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    刘晓峰 沈传波 王家豪

    刘晓峰, 沈传波, 王家豪, 2021. 中扬子地块宜昌斜坡白垩系陆内挤压盆地的断-坳结构. 地球科学, 46(5): 1677-1691. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.115
    引用本文: 刘晓峰, 沈传波, 王家豪, 2021. 中扬子地块宜昌斜坡白垩系陆内挤压盆地的断-坳结构. 地球科学, 46(5): 1677-1691. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.115
    Liu Xiaofeng, Shen Chuanbo, Wang Jiahao, 2021. Rift-Sag Structure of Cretaceous Intracontinental Compressional Basin in Yichang Slope of Middle Yangtze Block. Earth Science, 46(5): 1677-1691. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.115
    Citation: Liu Xiaofeng, Shen Chuanbo, Wang Jiahao, 2021. Rift-Sag Structure of Cretaceous Intracontinental Compressional Basin in Yichang Slope of Middle Yangtze Block. Earth Science, 46(5): 1677-1691. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.115


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.115

    国家自然科学基金项目 41972152

    中国地质大学(武汉)中央高校教改基金项目(本科教学工程) 2019G39


      刘晓峰(1970-),男,教授,主要从事沉积盆地分析的教学和科研工作.ORCID:0000-0003-4690-194X. E-mail: xfliu@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P542

    Rift-Sag Structure of Cretaceous Intracontinental Compressional Basin in Yichang Slope of Middle Yangtze Block

    • 摘要: 宜昌斜坡残留的白垩系盆地是认识中扬子地块白垩纪构造演化的一个窗口.基于对白垩系露头的构造-沉积特征的观察,并结合二维地震剖面的构造-地层解释,厘定了宜昌斜坡白垩系盆地的构造属性和沉积充填特征,构建了白垩系陆内挤压盆地的挤压断-坳结构.宜昌斜坡白垩系盆地是由天阳坪逆冲断裂带控制的陆内挤压盆地.下白垩统盆地为同造山期的挤压断陷,充填有扇三角洲-湖泊沉积体系;上白垩统盆地为后造山期的挤压坳陷,充填了冲积扇-辫状河-风成-浅水含膏湖泊沉积体系.宜昌斜坡和湘鄂西弧形带的上白垩统盆地属于陆内挤压盆地的挤压坳陷,揭示中扬子地块由挤压向伸展构造体制转换的起始时间是新生代.


    • 图  1  宜昌斜坡区域地质简图和白垩系露头位置

      据中华人民共和国地质图 1∶200 000宜昌幅和长阳幅简化; Ftyp. 天阳坪逆冲断裂带;Fxns. 仙女山断裂带;Fwdh. 雾渡河断裂带;Ftl. 郯庐断裂带

      Fig.  1.  Regional geological map of the Yichang slope and locations of Cretaceous outcrops

      图  2  露头点OC1下白垩统石门组扇三角洲平原岩相类型


      Fig.  2.  Lithofacies types of fan delta plain of the Lower Cretaceous Shimen Formation at the outcrop OC1

      图  3  露头点OC2下白垩统五龙组扇三角洲平原岩相类型


      Fig.  3.  Lithofacies types of fan delta plain of the Lower Cretaceous Wulong Formation at the outcrop OC2

      图  4  露头点OC3天阳坪逆冲断裂带地层结构特征


      Fig.  4.  Stratigraphic structure of Tianyangping thrust fault zone at the outcrop OC3

      图  5  露头点OC4红花套组风成砂岩的高角度前积交错层理


      Fig.  5.  High-angle foreset cross-bedding of eolian sandstones of the Honghuatao Formation at the outcrop OC4

      图  6  露头点OC4红花套组风成砂岩薄片照片和粒度曲线特征


      Fig.  6.  Thin-section photographs and probability cumulative grain-size curves of eolian sandstone of the Honghuatao Formation at the outcrop OC4

      图  7  露头点OC5上白垩统与下志留统角度不整合

      Fig.  7.  Angular unconformity between the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Silurian at the outcrop OC5

      图  8  露头点OC6A下白垩统五龙组扇三角洲前缘‒前扇三角洲


      Fig.  8.  Fan delta front and pro-fan delta of the Lower Cretaceous Wulong Formation at the outcrop OC6A

      图  9  露头点OC6B下白垩统五龙组扇三角洲前缘


      Fig.  9.  Fan delta front of the Lower Cretaceous Wulong Formation at the outcrop OC6B

      图  10  伸展盆地与挤压盆地的断‒坳结构

      Fig.  10.  Compressional rift-sag structure of extensional and compressional basins

      图  11  宜昌斜坡二维地震剖面A构造‒地层格架解释

      剖面位置见图 1

      Fig.  11.  2D seismic interpretation of tectonic-stratigraphic framework on the Yichang slope

      图  12  宜昌斜坡白垩系盆地挤压断‒坳结构与沉积充填模式


      Fig.  12.  Model of compressional rift-sag structure and sedimentary filling in the Cretaceous basin

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