-隆盛庄一带两类重熔花岗岩进行了同位素年代学及地球化学研究.锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学结果显示,斑状石榴紫苏二长花岗质片麻岩具有1 954 Ma的侵位年龄及1 827 Ma的变质年龄,变质淡色石榴二长花岗岩具有1 956 Ma的侵位年龄.岩石地球化学特征显示斑状石榴紫苏二长花岗质片麻岩低硅、高镁铁,具有Eu负异常及Sr的相对亏损;变质淡色石榴二长花岗岩富硅、贫铁镁,强烈亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,富集K和Rb、Ba等亲石元素.二者形成时代相同,可能源自幔源岩浆底侵造成的重熔,斑状石榴紫苏二长花岗质片麻岩源岩为孔兹岩系沉积岩,混合了一定比例的幔源物质组分并经过分离结晶过程;变质淡色石榴二长花岗岩源岩主要为孔兹岩系沉积岩,较少受到幔源组分的影响.Abstract: The petrogenesis of Paleoproterozoic remelting granite in Jining-Liangcheng area has been interpreted differently in academia. Geochronologic and geochemical studies of two types of remelting granite are presented in this paper. Zircon LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic dating reveals that the porphyritic charnockites emplaced at 1 954 Ma and were metamorphosed at 1 827 Ma, and the meta-leucogranites emplaced at 1 956 Ma. The porphyritic charnockites are characterized by low Si contents, high Fe and Mg contents, with negative Eu anomalies and relative depletion of Sr. The meta-leucogranites have high content of Si and low contents of Fe and Mg, strong depletion in high filed-strength elements (HFSE, such as Nb, Ta and Ti) and enrichment in large iron lithophile elements (LILE, such as K, Rb and Ba). Both two types of granite were generated in the same period, from the remelting associated with mantle-source magma underplating. The source magma of the porphyritic charnockites was mixed with certain amount of mantle contribution during remelting of meta-sediments of khondalite series, before fractional crystallization. And the source magma of the meta-leucogranites was generated mainly from remelting of meta-sediments of khondalite series, with limited influence of mantle contribution.
Key words:
- remelting granite /
- Paleoproterozoic /
- zircon U-Pb chronology /
- geochemistry
图 1 研究区地质简图
a.大地构造简图,修改自Zhao et al.(2012);b.区域地质简图,修改自Guo et al.(2012);c.研究区地质简图
Fig. 1. Regional geological sketch map of study area
图 8 CaO/Na2O-Al2O3/TiO2图解(a)及Rb/Ba-Rb/Sr判别图解(b)(据Sylvester,1998)
Fig. 8. CaO/Na2O-Al2O3/TiO2 diagram (a) and Rb/Ba-Rb/Sr diagram (b) (after Sylvester, 1998)
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