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    张向涛 刘培 王文勇 杜家元 陈维涛

    张向涛, 刘培, 王文勇, 杜家元, 陈维涛, 2021. 珠一坳陷古近系文昌期构造转变对油气成藏的控制作用. 地球科学, 46(5): 1797-1813. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.106
    引用本文: 张向涛, 刘培, 王文勇, 杜家元, 陈维涛, 2021. 珠一坳陷古近系文昌期构造转变对油气成藏的控制作用. 地球科学, 46(5): 1797-1813. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.106
    Zhang Xiangtao, Liu Pei, Wang Wenyong, Du Jiayuan, Chen Weitao, 2021. Controlling Effect of Tectonic Transformation in Paleogene Wenchang Formation on Oil and Gas Accumulation in Zhu Ⅰ Depression. Earth Science, 46(5): 1797-1813. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.106
    Citation: Zhang Xiangtao, Liu Pei, Wang Wenyong, Du Jiayuan, Chen Weitao, 2021. Controlling Effect of Tectonic Transformation in Paleogene Wenchang Formation on Oil and Gas Accumulation in Zhu Ⅰ Depression. Earth Science, 46(5): 1797-1813. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.106


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.106

    “十三五”国家重大专项 2016ZX05024-004


      张向涛(1969-),男,教授级高工,主要从事珠江口盆地(东部)油气勘探与地质研究工作. ORCID: 0000-0003-4406-6004.E-mail: zhangxt1@cnooc.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Controlling Effect of Tectonic Transformation in Paleogene Wenchang Formation on Oil and Gas Accumulation in Zhu Ⅰ Depression

    • 摘要: 珠一坳陷在中始新世文昌裂陷期幕内存在显著构造转变,该构造事件对烃源岩发育、储层形成及油气运聚等成藏的基础条件有重要影响.基于三维地震、钻井、测井、录井等资料研究表明,在构造转变制约下,早、晚文昌期生烃中心及物源体系出现明显迁移,使得高丰度暗色泥岩和大型块状砂岩在纵、横向上错层叠置发育;二者在时空上多期次叠加、耦合,控制了下构造层优势汇聚和上构造层油气再分配;二级构造带上丰富的圈闭类型为油气成群成带分布提供良好的存储场所.构造转变导致生储运聚等成藏条件发生变化,在珠一坳陷形成烃源迁移型、物源迁移型和断裂转换型3类控藏模式.


    • 图  1  珠一坳陷区域地质概况


      Fig.  1.  Regional geological outline of Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  2  珠一坳陷文昌组下段剥蚀及文昌期构造转变


      Fig.  2.  Denudation of the lower part of Wenchang Formation and structural transformation in Wenchang Formation, Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  3  珠一坳陷早、晚文昌期构造转变典型地质现象

      a.惠州26洼‒西江24洼裂陷南北转变, 代表裂陷南北转变及地层剥蚀现象;b.番禺4北次洼‒番禺4南次洼裂陷沿断裂走向迁移, 裂陷沿断层走向迁移及地层剥蚀现象;c.西江33洼缓坡带地层剥蚀现象, 代表构造转变期地层剥蚀现象;d.陆丰13洼南部缓坡带岩浆底辟现象, 代表构造转变期岩浆低侵和地层剥蚀现象;地震测线位置见图 1

      Fig.  3.  Typical geological phenomena of structural transformation during early and late Wenchang Formation in Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  4  珠一坳陷文昌组上、下段烃源岩迁移模式

      朱红涛等(2016)修改. a. 惠州凹陷: 跨断层南北转换模式;b.西江凹陷: 沿断层走向异迁移模式;c.恩平凹陷: 沿断层倾向自迁移模式

      Fig.  4.  Migration model of source rocks in upper and lower parts of Wenchang Formation, Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  5  珠一坳陷文昌组上、下段优质烃源岩构造背景及地化特征

      a.优质烃源岩发育的构造背景; b.不同地区优质烃源岩TOC含量

      Fig.  5.  Structural and geochemical characteristics of high-quality source rocks in upper and lower parts of Wenchang Formation, Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  6  珠一坳陷文昌组上段(a)、下段(b)优质烃源岩与富生烃洼陷分布

      Fig.  6.  Distribution of high-quality source rocks and hydrocarbon-rich sags in upper (a) and lower parts (b) of Wenchang Formation, Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  7  珠一坳陷文昌组上段(a)、下段(b)沉积体系变化特征(陆丰地区)

      Fig.  7.  Sedimentary characteristics of upper (a) and lower (b) parts of Wenchang Formation, Lufeng area, Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  8  珠一坳陷文昌组典型连井剖面图(陆丰地区)

      Fig.  8.  Well correlation section of Wenchang Formation of Lufeng area, Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  9  珠一坳陷文昌组烃源岩产状类型及油气分布

      Fig.  9.  Types of source rocks and hydrocarbon distribution of Wenchang Formation in Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  10  珠一坳陷古近系二级构造带划分

      Fig.  10.  Division of Paleogene secondary structural zones in Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  11  珠一坳陷恩平地区烃源岩迁移型成藏模式


      Fig.  11.  Source rock migrated accumulation model of Enping area in Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  12  珠一坳陷陆丰地区物源迁移型成藏模式

      Fig.  12.  Provenance migrated accumulation model of Lufeng area in Zhu Ⅰ depression

      图  13  珠一坳陷惠州地区断裂转换型成藏模式

      Fig.  13.  Fault converted accumulation model of Huizhou area in Zhu Ⅰ depression

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